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Everything posted by Blank

  1. That's what you said last night As for Obsidian living on past glory? they have only made one game... one. now go home and think about this. you might say, "but Blank, you are the one that needs to think about this. a lot of the guys in Obsidian used to be with BIS, and that is why i say they are living on past glory. you are the one that needs to go home, Blank." but i say, "they have started with a new slate. that is why they are not BIS anymore. it is a different company, trying to stand up on its own two feet. for now, they are making/have made a couple games from the consent of Bioware, but they are also starting their own IP's, and they will work on those just as hard, if not harder, than they worked on the games from Bioware, since those IP's are what proves who Obsidian is, and Obsidian knows this."
  2. I am assuming when we say "better" we mean "the console which has altogether higher valued features". If we just mean a more powerful system, then the PS3 will probably be more powerful, since it is coming out later. but because we mean overall, the 360 sounds to be better because of what SS said in the quote above. Also, how it integrates well into networks and how it has a dedicated online service for the system. anyway, i hope it is better since it is the one i am getting
  3. I Don't think Humans Count But If They Do I Think The Same Thing <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In that case, Visas But if miraluka don't count as items, then i guess the item i found most notable (not exactly best/most exotic) was more than one item, no, it was the fact that i found more than one of these; that i found seven of them. I speak of the Onasi Blaster. each one was possibly used by Carth
  4. I'd buy it. i like Obsidian... and they have only made one game (w00t)
  5. (w00t) that was a good game. boy howdy! as for Obi-wan, it had some cool factors, but overall it wasn't a good game. but you can't excuse the cool factors. like controlling the lightsaber with the right-analog stick, and the lightsaber cutting all to heck. although Jedi Academy did the same cool factors and more, it still didn't have the total control with the right-analog stick. but Jedi Academy was a better game overall, and by a lot too...
  6. But the key is continuity. if you will have Disciple, then it means exile is female, and you will not have Handmaiden. Personally, it would be cool if the PC trains up as a force-sensitive while K1 and K2 events are taking place, so you would be seeing them unfold (e.g. news about the destruction of Peragus, or even Kataar). In that case, i also think that K1 and K2 need to have some decisions be made about their PC's and events canonization. Let's be realistic, people. A modern game like K3 just can't have that much content and be made at a reasonable price and time. Yes, it would be a great game (in theory), and it would have a good replayability factor, but it would also take forever to make and/or be very expensive. i also find it as overkill to make different content for every facet/idea that is optional in K1 and K2. (for example, there are 16 different combinations that Revan and Exile can be together in K3, i.e. Alignment and Gender.)
  7. Do it. The others saz i spam ant they don't realise that they are the ones who do that :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes, we are hypocrites. but we vote no, sorry.
  8. Welcome back Metadigital. and i just now understand your sig., since i read the book while you were gone... /useless information
  9. 1. Nobody is forcing you to read this topic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It looks like you just talked down to DL, and no one is allowed to do that, NO ONE! now, as friendly advice, i suggest you apologize, or you'll have, like, 10 other monkeys breathing down your esophagus. :ph34r:
  10. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. your welcome. somebody had to do it. there isn't much of an arguement either way if you just look at it in simple terms. and in this case, it is black and white like that. it's against the law or it isn't.
  11. why am i not surprised you included this:
  12. Freedom of speech ≠ Freedom to harass or discriminate exteriorly Edit: neither does it condone crime. i.e. laws overrule freedoms. that's the necessary evil of government.
  13. I saw Flight Plan. it wasn't spectacular. it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was though. i mean, it really wasn't that bad. well, it still wasn't that good, but c'mon, movies these days are all like that. in that case this movie was average.
  14. I think that would be sveet. Just make the franchise into an RPG one instead of action-button-mashing-adventure one. It would be good to see the star wars story following episode 6 in an RPG video-game format. or maybe not I agree.
  15. Of course it can't be called that Gabrielle, but it can be called ACOTOR: Arnold Clones of the Old Republic :Darque:
  16. I saw this girl one time, she was really pretty. like, she had medium brown hair with blonde highlight stripes. i knew i couldn't have her, so i turned away and left :">
  17. i enjoyed that report. it was accurate to my own thoughts about Jags. was that Eisu or Aimo? or another?
  18. i still want NWN2 on console... but i guess that don't matta
  19. for SW space games though, i thought SW: Starfighter was pretty good. the controls and junk. SW:jedi starfighter was basically the same thing, but tweaked to be a bit better, still, it wasn't as good since it wasn't the first of its kind (just like Kotor )
  20. i give it a 6-7. it's worth the rental i guess. it is a rental game. finish it in a weekend maybe
  21. linkie http://pc.ign.com/articles/684/684902p3.html does this mean if Kotor III is created does this mean Kotor III is PC related only? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think you should assume that K3 is not any of those. i mean, i think those projects were planned a while ago, maybe even while K2 was just being finished.
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