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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. The combat system isn't terrible. I think that's overreacting a little, but it was my first reaction too. It's just perhaps over-engineered (thanks Josh :/). It will take some time to get used to it, but I've learned to enjoy it. Now I'm only having trouble with memorizing what each condition does, seeing how there is so many of them, and each boasts 4-5 combat effects (thanks Josh). So the combat system could have been simpler, but its still fun, and it certainly isn't terrible.
  2. you are gonna be fine for most fights but any casters that target fortitude or reflexes is gonna hit you relatively hard, deflection is great early game but hwen you start encounteringa wider range of opponents you need resistnaces to everything, i would go moon godlike and put 14 points in con and 12 might, maybe dump dexterity and pump con. These just go so well with moon godlike, you essentially double your hp because you get 3 heals that heal you back to full HP (well the 25% one almost does Hmmm ok, that's tricky. Btw I will play on normal So you think Wild Orlan is good for pure Deflection, But Moon godlike better overall (and to support the rest of frontline) ?
  3. lol ok EDIT: I mean I know its modified by Might. Here from wiki : Modified by Might healing, eg 19 might = 27% = 12.7 at level 1 and 54.6 at level 12. But I just don't know if it modifies the amount everyone around him will get ?
  4. Does it increase the amount of Endurance he receives ? Or the amount everyone around will receive ? (Or their own Might is rolled? ) Hope im making sense. cheers
  5. I laughed when I saw it too, but they removed it from the game (in the new patch) because some transvestite whined about it on twitter. HAve no idea how you missed all that fuss EDIT: you were probably smart and played the game instead of fighting over that on the boards xD
  6. Steampunk is awesome. Arcanum is one of my favorite games (such a lovely setting!)
  7. Im not gonna do any fighting, just tank. What you think about 20 Resolve 20 Perception 10 Might 10 Dex 10 Con (seeing how 3% per lvl is not so important for tanks, the base class having more impact on Health) 8 Int And for Race I was thinking 3 options 1) Wild Orlan - Allows 20 per and 20 res 2) Moon Godlike - pulses that heal Endurance seem VERY nice (but the healed amount depends on Might, mine would be low) 3) Fire Godlike - Sweet damage reduction What you think? Thanks
  8. So you mean I should go for it? Ok. I don't think 4k exp is a big difference I need 1 more fighter. Im gonna go with 20 res 20 per wild orlan
  9. One level doesn't mean that much imo. Custom companions make up for it with good stats, good ability selection, and better synergy. If you are a completionist, you will hit the level cap at the beginning of chapter 3, anyway... nice thanks
  10. Ok I just checked . The difference Is 4k . Is that a lot ? Is it worth it? I really need another fighter to tank EDIT: Figured that towards the end they can even become the same level?
  11. Its one of the wittiest joke in the game, and they removed it to indulge a hysterical LGTB internet warrior. Meanwhile 77.000 backers can suck it
  12. Good advice but Im lvl 5 now (flat level 5, just leveld up) Should I get an adventurer lvl 4? How big difference is that ?
  13. That's what tooltips are for. Also, it's not like Baldur's Gate was any less complicated. Combat was a lot simpler in BG
  14. So they are forcing us to use story companions ? But I want another fighter
  15. Because a minority has bigger rights than a majority in democracy..... 1) be a minority 2) ask 3) ask again 4) wait 5) receive
  16. Josh Sawyer is full of bollocks.... FYI the person who started this whole memorial ruse about "transphobic comments" THANKED HIM PERSONALLY ON TWITTER FOR REMOVING IT FROM GAME. Now why is that ??? And feargus don't lie to us how "it escaped voting initially" ... We love your games, but don't insult us
  17. I feel they've let Josh Sawyer over-think the mechanics, so he made them unnecessarily complicated. Like having 20 conditions, each boasting 4-6 separate effects. You cant even remember what they all do jesus.
  18. this whole ruse about the memorial is a good example how this rotten system we call democracy works 1) be a minority 2) ask 3) ask again 4) wait 5) receive 6) ktnxbye 7) brag about it on twitter 8 ) let Obsidian take all the heat from backers and grab some popcorn ....... while the majority (actual backers who's money made the game possible) can go suck a tail pipe.
  19. Mansen is not the only one having these bugs. Maybe you need to chill and consider yourself lucky. I needed to edit my saves twice to bypass some of these sh1t
  20. People in English native land don't have hardships so they occupt themselves by making them up. Well, we have those non-problems in europe too . Just wasn't sure why transgender people would be offended, doesn't seem like a hate speech or ahate-joke (if thats the correct word) actually most transgender folks were not offended but on vocal one was and obsidian caved ye its pathetic. Now they're even lying how "that escaped voting initially". Yeah right ! Feargus Ive grown up on your games and adore them, but don't insult my intelligence!
  21. This is exactly why I don't identify myself as a gamer. That's pathetic. You have a responsibility as a developer And if you got your game through KICKSTARTER (i.e. other people's money) they you have even MORE responsibility to NOT LISTEN to some random whiner who didn't even back the game
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