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Everything posted by Emeus

  1. Grab the bow, quaff invisibility potion, run to the exit and wait until combat canceled. Just theorical :D
  2. Yes, certain quests give you unwanted dispositions, no matter of your choice during dialogue. It is annoying.
  3. Only single class wizards need buffs, otherwise people will still go subclass for their passives, such as enchanter/any. This is overall hard to balance, I'm not sure devs will give this special treatment to wizards, usually they just leave it be.
  4. Thank you so much! You are my hero for the day!
  5. Oh boy I really need the pale elf version, someone please~
  6. I hope they'll change the description of enchanter, so people don't get befuddled by it, the subschool only has 1 or 2 cc spells after all.
  7. Well, turns out the quest is bugged, that swamp witch won't drop her grimoire if she died during transformation
  8. So where do I find the swamp witch's grimoire? I found a bunch of swamp witches but they are druids so they don't drop any grimoires. I also found a brawler's grimoire which updated the quest while it is not on the to-find-list, is this quest bugged? Can some one just tell me where are these grimoires?
  9. How do you get the game to display that cool looking fake language? You can also get the game to display this fabled language by choosing it in game language option xD
  10. Playing a Beguiler can be quite fun when fighting tough mobs, by spamming charm you can remove one enemy from fight for a very long time, and as your level increase charm becomes free spammable as long as it hits. But after level 10, combat will soon gets really bored even play on PoTD, you won't need cc anymore and my Beguiler​ falls to a pure support char, doing "Anyone needs pain lock?" that sort of stuff, my game is quite boring now. Here is some fun time pics, and I hate Huana commoners btw.
  11. I prefer blunderbuss, wearing the pre-order hat makes you immune to blunderbuss active skill's debuff~
  12. It would be great for sharing and perfecting each one's AI settings if we can export/import them. The AI settings are not save dependent, so I guess there is way?
  13. Summoned weapons are bad... really bad. You can try though, but many have tried discarded their builds very fast.
  14. Any weapon is viable so far, I prefer magic missile! Or any weapon that has dual damage type.
  15. As far as I understand it the TCS type achievements aren't yet in the game. They shouldn't! Berath's blessing protects us!
  16. You haven't see how many "nerf requests" were there on this forum during PoE1 beta and early version. Some people even ask for nerfing something that they are using, a single player game does make them selfless~ and devs even listened to them, I still remember they nerfed cipher into the most bored class in PoE1 xD
  17. I have tested this and didn't have a cruel reputation at the beginning, at least no points visible in the reputation menu and no defense drop for Faith and Conviction on my paladin who disfavors cruel behavior. Yes, an overlook perhaps, 1 cruel reputation is needed to sacrifice a companion in POE1.
  18. I sincerely agreed with you, don't know how the mage subclasses were designed, they are utterly underpowered, enchanter is good for multiclass simply because its spells are needed and the class has a decent ability.
  19. If you are playing a nature godlike go fighter/enchanter, enchanter's class ability helps you get rid of dex debuffs, the lvl1 spell fleet feet grants 5 dex and will trigger nature godlike's racial ability, thus giving you +2 power level, and its spells are good for any fighter, you don't even need to invest int because spells in this school often last very long themselves.
  20. I still recall that in early version of POE1, devs changed perception's ACC bonus to deflection, because during beta some people on the forum saying it's op, and at that time every min-max builds are 3 perception, so devs changed it back eventually xDDD
  21. After I level Eder up, my character becomes him! he's even using Eder's move, he smokes! And I did notice some strange save profile duping, the same character has 3 save profiles, probably because I reload on the boat? Or that I added cosmic pets during prologue? I'm not sure :s
  22. It allows one to always have +2 power level at the start of any combat, and the lvl1 spell lasts very long, 30 seconds at base. This actually makes some mage subclasses weaker if they prohibit enchantment school, and makes enchanter the No.1 subclass for multi-class, unless you are not a nature godlike of course XD
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