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Everything posted by Blank

  1. The point is to fulfill the prophecy of the AntiChrist.
  2. Happy B-day to Kumq and Calax... and Soulseeker.
  3. He is mocking the typical MMORPG 13-year olds.
  4. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 FTW!
  5. Sounds solid. Prerendered, detailed environments and camera angles. Reminds me of the good ol' FFIX days...
  6. They are so stupid. That is like saying, "I only want to receive 1 million dollars as opposed to 100 million."
  7. I'm currently listening to my beagle baying. I must stop him now before the neighbors become irritable.
  8. Yeah, but here is the exception: Advent. You have here an adventure game that looked promising, had collaborative work done with a popular author, and some occasional publicity in game magazines. However, it ends up bombing in retail and content. There were some good content elements (levitation tool, weapons, time-slow powers), but altogether, the game was unpolished and evidently failed.
  9. It makes business sense to stick with what is "tried and true". Also, having a similar but pretty modified story of K1 for K2 was fine with me; I very much enjoyed the game regardless of cliche's. Of course, if the same story is used as a basis excessively and repetatively, then there would be a problem, but for a sequel, the story satisfies.
  10. Finch. The point of this post is: I like the noise this band makes.
  11. I agree with Hurlshot, and a cop is a cop dangit. If I were an off-duty security guard walking by the school, and I saw a kid with two bandanas covering his face and black... warm-ups, I would be pretty suspicious. I'd follow him with my hand on my tazer and address him loudly from 10 feet away (so as to be able to duck for cover if a shuriken appears). Citizen's arrest style procedure. Of course, if after talking to him he was reasonable and took off his bandanas and told a joke or two, I might don my own bandanas and join him.
  12. So, is a time for friday pending? I can make friday from 14:00->24:00 (PST). Hmm, and I guess I could go anywhere from 00:00->07:00 if we had to, but Danielito is in the same time zone as me, and I don't think he'd like that.
  13. I believe they cut that out of the game. Somebody may have restored it though, but I think it had to do with a quest of Disciple's to find holocrons. And I have heard that you cannot open the door without breaking stuff. The charges are found somewhere in the temple area... I think that is where I found them. Although, I remember that you can buy them from somewhere... I used the ones I bought and then later found the others... Somebody else surely knows.
  14. Hmm, but "Lord" is a medieval title, and that is militaristic in a way (feudal lord). And there is a Jedi Council, that deliberates. And they try to keep the peace and make balance, so basically they are like galaxy police. So they police things, which is militaristic too. Verily, it doesn't matter.
  15. In le army i'd call a female commanding officer "sir"...
  16. Usually, media that wants to sell well has hot women. lol.....im just tellin it staright up
  17. I believe God has intervened in my life a few times, like when I could've died. Although, I wouldn't have minded leaving this wonderful world. One thing that I think is interesting is how eastern thinking seems more prone to attributing things to "destiny". Or am I totally wrong?
  18. Blank


    It was about belief, which means it is on-topic, so, in WoT that is good enough.
  19. Hmm, I never did play Jade Empire, though I heard twas good. Nor did I play Deus Ex 2, which I heard was good also. Nor did I play Dinocrisis 3. So basically what I am saying is, that even though I had the xbox for a long time, I can't help you much at all with giving my opinions on games. I can't really imagine you liking Halo, even though I liked it. But it probably costs a lot less now, same with many other "greatest hits" things. I think Jade Empire is in the "greatest hits" category too (also, morrowind), which means it is $12 or something now. And does anybody know if the two "Fable" games were any good?
  20. heyz, i didn't expect you to reply within 3 minutes . I liked Morrowind for the xbox, though the graphics turned me away at first. Not very many glitches that I saw, and the transfer from keyboard to controller, IMO, seems to be pretty well-done for such a game. Now, IIRC you don't have Kotor? That might be worth getting for the box if you want.
  21. Why? Do you have a PS2 already? Because that would seemingly be the better choice for you than the hexbox. The only games I can really think of that are good for the hexbox are halo and splinter cell, but those are for other consoles and the PC too. However, those games don't seem your style (well, truthfully, I don't know what your style is). What were you thinking of getting for the hexbox?
  22. For me, the fact that SS was kickbanned at all is humourous. And thanks for posting the chat here, Llyrasaurus.
  23. DOA4: a fighting game... that's about all I can really say. The female fighters wear less clothing than they should (hey, i am a conservative fellow), and the overall visible contact between fighting characters is alright, but it looks unrealistic sometimes. The graphics are pretty, but that is to be expected from the 360. I haven't owned a fighting game before, so this was a good experience I guess, it wasn't that bad, and I am still playing it on and off; it is challenging but not impossible. If it didn't cost such a pretty penny, i would recommend it. Oblivion: More fun that I expected. The graphics are really nice, and I especially enjoy slashing dead carcasses. Suprisingly, the back of the box says it is rated "teen", however, there is drinking and violence and much blood (especially in the arena), which i guess are welcome to me, but it should be rated M for those little kiddies. There are numerous quests available, and one can play however they like, joining evil guilds or nice ones, flying through the main storyline or taking precious time exploring every nook and cranny while doing multiple quests at once. Good job Bethesda, you delivered. And SS, you really need them to work on their face models. I mean, there is not one remotely good-looking female NPC on that game.
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