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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Your case is logical; I agree that it should stay. It would be unfortunate if it had to be closed due to spamming, but if that happens, maybe simply turning off the ability to post would be better than eliminating it altogether? The newbies might not be able to ask about it, but they wouldn't be cut off from the information either. As Fio stated, it is a good "fixture of the community."
  2. See, that is a good question, since Bastilla isn't exactly DMing this thing conventionally, if at all. I want it to be cohesive, but I don't know where the story is going. I mean, i can make my own version of where the story is going, and then people play off of that, but that kind of makes the story somewhat unrealistic, since the players wouldn't necessarily instantly be conversing with eachother. But, irregardless (Grom's fave word), I believe that is the fashion in which we must play.
  3. The joke was funny because: 1. it wasn't explained yet. 2. He knew that ineffectively stupid was his attempt at trying to "shame" people who may be shy and so might send a PM to join the game instead of "auditioning" in front of others on the thread. (I PM'd, though not out of shyness but out of directions from Bastilla in the first post). He also knew that people percieve him to be "not stupid", so his actions were somewhat mocking of a stupid person. 3. The humour is moreoever in the fact that he "attempts" to make fun of someone while knowing it is not to be effective, and knowing that others know it is not to be effective. This case seems to be related to the act of "teasing". 4. then again, humour is sometimes hard to describe, as it might vary from person to person. He also may have had other intentions, but the effect was still humourous whether you understood or not, as you exemplified in taking note that his remark seemed to be a joke.
  4. here ya go: . that'll work as long as post-15284-1134168228 or whatever doesn't leave this site, and whoever uploaded it to there (or wherever that one came from) doesn't delete it. At least, I think that is how it works. But anyway,
  5. well, your personality hasn't changed, and that was a review of personality.
  6. I gave a review of one of your alt's a while back... here.
  7. OOC: I was accepted by Bastilla as T3, and i will commence my role-playing. ------------------ A flashing icon appears in T3-M4's core receptor, signaling that his service is needed somewhere on the ship. He detaches from his charging-station and sees the other T-units in stasis, unaware of his actions. He cheerfully starts toward the room's main hatch, programmed with an optimistic work-ethic.
  8. I got the game. I like it. The end.
  9. Lack of time seems to be the bane of the free mind. At least for me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Once again we must remember: if you are here, then the problem isn't the lack of time, but the lack of wisdom in using the time you obviously have.
  10. Don't give up on yourself. You still have a soul deep down, I know it!
  11. The loud blaring of my alarm clock broke my slumber. Another pointless day in this stupid life. Before I could shower and eat breakfast, the doorbell rang... rapidly, many times. Not being one to shun an obviously needy person, I opened the door... and of course: it was christians. They barged right into the house, complimenting as they went, "This is clean-looking for being a heathen's house." Before I could protest, they began helping themselves to the food in my fridge. "You are very hospitable for being a heathen," they commented, eyes never quite meeting mine. Were they to do so, they would see through the windows to an exasperated brain which deals with these types of crazy people every day. At this point, I knew the ordeal was halfway over. All that was left was for them to scream about hellfire and brimstone. Better to get it over with now, I thought. "So, Jesus, he was just a nice guy, right?" That got their attention, and they replied in barely intelligable shreiks similar to this, "YUR GOIN TA HELL! JESUS SAVESSSSSS!!!!!" After a couple minutes of that, I put on my enlightened facade, "I knew there was more to life than what I had. Do you have a card I can call someone with to learn more? I will go to your church on sunday, I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but I see now I was certainly mistaken!" A few cheerful exchanges later, the lunatics left my house. I really should call the police one of these days, I thought. Ten minutes later the doorbell began ringing once again, but I knew that it was more christians, I wouldn't be tricked again like before, when I was half-awake and off-guard. I quickly got ready for work and headed to my car, opened the garage, and drove away as fast as possible (I park the car facing outside, so as to have a quick getaway in the morning). Looking in my rear-view mirror, I saw that the christians had accumulated on my front porch; it was a multitude of insane beings, gnashing and clawing at my door, some of them seeing me escape and sprinting after me. I wish atheists were rewarded for persecution.
  12. Oh NOES, I have a confession to make. I started playing morrowind again because it's the only game I have that I haven't played much. Eventually it got interesting. Well, I had to look past the steaming-pile-of-dukies graphics, but after that there were a few decent and enjoyable rpg elements. I'll probably get Oblivion.
  13. Is Canada your little sister? Do you also hate the ocean? astr0, I know he is trying to tell us something, but I just can't grasp it...
  14. Uwe Boll. I know, it changes everything, doesn't it?
  15. Blank


    Alternate Fuels? WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE... before it matters to us, so why are we caring? Because of our children? Yeah, right, And Uwe Boll creates good movies.
  16. Wow, and I thought I was the only one to play sports in the back of my pickup. I am so glad I found you guys. Like, pray for the rock before you throw it into the symbolical lake of fire.
  17. If Uwe Boll was my country, I would post in this thread a lot about how I hated my country for its stupidity and bad-iditynessouslyen actions.
  18. The Last Samurai. Tis what I consider to be a good movie. There is pretty good acting, a good story, and good action.
  19. There's never enough religion threads! ... okay, i'll stop.
  20. I never believed that. I do, however, believe that it is a possibility. Looking at the scriptures it seems very possible: Evidentely, there is a penalty for these actions. This penalty doesn't seem to be 'death', as that is mentioned later in the chapter, but the penalty seems to occur during the immediate time period of the 'indecent acts'. Therefore, I find it possible (notice I said possible, not certain) that STD's are a 'penalty'. Your welcome. I'm glad somebody finally thanked me and blessed me for all my hard work
  21. But did you not just think it? Is not it, therefore, thinkable?
  22. But did you not just define it by saying that it is undefined? Similarly, there is the word 'indescribable'. To attribute the word 'indescribable' to anything that actually is indescribable makes that thing describable; you just described it. Indescribable is a paradox then. Unless you accept that it is merely not able to be described by human means. In that case, the word isn't describing the 'indescribable thing' as much as it is describing humanity's own lack of ability to describe the 'indescribable thing'.
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