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Blades of Vanatar

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Everything posted by Blades of Vanatar

  1. Well yah.... but I guess deep down I'm fishing for various build ideas for Crossbow/Arbalest only. I've done Persistence, it's awesome. As are a lot of the bows. Dev's must of had some elf blood since there are so many good bows in this game...
  2. So it is safe to say that the speed enchantment on Holdwall makes it equivilant to the speed of a Crossbow? I see the speed enchantment speeds up the recovery time while the standard difference between the two weapons at a vanilla level is the reload time. 2 enchantments for a little better base damage.... I will need to research all of the various magic versions of each weapon type. I am thinking of improving the damage output of my pet so any enchantment that increases ACC for allies on the weapon will be my winning choice for my weapon. Or one that also does Cc to the enemy.
  3. A Chanter built for Dialogue would be my choice. With a starting bump in Mechanics and no super need for Dex and Per the Chanter can easily be party mouthpiece, scout, trap springer and Tank with hatchet/shield setup. All the while Deagon Slashing. I'd say he is perfect for the task. I have used this exact build it is definitely a winner. There are lots of items that boost skills plus rest bonuses that the Chanter can easily excel at all Party leader needs.
  4. Thanks guys. When the Math guy and the Build guy chime in on a question, you know you got your answer.
  5. Starting a Wood Elf crossbow-ish Ranger. I plan on going right for the speed enchanted cbow in Gilded Vale. Does the cross class Frenzy option increase your AT speed or reload time? Do any other options/items help increase Your AT speed?
  6. Try the Rogue build of Boeroer's that uses scrolls. It is pretty effective.
  7. Yes, take WF Peasant for Unarmed/Quaterstaff ACC bonus. I wouldn't respec. There are so many items, consumables, talent and rest bonuses to be had in the game that a solid and balanced stat spread like you have chosen will work just fine. The thing to keep in mind is that your character can branch off into a gazillion different directions depending on your preferred playstyle. This game certainly doesn't lack for options. It's what I love most about it. Now... stop asking so many questions and go kick some Raedric Arse!
  8. Llawran's Stick is a solid Staff choice with a Speed Enchantment. You can change stats at respec for your MC, but not for the companions. Per, Int and Res are all good for conversation. Don't try to build for all conversation paths, it's futile. Stick with what you have. There are up to +4 items for each stat plus other ways to increase your stats here and there so I wouldn't fret over it too much.
  9. Feats and abilities match up best with equipment types and your choices of enchanting said equipment. You have options. Early levels I like to go for a lighter armours. Eder's scale mail is nice. I use my fist in the early/mid game. Later levels you will find excellent enchanted weapons that just outshine your fists. A solid build is Scion of Flame, Turning Wheel, Swift Strikes, Two Weapon Fighting, Lightning Strikes, Savage Attack, Weapon Focus Knight (for swords and axes dual wield... lots of great axes in the later game. Great early sword in the Beginning of the stronghold)..... and go from there. Or WF Ruffian for Sabres. They are the popular choice due to some uniques that great in the late game.
  10. Fighter seems the easiest to play. Paladin are more tank/one hit wonders. Rangers are excellent. Solo or party?
  11. How so? Is there an immunity to poison? Mountain Dwarf receives bounds to resist poison...
  12. Living Lands is full of fledging Aumaua, Dwarven and Orlan nations....
  13. Melee Ciphers can deal some pretty good DPS, especially with Estocs. BotEP for the win....
  14. I guess it could take me two years to finish a Relams of Arkania trilogy run.
  15. Man.... I never realized that questline opened up for all in act III. I always thought you needed to side with the Dozens to get the spear.
  16. Yep. That they are adding MCing is making me salivate. Near limitless builds = awesomeness! They better not narrow the gameplay to require certain build types to be effective. I don't think they will.... just saying..... but if they do may the gods help them ward from the wrath of the gamers!
  17. How dare you refer to Minsc as a sissy boy. He is the ultimate butt-kicker!
  18. Bah! 6 Chanters should be nuttin' but Bunch of Choir boyz! Instead Pillars turn them into needing S capes!
  19. PSTEE. Done. Getting really anxious for this release. As the title sayeth..... what's everyone's best guess on a release? Need something new. Possibly a RoA trilogy grind until release of Deadfire.
  20. Rogue/Cipher sounds incredibly interesting for PoE2 if those large Cipher damage % bonuses cross class.
  21. Derp! You're right, my bad. Mixing up my bows. Cloudpiercer is meh though. Borresaine rocks. Never tried this.... if you kill Irgun what does he drop?
  22. You don't have to ally with the dozens to purchase Borresaine. Just do Osric's quest and the store becomes available. I think Borresaine is the by far the best early game now do to its special ability.
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