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Everything posted by DAWUSS

  1. So my character can be my character set to my specifications?
  2. I thought Saul Karath, because his child would be hated in the Republic for the sins of the father. I mean, if this child was force sensitive, how would even the jedi respond? Surely even they would be reluctant to teach the child, fearing it might take his or her father's path. What better ironiy would it be to have a such a person become pivotal to the fate of the galaxy - will this person save a galactic republic that hates him or her, or will he or she against it out of revenge for the treatment. Lots of character potential right there, I think. Sounds like something up BioWare's alley...
  3. Korriban is a planet of the Sith Empire, so I have a feeling it will make a return appearance in K3. Perhaps we'll see other planets of the Sith Empire as well
  4. We don't even know much about the period between Revan and Bane
  5. No he was talking about my post. For the force unleashed the team toyed with the idea of having the main character be a (dark side) wookie but Lucas pointed out that how are you going to have a main character who can't even speak. I've played several games where the main character didn't speak. But besides, Wookiees speak all the time...
  6. Sure it's the controller. The center prong is totally snapped off underneath the joystick, which itself is partially caved in, and the right shoulder button sometimes sticks. You want pictures?
  7. I started playing Goldeneye again on my beat up N64 the other day. My controller's so screwed up I actually have to play with cheats enabled...
  8. Season 1 Day 7 Level 23 punter over here http://goallineblitz.com/game/player.pl?player_id=28467
  9. But there is TFU and the Clone Wars movie still left unaccounted for under that scenario
  10. I has de best ider evar: nights uf da olde republicans 3!!! y3ah! Starring Trent Lott, Rush Limbaugh and George Bush
  11. With lightsabers, starships, and a plot continued from a game that is then said not to exist. Uh-huh... Swing and a miss.
  12. haha I wish . Nah we just get the honour of being able to play through the content way before you guys Mind you, the big difference there is that you all will get a (hopefully) bug-free playthrough all the time, whereas we have to play to find bugs, not to enjoy the new content. I'm happy with the compromise though Which is why being a video game tester is never the dream job you thought it was when you were a little kid. But seriously, not even a line in the re-done postgame credit sequence?
  13. Obsidian could always take their storyline for K3, take out the Star Wars element, and apply it to one of their in-house IPs. A "what-would-have-been KOTOR III", so to speak.
  14. It took a few days for mine to change. I had the old image with the new image dimensions, but when I would go to my Avatar Settings, my new image would sit there perfectly. Mine works perfectly now though.
  15. Well at least I can say I was along for the ride. Congratulations.
  16. As long as I get to choose the face without the use of mods
  17. The burnout from football that I had in February is wearing off.... Now I can't wait for a football game to begin. Whether it's youth football, high school football, college football, or the NFL is of little difference to me.
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