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Everything posted by Blank

  1. how would this be dissappointing?
  2. No, i don't BELIEVE we do! HAHAHA (w00t) /stupidity EDIT: (w00t) level 2 WOOT! /more stupidity
  3. I thought that too when I first joined. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it's just male video-game forum wishful thinking
  4. YOu HAve GOTZT teH cookiES!? WOWZERS this place iS forShizzle HAha i said fFOrshizzle!$% <_<
  5. I think we have a Lead Designer for the new K3 game right here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ive gots this really Sveetish aWeSome rOXorz iDea! So you are running around like this little kid that you are cuz it is a little kid that you ARre and then you seE rRevan and HEsSHe's all like "WHOa! GET OUt of my Way kiD!" and you can sAy lightside oR DS stuff and then you go to the follow the revan and then you see revan is dealing with SHaDy charActers asnd you have to inTerveriEW them! that is all i have gotted for nowzers but if you guys liKEd thatstuff theres A HecK of A LOt more where thaT came frRomM /typical K3 idea post
  6. I voted mission, because as a romance option, you wouldn't have to be a pedifile like in K1 hmm, when i played my lightside version and usually when i play LS i try to be impeccably, almost disturbingly LS. whatever
  7. i don't want any sex scenes, for any reason. it'd just be inappropriate for a dignified cRPG IMO. storywise romance however is still relatively untouched by the game industry, and i think if they invested i bit of time and money in that, then they would have a better audience and a better game.
  8. I think Fionavar is a great judge of content for this forum. please note that i am not sucking up, i have no need to do that.
  9. Uhum, thats the problem : not even real romance is in most games, REAL ones, just try to name 3 and you understand, even if you r capable of naming 3 you'll have to think hard for it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. i won't even try naming 3 real romances in games... but even a half-attempted decent romance adds a lot to a crpg i think, so whatever
  10. via windows update, eh? can i get a link for that?
  11. We are altering the english language to use "he" for a generic comprehensive "it". but since "it" is so impersonal, we've got the "he". didn't you get the memo?
  12. Very good point. People can get a console and be confident that they can have 3-4 years worth of modern/current/new games on it. with a PC it is different, since the new games use the newest technology available, so to an extent there is some constant upgrading. another good point. in my mind there isn't a question about which is superior, the console or the PC. the answer is definitely the PC, since it can do infinitely more (well, maybe not infinitely, but easily a whole lot more). but compare Hades' point to Angs'. i guess it really depends on your preferences... i mean, could you buy a bare minimum PC that does all the multimedia functions, and then get a console to use for gaming? and thereby complete your multimedia needs? sounds good to me... but maybe it doesn't sound good to others... but why are we talking about this in this thread? I still want to see NWN2 for the 360!
  13. I am pretty sure this thread will get pruned... anyway, to throw in my two cents, you don't need sex to have romance. i personally would prefer more romance in the crpg's, or at least better quality, but you don't need sex to do that. the romance adds an extra dynamic to the game, and without it crpg's aren't as enjoyable to me...
  14. It's his birthday tomorrow...
  15. whew! its a good thing i got pummeled to death by the gorilla, i'll take that any day when i have Gabs as the alternative...
  16. I would like to know why you believe that. i am sincerely curious.
  17. **whispers to the gorilla** Blank: Psst! does that mean it's safe to come out? **gorilla gets mauled by a barrage of throwing knives** Blank: NOOOOOO!!!!
  18. well, as defined by the Bible, you do have faith in God...
  19. i'm with Hades on this one. and if somebody can make you run and hide, Hades, they must be pretty scary... **runs and hides** Hades: Get the heck out of my spot! Blank: oh, whoops... HEY HE'S OVER HERE!! **runs and hides from Hades**
  20. :D well, it is something that you have to have faith in, so i was just wondering why you think people who have faith in one thing are wrong whereas you have faith in another thing and you think you are right, when they both don't have evidence.
  21. *avidly raises hand* things that suck: angst
  22. an atheist that believes in something after death? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Reincarnation. We die and are reborn once again. Our souls have things to learn in each life. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where is your evidence?
  23. yes. if Kotor 3 (or NWN2 for that matter) is not made, RPG game development will continue, and just as well if not better. that is the problem with what you think.
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