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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. This is exactly it. Multiple character with the skill can lay one trap each. Are you sure? So if I have Mechanics (and how high Mechanics are we talking about here?) , I can put 1 trap PER Character?
  2. Agreed. I prefer a simple foundation for RTwP combat systems (SWKotOR, NwN) but I can enjoy the more complex ones and grow fond of them as well.
  3. They're good, but still this needs fixin'.
  4. It's more important to remove Firedorn Memorial than balance spells, classes and fix game-breaking bugs. Terrible message you're sending to your backers Obsidian.
  5. Nwn was frickin awesome. (The first game I mean, second was mediocre)
  6. The combat in PoE is very tactical and not easy. So I don't want to be limited to 1 trap. I have dozens in my inventory.
  7. Ahahaahahahahha. In modern times Im afraid the opposite is more true.
  8. Sui Generis is not a good engine for Pillars of Eternity.
  9. While I agree PoE carries with it the nostalgia and charm of IE games, the old IE games never had an over-engineered combat system like this. Combat is more similar to Temple of Elemental Evil (unforgiving, hard-core) than Baldurs Gate or Icewind Dale
  10. 1) Should have never been asked in the first place. Exactly. This way, its perceived the same as if Obsidian themselves removed it.... which sets a compromising precedent.
  11. I agree with you, Obsidian are wimps for doing this (asking Firedorn to change it) and I will never look at them the same way again... Plus blatant PR spins by Feargus (which I worshipped as a Deity during my youth) insult my intelligence as a consumer. But the new joke is even better lol (it makes fun of the twitter crowd) and there is even a mod on nexus which brings the old text back BTW Do you think InXile's Brian Fargo would do the same as Obsidian ? :D
  12. Do you mean the Radial menu? I have no idea why we don't have that in PoE....I always thought PoE would have it That worked fantastically in ToEE and NwN (two brilliants RPGs and some of my favorites) EDIT: But I definitely see ToEE influence in combat i.e. over-engineered, unforgiving, hard-core combat mechanics. Which is fine.
  13. We want Arcanum successor (go Kickstarter !)
  14. There is a lot of balancing to be done. In about 1 year I think it will be better. As it is now: - barbarians are glass cannons. I know their high AoE DPS is intended, but no way they should drop as fast as my mage. - Ciphers have some really OP abilities (more than some other classes anyway) and they refresh - 6 Chanters can faceroll hard mode with expert and ToI. After every chant sequence your party multiplies. You start with skeletons, then phantoms (which hit like a truck and are hard to hit), and eventually drakes. So basically you have a multiplying Borg army - Moon Godlike's are the best godlikes by far, Nature probably being the worst. Try 6 Moon Barbarians and go AFK during a fight - haven't played other classes so I don't know about them The way it is now, there is many gimmicks in PoE which really makes me think I'm playing a MMO..... you have a tank, a dps, a healer, etc etc. Exactly the opposite was promised on Kickstarter - no standard RPG/MMO trinity , and also to be able to make a party free of restrictions. EDIT: On the other hand however, I love that Intelligence is now possible for Barbarians (increases AoE/Duration), while Might makes sense on Wizards (more spell damage ) This was promised and is fulfilled , so it's good... but there is still much, much work to be done... (Exactly why I don't understand WHY they're indulging people on twitter about meaningless stuff instead of working on balancing which is so obviously needed )
  15. Sometimes I can set 2 traps before the first one disappears, but I have no idea how. So most of the time its one trap. I don't like that. I want to be able to use all my traps in one encounter If I'd wanted. Whadaya all think?
  16. Good Kickstarter material, would you say?
  17. Some are, some aren't. Nice generalization. 1/10
  18. Exactly. Its a lot more productive to work in a social environment for long periods of time with other professionals.
  19. America should be smart and avoid any nuclear conflict with Russia. America may need hundreds of nuclear warheads to devastate Russian territory, if not more, Russia holding one 6th of world's land surface. Russians on the other hand, need just two warheads. One for Yellowstone and one for San Andreas. Nature and geology will take care of what's left of America.
  20. There's so much of that bro. What you want to discuss? Tell me, what has given to rise of radical Islam? They weren't always like this.
  21. Heard Inquisition was trash aimed at consoles. That's too bad.
  22. This looks and feels like the spiritual successor to Neverwinter nights perhaps? I heard it features DM functionality for multiplayer?
  23. SWKotOR I-II we're ****ing brilliant RPG games. They don't make 'em no more like that... I love Pillars of Eternity, I really do, but combat mechanics have been over-engineered. KotOR is beautiful for it's simplicity of mechanics, among other things. More to mention are Neverwinter Nights and Arcanum. Beautiful, smooth, simple yet effective combat. I enjoy PoE and have learned to love this system, but it clearly could have been simpler and more efficient. Don't get me wrong, both PoE and it's combat system are far from bad in any way, it's just closer to Temple of Elemental Evil's unforgiving, hard-core mechanics than these other games. I would've just settled on a simpler foundation, more akin to BG and Neverwinter Nights.
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