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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Look at how much more popular Batman has become. Batman himself is not quite popular. The movie Batman: Begins is quite possibly the first thing that actually really cared about Batman and where he came from. The Batman comics are mostly popular for the villains. Also, Batman is pretty black and white as well. He is only an anti-hero in appearance.
  2. You see, Steven Spielberg is renown for continuity errors so I don't notice them in his films anymore. I have the uncanny ability to zone things like that out so I can maximize my enjoyment of a movie. It's also easier to forgive considering the studio gave them 72 days to shoot the movie. Anybody who is even remotely involved with any kind of film-making knows that this is nearly impossible for a big budget blockbuster, and I think they did a very admirable job because the movie managed to keep me on the edge of my seat. I did feel that the retro design of the alien tripods would have fit better in a movie set in the time the book was, but they were still sufficiently awesome.
  3. Just because I generally dislike emo doesn't mean I care much for genres. It's just easier to talk about music when it's formulated as such, especially when you're describing stereotypes to someone. I mean, I like From Autumn To Ashes and they're emo. If I really cared for genres, I would know the difference between Speed Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal and Nu-Metal. But I wouldn't be able to tell them apart if I heard them. The only distuingishable metal I know is Power Metal. Am I the only one who was surprised at how good Slipknot's latest offering was? I didn't care much for the others.
  4. I've got you all beat.
  5. I didn't think girls like you even existed! Well, I've never met one, anyway.
  6. Godsmack - Running Blind Just switched to Godsmack - Re-Align (Acoustic Version) Yeah, I just popped 'The Other Side' into my DVD player.
  7. Wrong. That's what the moguls have transformed it into. Emo was original Emocore, or Emotional Hardcore, basically, any hardcore that had something to say. Can't list any examples, never even bothered to listen to it as I hate hardcore anyway. Emo Rock may seem like a fairly new flow, but it's really just all the punk rock that deals with something else than hating the government, rebelling and disillusionment. Which is, for good reason, often stereotyped as 'boohoo my girlfriend left me' rock. Because it usually is. Blink 182 has, for example, been falsely labled as punk, as it is actually emo. A prime example would be Bright Eyes. Which would also be a prime example of TERRIBLE MUSIC. Personally, I don't care much for Emo. I have a couple of songs by From Autumn To Ashes because they're actually pretty heavy, and a few songs by Dashboard Confessional because I recently started playing an acoustic guitar and their songs are easy as hell to start with and learn through. I'm more of a metal man myself, although loads of metal fans won't agree. Can't say I blame them. Modern metal has radically changed in a short amount of time, and I can hardly say bands like Disturbed, KoRn and Godsmack still count as metal. More like hard rock. Also, whoever said Power Metal was for goths is a fool. Goths have been labled as people who listen to false metal by various power metal bands such as Manowar. All hail Manowar.
  8. So are Quentin Tarantino's(well, except for Kill Bill, but those sucked) and look at the innovative direction in his movies.
  9. Yeah, exactly. He needs to discover the wonders of zooms and pans. His visual style is hella static, and the angles barely ever work.
  10. Geez, I can't believe I got the names wrong, I meant Ancel. Molyneux = Teh Suck. I wonder if Beyond Good and Evil wll get a sequel... It was supposed to be a trilogy, but since the publisher completely ****ed up on bringing the product to the press, the game didn't sell well. This is sad, because I really loved the game and I don't seem to be the only one - reviews are overwhelmingly positive. I must be the only one who thinks Kevin Smith is a hack director. His scripts totally make up for this, though, but if he'd just keep to the writing credit and the actor credit as Silent Bob and hand the directing to someone better, say, Tony Scott or, and I hate to be this clich
  11. He didn't. Beyond Good and Evil was made by the same people who made the Rayman Games. Peter Molyneux, formerly of Bullfrog now of Lionhead is famous because of Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Black and White and Fable, and soon, 'The Movies' but definately not Rayman or Beyond Good and Evil. Lionhead, I believe, is doing the King Kong game. But I might be wrong.
  12. Dude, he was onscreen in True Romance for all of one minute. Okay, so maybe that's an exaggerations but he basically had a cameo performance as a stereotypical stoner, and he was sleeping for the most of that. Thelma and Louise is on my to-see list. Interview with a Vampire is good, but Brad Pitt definately wasn't the most commanding presence on the screen and paled in comparison to Kirsten Dunst and what I like to think of as Tom Cruise's best performance of not being Tom Cruise. Fight Club... well, Fight Club really is an exception in my book.My reasons for liking Fight Club do not include basic things like storytelling. The acting is top-notch, but I do not even neccesarily like it for that. I do not believe Fight Club, book or movie, is meant to be seen as a story as much as it is to be seen as a well-played, utterly quotable social satire. Twelve Monkeys rocked. And Brad Pitt's performance was hilarious. The way he constantly rolled his eyes was a nifty quirk.
  13. That's probably because I've seen Fight Club over fifty times and is one of my favourite movies. Besides, Brad Pitt was good in Legends of the Fall but the movie was damned slow. The next movie that would come to mind would be Snatch.
  14. Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I like Matt Damon as much as the next guy, but if you have a character that is about as deep as a puddle even the best actors can't do anything with it. And he definately is not the best actor. Matt Damon is a lot like a better version of Brad Pitt. Damon is a better actor, but like Pitt, he's only good if he works with a good director. And this was Damon's Troy instead of his Fight Club.
  15. That's plain insulting. You just put a brilliant movie and a waste of celluloid in the same sentence which just should not be done. I stand by my statement. The Bourne Supremacy is one of the worst movies ever. The car chase scene alone proves that, and definately not otherwise. Not only was the car chase scene a cop-out way to try and emulate the original(which was a less than humdinger flick to begin with), it was filmed horribly, had no suspense, and made me want to smack whatever hack directed it upside the head. I can deal with someone using a shaking handheld camera to create an extra feeling of the chaos that's going on to create extra suspense, but an entire sequence of nothing but close-ups using that technique is retarded. You don't see what's going on half the time, and if you do, you can't see it clearly because of all the shaking. The way the entire movie was filmed gave me a migraine. Adding to that the fact that the story was as boring as you can get and the only interesting character from the original was killed off in the beginning as a failed attempt to give some pathos to the wooden board they call a main character leaves you with a film that should not have been made in the first place. That's what you get for trying to make a movie out of Robert goddamn Ludlum's novels. That's was the worst idea since Battlefield: Earth until some dumbass decided to adapt The DaVinci Code.
  16. This case is an exception, though. And I don't mean just for the reason that Peter Jackson rocks and Stephen Summers is a hack. You see, if you look at the original 1933 version of King Kong, it had a climatic battle containing nothing but stop-motion characters. Filming something like that isn't all that different from filming something containing nothing but CGI characters. It just requires a different technique to put it in after filming. And considering it rocked in the original, there's no reason why it shouldn't work here. There is also no other way to do a large scale and fast-paced battle such as this with puppets, unless you want to cop-out and show loads of close-ups and shake the camera around to make it seem like something is happening, and we all know how that worked out for The Bourne Supremacy(one of the worst movies of recent times) or even Alien vs. Predator(believe it or not, the first actual Alien vs. Predator fight was mostly puppeteering, and it boy, did it suck). An example of one it worked is the only scene in Jurassic Park 3 that was actually worth watching, the T-rex Spinosaur battle. That was awesome. Too bad the rest of the movie sucked so much.
  17. The uproar for that wasn't really all that big. Afterall, even some people totally obsessed with the books thought Tom Bombadil was kindof (not in my own words) gay.
  18. Comic Bane nearly killed Batman, though. Bane's portrayal in the movies was pathetic.
  19. Not really. The uproar it caused was enormous. I didn't even follow the news about how they strayed from the books because I hadn't read them at the time(not much of a reader, don't have eyes fit for reading) but I heard people complaining about that left and right. It was even on some movie news show here in Holland.
  20. Completely barring the fact that all three of those are boring drabble on a scale not even an anime could muster. Eh, what can you expect from television? Series suck, period. Also, the magic 'flashlights' were in the book. That's not something you can blame PJ for. After all, having the elves at Helms Deep nearly cost PJ his fanbase because it strayed from the source material. And we all know what straying from the source material does anyway. Neverending Story II, anyone? You see, this doesn't make sense because Wingnut and WETA Digital were not part of mainstream Hollywood, in fact, they weren't even part of Hollywood at all. The Academy HAD to vote for LOTR or else their credibility would have been shot to hell, considering the overwhelmingly positive reaction the series had, but they were basically screwing themselves doing so.
  21. These days, the church is with the bible as Star Wars is with science - they have nothing to do with each other.
  22. Knowing PJ's former works, I doubt it was unintentionally. Seriously. Bad Taste, anyone?
  23. Eh? Oooooh, you mean all the negative reports which are more often than not, fake, and the positive reports which are a cheap way for producers not willing to use their name to hype the movie. Got it. Screw spy reports. All the spy reports I've ever read were fake. Until someone who actually matters in the film community(a.k.a. not Harry Knowles) confirms it, you'd best assume it was fake.
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