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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. I know what that is...
  2. Animeniacs heed my call! I've seen and liked Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo . Both were awesome IMO. Can you people recommend a new anime on a similar level of quality? (and style I guess but that is not so important)
  3. Not a bug but a request. Is it possible to make so that viewing emoticons is disabled but not images in posts? The current corresponding option seems to lump the two things together.
  4. 5 starred for latest attack on Hades... I love you.

  5. Yea, wonder how long that will stand up for... " Supposedly one guy has cracked the DRM issue. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/shopper/news/news/103453 Though it seems he is being responsible about it.
  6. With the now easily accessible View Past Topics function I can now confirm that this is 100% true!
  7. Fair enough... but which is the authentic Doom?
  8. Before, there was no time limit on deletion... but yes it should be done that way now.
  9. Somebody downvoted you :(

  10. Nope, apparently its deliberate but Fio is looking into a compromise.
  11. The first two characters of the passwords are the related subjects initials in upper case. e.g. HG = Hana Gitelman (Wireless) in HGghx11a, GG = Gabriel Gray (Sylar) in GGeh81zu. Following this, I assume the passwords could begin with M(att) P(arkman) or T(ed) S(prague) or whatever Eden's name was. I have no idea about the rest of the characters in the passwords... so have fun trying to work them out :D
  12. Dunno, maybe he deep fries it in a batter and lard. I am just going by what it says on the diagram... which is that he has very high cholesterol.
  13. I still can't get one. I regret selling it now. <_<
  14. What is the spec of your laptop Lou? Post a link if it helps. The home basic is apparently without even the "cool" features. Here's a comparison page: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...ons/choose.mspx
  15. I guess its: Unread post marker/function does not update properly.
  16. He has very high cholesterol. He should have a heart attack any moment.
  17. Neener Neener Neener

    9 more!

  18. I refreshed. Like meta said, I too have seen it on other boards but before today I had never experienced this issue here.
  19. I think he wants quick to be on top. I've noticed something else, the unread post thing doesn't seem to be working properly. Red tags are appearing beside topics I have already read and which have had no new posts since reading.
  20. Ahh, you are an advocate of the "rest" day. This always turns into a rest month for me
  21. LOL, highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe!
  22. I don't think he made such a big mistake, maybe it is wrongly written Evidence: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...mp;#entry724367 Try not to wrongly read it.
  23. Aww man!
  24. Sawyer said Aliens is codenamed Connecticut.
  25. To be precise I use v2.0.0.1.
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