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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Let's look at world history. What happened with the "new world"? we see claims made, territories staked, everyone wants what everyone else has and wars over it all. countries win and lose stakes, the places eventually become independant. i predict.... that our history will repeat itself.
  2. oh.. it just didn't make sense to me without you saying the next thing in the same sentence: "People question whether what the bible says is accurate, and the meaning of what it says."
  3. it makes sense to me that the authors would wait until Jesus was gone to start writing, since i personally wouldn't want to miss a moment spending time with God incarnate.
  4. ... that sentence doesn't make sense, "No one questions whether or not the bible says what it says." thats like saying, "no one questions whether or not the newspaper says what it says". nobody in their right mind should ask that question, since you can solve it for yourself by looking at it with your eyes. Do you mean, "no one questions whether or not what the bible says has not been changed" ? or are you asking us if we live in the matrix or something?
  5. GIVE US MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. you so just made that up
  7. well, it is written into the scripture:
  8. I think Pixies was just trying to tell the people that are comparing the three religion's gods' that they need to be backing up their statements with verses from the textual sources of those religions in order to have credibility about their conclusions. EDIT: ... he responded for himself, but it is basically what i was saying...
  9. is it... that everything is relative from one person to the next, so to argue about the truth is futile? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Close, but not exactly. There is one truth; It was an elephant. However, since everyone was blind, feeling around in differing places and positions. Different ways and form, each man's view is flawed. The truth was there, the men could not see it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah, i see. so basically the belief that there is an absolute truth, but people can only deal with it relatively.
  10. is it... that everything is relative from one person to the next, so to argue about the truth is futile?
  11. well, poor Carl Martini didn't have a chance to start with, being drunk all the time. his last name makes him prone to be that way.
  12. What if you are blind in thinking he is blind? You are just one of the blind men telling the other blind man he is wrong = ) (i read the link by the way, and it was a good story i guess. but it proves itself as fallible, in that it assumes there is nobody who is "right", or at least that you never know who is "right", and therefore the story may be blind in and of itself) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The moral of the story isn't that people are right or wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> which is why the story claims that its self is neither right nor wrong. i definitely won't place my faith in something that claims its self is neither right nor wrong.
  13. that was wonderful Pixies, i am eagerly awaiting more (w00t)
  14. What if you are blind in thinking he is blind? You are just one of the blind men telling the other blind man he is wrong = ) (i read the link by the way, and it was a good story i guess. but it proves itself as fallible, in that it assumes there is nobody who is "right", or at least that you never know who is "right", and therefore the story may be blind in and of itself)
  15. tsk tsk mothy, that isn't really biblical. Look at John chapter 1. Jesus has always been with God, and has always been God. the word "trinity" is not in the Bible, but it is a term coined because of the many instances in the Bible where God appears as three in one.
  16. I just don't want anyone to die without having heard the truth. Look from my perspective for a second: i believe that all will be judged by God. I don't want you guys to go to hell, so i am persistantly telling you what i know, and basing it on scripture, since i believe what Hebrews 4:12 says: "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." I am just, "one beggar telling another beggar where to find food," so please don't think i am trying to be on a power-trip or ego-boosting quest or something. Hopefully this explains my persistant inclusion of God in a lot of things i post about.
  17. yeah, but if they consider what i say to be true, then they will realise that what they think doesn't matter when they come before God to be judged. however, nobody ever likes to consider another belief as being true, and so they don't think of the eternal consequences. another thought, telling people not to sin sounds retarded to them, since they have a wordly perspective. for example, being kind to others sometimes puts one's own wealth at risk, and that is just not acceptable to some people. however, if you believe in God you'd see that wordly wealth won't matter when being judged by Him, only the things you have done with your money. So for Christians to try and put restrictions on other people who are still living in sin doesn't make sense.
  18. "When we merely say that we are bad, the wrath of God seems a barbarous doctrine; as soon as we perceive our bad-ness, it appears inevitable, a mere corallary from God's goodness..." -C.S. Lewis I bring up this quote because some of the guys i've talked to here usually say that for God to punish sin is "barbarous", but i saw Lewis' quote and it reminded me of some principles: 1. God is all-good, and no evil can be with Him (psalm 5:4), He sees all evil as the same, i.e. any evil is utterly evil. James 2:10 "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." 2. Therefore, if He is to punish one evil (for example, we say a murderer or a rapist should be punished), then He must punish all evil (again, each sin, no matter what it is, separates you from Him) and this would include any lie or idol we have made. 3. It's God's judgement, not our own. We can't tell God, "i only lied once, but look at all the good things i did." If you went to court for grand theft auto and told the judge, "i only stole one car, but look at all the community service i did. that exempts me right?" no, it doesn't. neither does it exempt you with God. 4. When presented with this case, we are obviously guilty. and we will be punished by God accordingly (romans 6:23, the punishment for sin is death, i.e. eternal death/separation from God/in hell. read Revelation 20:11-15) 5. However, God loves us and recognizes our weakness in upholding His law, so He sacrificed His Son as an atonement for our lawbreaking. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father except through me."
  19. i also "saw Narnia"... it was fine, and i thought pretty true to the book (from what i remember of it). the alterations they made i thought only made the story better, so it was alright. additionally, i finally got around to seeing Serenity, and i thought i liked the series better, but of course they have more said in them, but i don't know... the movie IMO was a B+. not that great, but pretty fun. hmm, it is late and my reviewing skills (if i have any) are starting to look horrendous. i will go now. probably be gone for a couple of days. dont miss me.
  20. very true. i have some kind of samsung thing... hold on, let me get the info... okay, here. it gets the job done, and i wasn't ever unsatisfied with it... and it was not as much money as that stupid website says... if you really want that ipod-video junk then i guess this one wouldn't help you. and if you want to buy individual songs or whatever on the internet then ipod i guess has a fine interface, but so do other places, you would just need to look a little bit. i just took my cd's, put them on my com, and then put them on my mp3 player so that i could have my favourites in one place where they wouldn't get scratched. i guess any mp3 player that has even mediocre features would work for me. so think about what features you want and do an hour of internet shopping to see whats what, then choose what you think is best for your needs. sorry if i wrote too much and sounded repetitive, but thats what happens late in the night...
  21. you brought up some good points, but adding to the first list you made, Bungie: Halo 3, heck yes. i was talking to my friend about the nex-gen consoles after we had both decided we wouldn't get one: it just wasn't worth it. then i remembered that Halo 3 was coming out and i reminded him, so he says: oh yeah... then i guess we are all getting 360's. so its really about the games for me. like Llyr said, Squenix hasn't come out with anything that eye-catching in the past 4-5 years, plus they aren't totally sony-exclusive. and although i love the Solid Snake series, Sam Fischer is just as cool in my opinion, and the next game is shaping up to be quite interesting for storyline and gameplay. also, my bro like morrowind, so he wants Oblivion. plus, most of my friends are going with the 360. its really not a contest for me in this case. i don't have any emnity against Microsoft either, if that was a reason to stay away from the 360 [marketing_rant] which is a dumb name for it. it sounds dumb. they should have done x-box squared and have and X with the squared symbol 2 above it on the top right. then for their third iteration they could go with the 360, since it is the third, and it starts with the three. [/marketing_rant]
  22. oh really?...
  23. ah, we are pathetic aren't we. i eventually migrated to the WoT forum and found a fun place to discuss random things with random people. even though the game i originally came here for has long lost its allure to me, i don't feel like leaving the Obsidian forums because there is an actual community feeling to this place, which i can't say for very many other forums **cough**neverwinternightsforums**cough**. Hades would back me up on that one i think... or he would shoot me down, but its all in good fun... once NWN2 comes out i can come back here with more of an actual reason, but some predict that if a forum for that game is moved here (technically it should be here) then it would bring along with it all the people that are like, "ROXORS I LOVE THIS GAME ROXORS SHUT UP IF YOU DONT THINK SO"... and that may be true, but whatever... i am just ranting now... i'll stop
  24. wow, that looks impressive. what was the reason they didn't switch over to it?
  25. well, you always have us **smiles at everyone, Judge Hades punches face, CoF kicks groin, Eldar laughs**
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