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Blades of Vanatar

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Everything posted by Blades of Vanatar

  1. I use ZE as my Pally choice more often than not. My party builds tend to not have tanks. I usually build all low base deflection classes to be more durable as to not give the enemy AI an obvious target in every battle since they patched the game. I like light to med armor for the better speed so the DR helps.
  2. Don't forget that it will also effect aggro determinations. PotD encounters like The Torn Bannermen will bypass your shieldwall to reach the unprotected, juicy spell casters. A range Pally in that back line with ZE helps both keeping the squishies healthy and more importantly possibly deterring the AI from bypassing the frontline altogether.
  3. Yes. 16 Mig, Dex, Per. You can min/max other stats depending on your desires. Hearth Orlan dual Wield anything works as does Hours of St Rumbalt dump Int max Mig build.
  4. I finally recd the +2 mechanics/+1 dex gauntlets for the very first time in the chest in Lord Raedric's bedroom.
  5. I will probably be playing on Normal although I have tried bouncing back and forth between that and Hard just to see the difference between the two levels and further test my party setup. In all honesty I will probably run it on Normal, in part becuase its my first run and mostly because of my job and kids Im lucky if I get a ferw hours every other night to game. So with limited time id rather play knowing I wont be stuck on one area/mob/boss fight for hours on end. I have been noticing this exact issue where both my tanks PC Paladin and Eder are ignored in favour of my ranger and esspecially my rogue. Once I engage him with his dual wields with the sneak attack and reckless assult bonuses he seems to be a priority target. I had assumed that perhaps it was his high damnage making him the main target but from reading above perhaps its more that his defence is so low. After googling Tidfall I was surprised to see it was a 2H. I guess my main instinct with Rogue was to go a very traditional dual wield build. I never gave much considaration to him having that class of weapon. Ill need to look into it and possibly respec / restart as that could be a very interesting build. I was giving some more thought to the Ranger and I was wonder if you guys thought it might be more benficial to have a second rogue fill this roll instead as a dedicated range DPS character. My thining was that both would benefit from the sneak attack procs caused by each others abilities? Once again thank you both for the responses. Its given me a bit to think about. I can se me restarting this game for a 3rd time now lol. At this rate ill be lucky to finish Act 2 let alone the game! On adding a second Rogue.... You will lose your pet meatshield which can hurt as with a little micro management he can delay the enemy enough for you to debuff/cc. But the enemy can't aggro everyone so it might give one of your Rogues a chance to deal some nice damage/cc. Any ranged weapon that stuns/prones or delivers some type of cc can be excellent in the hands of a high dex Rogue in a party setup. If you go with the second Rogue make sure to use figurines as blockers as well to buy time. Tidefall is awesome on any character. Crazy deadly when wielded by a Rogue. Just make sure you can actually get a few swings in before he is surrounded.
  6. Ah.... you need Benevolent 3 or Cruel 3 for her to switch. I usually have neither.
  7. If this is party based they enemy will ignore/bypass to your squishies. If this is a solo build how will you deal with high DR opponents? Disc Barrage and Confident Aim are not going to add a lot to your offensive abilities. Have you tested this at all?
  8. You didn't say Orlan, and it could have been Aumaua. Well.... tiny kind of implied the small races... but an Aumaua in tutu would take the cake.
  9. I tried a skirmisher Ranger crossbow/arbslest build recently. My npcs outshined my main all day long. I found it lackluster despite my best efforts and large well of patience.
  10. Depends on your equipment, talent/ability choices, other party members, etc... Paladins with marking weapons, Coordinated Attacks and Zealous Focus can really enhance the ACC of your frontline Wizard. A Priest can greatly enhance your ACC as well. Starting stats get quickly surpassed by other bonuses as the game goes on. Plus weapons that apply CC can lower your enemies Defenseswhich is equivalent to ACC buffs for your PC.
  11. If your not playing PotD then you can be more flexible with your stats. I would try this approach.... Boreal Dwarf Fighter Wizard from the Living Lands. Mig 15 Con 16 Dex 12 Per 10 Int 15 Res 10 You now have some staying power hia Health/Stamina and can easily buff your own ACC with Eldritch Aim at lvl 1 and you can buff deflection with Wizards Double covering your weaker stats. From their you just build your character along the lines of the equipment that you find and like. Touch and cone spells, Whispers of the Yenwood and Small Shield in the early game for durability. Possibly using Combusting Wounds with dual wield fast weapons in the mid game.
  12. I was hoping for either some 2nd edition Darksun MCing or 3rd edition standard D&D MCing but no biggie. Any MCing is better than none.
  13. I'm pretty hairy. So I use my own portrait for a Wild Orlan pcs. It works.
  14. Boars.... go W&S with Aloth, cast a protection spell increasing deflection, drink potion of spirit shield or put up Arcane Veil, enter frontline, cast cone shaped fire spell twice. Bye bye boars. Works in lots of tough early game encounters.
  15. He can tank. Hatchet, Large Shield, W&S style, Plate Armor and potions of Infuse Vital Essence. Blunting Belt, Rings of Deflection and Protection. Lots of options....Would suck for solo though...
  16. I would prefer shooting rays of fire from my eyes and bolts of lightning from my arse.
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