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Everything posted by Blank

  1. i guess it comes down to trusting or not trusting US intelligence people (who's actions are regulated by strict laws) who will listen in or track you. But if you are innocent, and they have evidence that you conspired to something, i am guessing that you probably conspired to something or you sounded a lot like you did, especially since the jury (hopefully reasoning and logical people) will be sitting in on a case. If they searched my home for no reason i think that'd be just fine. i'd leave cookies for them or something. seriously though, i doubt they would take the effort to bother with me or other innocents like that unless they have a probable case against us and want more evidence. even then an innocent would comply and allow them to investigate the house anyway, i mean, why not? would it take more than a few days to inspect somebody's house? i think not. Sveet, an RFID chip implanted in my driver's license. now if i ever get lost in the wilderness you guys will be able to find me. what a great christmas present
  2. What an attitude to have. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> he said it like it was some deep dark secret that was soooo bad and everybody should hate the US cabinet right now just because of that. i was just putting in my opinion that nobody who is innocent should care.
  3. but this thing in Iraq should've been resolved a decade ago with Bush's dadda in office. they kind of left the power vacuum and we saw what happened. EDIT: i looked at Wikipedia to get some general backround about this, and i know its not the most accurate site, but here is a quote anyway- "In a foreign policy move that would later be questioned, President Bush achieved his stated objectives of liberating Kuwait and forcing Iraqi withdrawal, then ordered a cessation of combat operations
  4. Umm... Scandinavian countries have conscription system, because of amount of people living in each country. Finland has 5 million people and to keep a believable army force conscription is needed. And since every one in scandinavian countries has a choice to take civil service instead of army service when that time comes, you can say that they are as good volunteers as those who serve in US troops. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you can say the guys who chose the civil service instead of army service are as good as US volunteer troops... but i am guessing more of the people over there choose army service? especially since it would make you look victimized and your families who hate war wouldn't judge you as much then. (in the last two sentences i am generalising very badly, please have an easy time refuting me about them, its my gift to you i just wanted to have the idea out there)
  5. i think the interests of the US in making Iraq have a democratic government was to ensure the US's safety, since Bush believes that a democratic nation won't go into war unprovoked. i think that it's good to fill the power vacuum. are you just taking note that this is what happened? or are you critiscizing it? you obviously are grounded in your opinion that the US had extreme ulterior motives in making Iraq a democracy. the things you are saying sound more like conspiracy theories than actual reasons. Why would it be bad that Iraq would do buisness with the US if they appreciate what the US did for them? Would the US really be worried that the fundamentalist clerics come to power by the system and then kick out the US? why would they be worried about that? it isn't as though the US is depending on Iraq like it is some power socket that unconnected would stop the US's functions. You are making it sound like the US is severely dependent upon Iraq liking them afterward, and i am here to say that they aren't. I agree with you totally on this one. it very well *could* be one of the beneficial legacies, but i doesn't justify them at all. However, i don't think anybody but you thought that the US was trying to justify themselves by noting this possible benefit. The US's justification for war can only come from the fact that Bush and Friends acted seriously upon intelligence that was presented to them (whether they knew how sketchy it was or not is the real issue, but if they were sincere about it, then please hear me out...). and role-play in their shoes for a second. What if the intelligence was absolutely true, it might not be, but what if even a part of it was ture? dang, if they didn't do anything, then critics would never stop criticizing the decision if something bad happened, like what they do now for the decision that was made. The U.N. Sanctions on Iraq were imposed in 1991, and Iraq repeatedly violated them. repeatedly. and the UN continued trying to reason with words when that obviously wasn't working, so Bush backed up his words by showing that it was unnacceptable. to me, it seems like Saddam with his power-trip and all was in character by not submitting to the UN sanctions. why would he let his people see that others can push him around and tell him what to do? that does seem possible to me too. it'll be very interesting to see a major decline of the US as a superpower though, if i am still alive to see it. Post Script: it always seems like people are unhappy that Saddam is out of power, e.g. some left-wing anti-warrers. i am disturbed by this, because taking note of all that Saddam has done to his people, i think that alone is enough of a reason to try and take him out of power. this also means that i would want to take out many other sick people in ruling positions, but what is bad about taking them out? they would only compound the damage they are creating if they are left there. my opinion doesn't seem valid to very many other people, but i just can't stand blatant injustice. this, among other reasons, is mainly why i don't lead a nation of my own, because nobody would follow these types of ideas.
  6. i think somebody needs a hug
  7. the first post gave me the impression that this was about the DS, but it's topic title is open to both technically. i chose K2 since most DS things involve getting more money for yourself. it'd be fun to get more lightsaber crystals or other rare items by doing DS stuff, like in the iziz cantina with the sith lady and the crystal Visas seems to know all about.
  8. is that how you say "i don't believe that you want to help me" ? because all you said was that i somehow stereotyped you, when i didn't do that at all. seriously. please, can you tell me how i was being a hypocrite so that i can better my personality? i really want to know and i won't flame you for anything you say.
  9. please, i beseech you to read my last post once more and keep in mind that i want to help you be accepted here. i seriously am not on a power-trip, and if you still think i am, then i will officially stop bothering you about this stuff.
  10. No. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> um, yes, unless you ignore the truth. the idea was taken from Jesus' birth of a virgin. but you obviously don't care, so i won't either. on topic: adding to my first post, the midichlorians are the force, and maybe having more personally allows you to control midichlorians. and thats that. end the thread please? i think Surrptishus said it best, "All you can do is speculate wildy about what is essentially a mistake. Personally i think that is a bit pointless." agreed my gorilla acquaintance, agreed.
  11. Hey man, you don't need to prove anything to any of us. if someone calls you an idiot, the best choice is to refrain from commenting on it, otherwise you show how little self-control you have. you also sounded extremely condescending when you said this, "accept your hypocrite ways and please if you are going to make personal attacks make them coherent and not full of holes." that was not wise to say considering that you are still new here and already have a bad rep IMO (and i think acronyms like that are okay to post, since i learned it from here and i am sure most people have used it too). and i don't want to get into this pissing match, but when you said that his personal attacks weren't coherent, they were... and you might want to consider the holes of his argument in a different way, like he is just joking for the most part rather than use them as poor flak to launch back. also, friendly advice: don't use so many emoticons, because that can get annoying too, like your first line had two "geek" faces. trust me, one face would have been enough and would've conveyed your idea much better by not being distracting. EDIT: i know that you knew Gabrielle said that exact line when you wrote it. i recommend not using a line from 4 posts previous to yours. and i don't want to sound condescending either, i am sincerely trying to help you. you also present a good opportunity for other new arrivals to see what to do and what not to do, otherwise i would PM you.
  12. i agree that graphics are somewhat important. If the gameplay and story suck then the graphics are what you fall back on, and if it stinks too then the game must be really bad. such was the case for me and my personal game preferences when it came to morrowind: elder scrolls 3. the gameplay- guy in 3rd person looks like a retard when he runs; you can't hit much of anything when you are point blank smacking the "enemy", who is usually a powerful pixelized box vaguely reminiscent to a mouse; the missions are so lame and boring you would rather ditch them and run around the infinite amount of landscape trying unsuccessfully to smack evil little boxes; you can kill anybody and steal anything and pawn it all off for money, which was the game's only redeeming quality for me. the story- simply put: not exciting, i didn't get very far into it, but i could see right through the ploys they had to make me think i was on a fun mission when i was actually just running around back and forth talking to the least colorful virtual representations of humans that have ever existed. like i have said in the few other reviews i have given of this game here, it is an mmorpg without the second m and o, and with a pathetic r and p. so more of a massive game. the graphics- so after i realised this game had nothing for my personal preferences in terms of gameplay and story, i then discovered why the suck-factor was amplified for them both the whole time i was playing: the graphics. they were horribly blocky and ugly. the only thing that looked good was the water. the graphics, in my mind, failed to convey the ideas of the physical world that they tried to represent. Game music- the theme song is good. thats about it. it was good for the 100th time too when it kept playing throughout the game, and it never got old for me, but one song is not enough. as for the in-game noise, it made me want to be deaf. the game overall for me is number one on my most dissappointing games list. sorry i reviewed it again, but it was so bad for me that i keep feeling like i need to tell other people about how bad it was. but this did have to do with what we were talking about, so whatever.
  13. i like how some games reward you for not killing the enemies, e.g. splinter cell 3, your mission score gets lowered for every person you kill, or MGS2 your only silenced gun to start out with is a tranquilizer one and if you just tranq a guy and his buddy finds the body, the guy who was attacked is awoken and doesn't really know what happened, and no alarm goes off or anything.
  14. 1. The opening theme for MGS2 is one of my favourites. and the electric guitar remix they have for it in snake tales for MGS2:Substance compliments it well. 2. I usually turn off teh gaming music because it usually gets annoying to me. it sometimes feels like they are trying to be epic all of the time, but i don't want it to be like that. and the volume also gets really really loud sometimes and that is annoying too 3. although, today, randomly when i was randomly replaying a random part of K2, i came across the Iziz City Cantina music which i found to be extremely entertaining, even though it is less than a minute long and loops forever, but i could listen to that for days before it got old. 4. Final Fantasy games always seem to have good musical scores. 5. and simple things like the astrolander or anaconda themes from the minigames in timesplitters 2 are always enjoyable and fun to listen to while you play them. 6. i just remembered the techno music in red alert 2, that stuff is all classic.
  15. I think this was the idea he was getting at: doing anything in attempt to atone for the atrocity that is K2 would only make it worse. i personally don't hold that opinion, but i simply felt like answering the question.
  16. visas- 55 handmaiden- 54 mira- 53 Visas winning again :D if only by one vote... this poll is surprisingly close
  17. does anyone know if TSL restoration mod will allow you to get your lightsaber back? it would be a lot of work probably for the modders, but you could have the exile with a few options for things to say and then it would show the defeated Atris and she would not say anything, then either she would stab the lightsaber at you (like the exile does when he throws it away to the council) and then it ends the conversation and returns to the player's control, or after showing a silent shot of defeated Atris the screen goes black and fades back to the player control and then you would have the new item icon pop up with your lightsaber.
  18. i think not having the HD DVD for the games is one of the bigger mistakes they made with the 360. it'll be fun to have a 4 disc final fantasy again though EDIT: whoops, sorry, thread derailment. ummm, obsidian entertainment is good good. i appreciate their endeavors in making sequels to games made by other developers, and i note that they have, for the most part, shown themselves worthy to do so.
  19. it's lucky for me too, since the xbox is all i've got for means of a gaming system.
  20. What i understood "midichlorians" to be were energy type particles of no mass that flow through everything and basically allow everything to exist. They have always seemed to have a "personality" or something, like how they "impregnate" Shmi Skywalker (stolen from Jesus' birth of a virgin, anyone? just noting that) I never liked the midichlorian aspect of SW, because i think it conflicts with my beliefs in God. Although, this is not surprising, since a lot of things conflict with my beliefs in God.
  21. I thought the art direction was what the movie was all about. I'm not ripping on the story or anything, but it certainly wasn't as captivating as the amazing computer generated images. Of course, i never played the game so it doesn't mean as much to me as it does to others when it comes to seeing the characters again and having them finish the story. "YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT!?" i know, i know, i haven't played it, but i did play FF9 for the PS and that was one of the best CRPG's i have ever played. so i can guess what FF7 was like. ** looks at own SN... thinks to self, "yes, i quite liked FF9." **
  22. And why is that bad? **thinks of Kreia in dancer's outfit**
  23. "LS Jedi who sacrificed himself to DS to prepare the galaxy" that has to be the dumbest and least supported idea i have heard in the k2 spoilers forum. sadly, it is in second for votes in this thread. its one thing to think of your hero as always having been a good guy, but this is just false. he "fell" to the DS, he didn't say, "oh, i am LS so to be an even better LS i will be DS". what "preparation" for the galaxy are you referring to? when he went to stop the mandalorians, i was under the impression that he hadn't become DS yet. He became DS when he was corrupted by the star forge and its offer of power. okay, i am too into this, i had better go
  24. Are you saying that he Cant say that to me himself?
  25. ... i would laugh, but i think you are being serious...
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