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Everything posted by Blank

  1. I liked it Eldar, and agree that it is one of the better ones yet. I don't think it needs more humour, just an ending. There was some good humour in it already; adding more might help, but if you can't think of any, it isn't necessary. and I also liked the mario bros. movie... :ph34r:
  2. No, it's all you guys. I simply took you up on the 'topical' claim and BAM!, automatic wit. Witty and Topical
  3. Definition of: ABC Miniseries, "The Lost"- Unfortunately not as 'mini' of a series as its name denotes, this lame excuse for television entertainment has captivated thousands of viewers internationally. Survivor was bad; scripting it only made it worse.
  4. "gibberish in". I call that my review. Okay, someone else's turn.
  5. Blank

    pet peeve

    You can always spam. The thing you must remember though, is that there are consequences to spamming. If you want a thread to be dead, spamming subtly in order to get others to do the same will help your cause. That is a positive consequence for you. However, if you spam and get scolded by mods, then you may contract the all-too-common CoF/Visc disease.
  6. Not a bad idea IMO. But why do you think that the Exile is canonically a male? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks. It think Exile is canonically male because #1) If female, Disciple would be in the story. he sucked and wouldn't be a good character to continue because #2) Without male there is no Brianna. She was developed better than Disciple #3) Exile was a general. Which is more often a general in the devs' society? Male or Female? #4) The devs are males and probably were inclined to make it that way.
  7. My infallible intuition, and the fact that the remark, if sarcasm, would be beating on a dead horse. Mothy got to it first, then you said "especially considering" which implies that you read what Mothy said like this, "Obviously, everyone knows it is CoF" and then made your statement as if to add to this newly interpreted sentence. So in your mind, it read like this, "Obviously, everyone knows it is CoF, especially considering that his avatar is the picture from months ago." The fact that you make a remark at all tells me that you are trying to "fit in" to the conversation. Feeling that your intelligence had become impugnable because you didn't pick up on CoF's identity as quickly as the others, you blurted something out to cover your insecurity as though they could read your mind, when, contrary to your intentions, it really only served to inform them of your dense nature.
  8. No offence to SS, but this recurrent theme in Bethesda's games lead me to believe that all their own faces are butt-ugly; they model the game-faces after themselves.
  9. Get Morrowind right now and it will trick your mind into thinking that you are playing something that is just about to get good. It works really well; many aquaintances of mine have played the game in a hopeful manner for a few days until they realised that it was always going to $uX0r.
  10. Calax, I'll pretend that too was sarcasm for your sake...
  11. this is news to me too pixies...
  12. Succinctly capturing the essence of my angst in a single sentence, enter: julianw.
  13. Not Chu, You! "haha, i am so witty and topical"
  14. It isn't specific to my country, but i hate it when people passionately argue politics loudly in public while pretending that they know everything there is to know about the subject.
  15. V for Vendetta=the best movie I have seen in a long time. There are a few reasons for the movie's greatness: It seemed to be inspired by 1984, which is one of the better books that I've read. The acting was superb for V. Portman did a good job too. Witty and complex dialogues. Portman is still teh hotness even with her hair shaved off. Solid action sequences. Passionate and mostly realistic characters. Overall a good story. Though tis based on an already published graphic novel, the Wachowski Bros. may have redeemed themselves with this movie.
  16. First post of thread: Also, if people were more well-read, then they would understand the reference in the topic title. In any case, the paper has been written; thank you all for trying. The discussion may continue if you all feel like it or not.
  17. I almost laughed, but then i realised you were serious. The topic of this thread refers to the brainwashed zombies of the government in George Orwell's book, 1984. NOT A STUPID TV SHOW OF WHICH I HAVE NEVER HEARD! Leisurely I came here to probe the minds of a forum community which I believe can thoroughly discuss controversial matters in an interesting way. I'll remind myself not to do it again. That V for Vendetta idea is genious though. Too bad it's not a presentation...
  18. You are correct. This topic is the result of a misconception about the game. Unnecessary addendum: The academy was never totally destroyed. It was shot at from space and therefore looked like it had been through a hurricaine, but it was never destroyed totally. Some areas caved in, some greenery got out of control after a while, but it was just the door that wouldn't allow you into the center which made the topic starter believe that it had to be rebuilt, whereas in reality the jedi masters wanted in badly and so moved the rubble from the entrance. Simple.
  19. You guys are useless <_< (except mothman, and maybe gabs. both wrote 3 sentences a piece)
  20. Okay, so that was not the best of starts. How about more than a sentence per post? I want you all to think.
  21. First of all, i see that there is already a thread similar to this, but hopefully this will be a more focused discussion. The point of this is to generate more ideas for a paper i am going to write. I have some ideas already, but I'd appreciate some idea bandying. Okay, here goes: Government is a necessary evil. Some freedoms are sacrificed for others to be preserved. But at what point does a government's grasp become too tight? Specifically, I would like to hear everyone's opinions on the surveillance issue. What are the pros and cons of a government being able to obtain information about any part or all parts of your life? Why should an individual worry about this.
  22. Like your sense of humour? ... meh, that was a lame one. it's more like my sense of humour Edit: On topic... that rumour of K3 is appealing, but sadly i am sure it is not true. Another idea, maybe the K3 PC should be based canonically to be female, so as to change up the series, since Revan and Exile seem to be based canonically as males. Of course, the male PC's campaign would still be good... just a thought.
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