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Everything posted by Emeus

  1. I thought I could share my cipher build after finish the game, but I have encountered a wierd bug, I can't finish my gameplay right now https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75092-game-stucked-after-kill-thaos/
  2. Killed Thaos and another titan while they are petrified, then I go a head to kill the left titan at right side, after I killed it the game just stuck there, everything in the game are still moving, but I can't control my character nor even open options to quit the game.
  3. If you want to solo the game, fire godlike would be S tier.
  4. A petrified target takes x4 damage, and damage health directly.
  5. This is hard mode, when I finish this playthrough I would like to try it on path of the damned.
  6. S/L is needed, and the most difficult part of this battle is the wondering model size of Adra Dragon, she looks giant and fat, but she's actual size is much smaller, so sometimes she can just pass through traps like there is nothing and kill you. Here is the preparation you needed: a level 11+ Cipher, learned Mind Wave, Mind Lance and Mind Plague, a nice blunderbuss, a petrify trap, though seems no merchant sells it, you can get one by disarm traps in dungeons, Mechanics 9 is required. Also you need Potion of power, potion of eldritch aim, 1 or 2 summon item, and foods! Set the trap first, you can figure the spot by yourself(because of the wondering model size) , I recommend lure boss out along the bottom edge. After talk to Adra dragon the combat start immediately, you may get killed instantly by it's wondering breath attack, if you are still alive, then run hurry to the trap, summon and let summons wait at the left side, then quaff potion of eldritch aim and potion of power, wait for boss to step on your trap, load your save game if the trap is not result a Hit or Crit. After boss is petrified, control your summons to the top right so they can stop minion casters, then cast Mind Lance rapidly to the boss, switch to Mind wave if Focus is not enough, Adra dragon should be killed if all attack hit or graze. After Adra dragon is dead, use blunderbuss to attack xuarip to regain focus, then cast Mind Plague on enemy casters, the rest should be easy.
  7. S/L is needed, and the most difficult part of this battle is the wondering model size of Adra Dragon, she looks giant and fat, but she's actual size is much smaller, so sometimes she can just pass through traps like there is nothing and kill you. Here is the preparation you needed: a level 11+ Cipher, learned Mind Wave, Mind Lance and Mind Plague, a nice blunderbuss, a petrify trap, though seems no merchant sells it, you can get one by disarm traps in dungeons, Mechanics 9 is required. Also you need Potion of power, potion of eldritch aim, 1 or 2 summon item, and foods! Set the trap first, you can figure the spot by yourself(because of the wondering model size) , I recommend lure boss out along the bottom edge. After talk to Adra dragon the combat start immediately, you may get killed instantly by it's wondering breath attack, if you are still alive, then run hurry to the trap, summon and let summons wait at the left side, then quaff potion of eldritch aim and potion of power, wait for boss to step on your trap, load your save game if the trap is not result a Hit or Crit. After boss is petrified, control your summons to the top right so they can stop minion casters, then cast Mind Lance rapidly to the boss, switch to Mind wave if Focus is not enough, Adra dragon should be killed if all attack hit or graze. After Adra dragon is dead, use blunderbuss to attack xuarip to regain focus, then cast Mind Plague on enemy casters, the rest should be easy.
  8. Sky Dragon, Temple Of Hylea (in her nest) Lv1: A.'s Dazzling Lights, Slicken, Thrust of Tattered Veils Lv2: Bewildering Spectacle, Binding Web, Curse of Blackened Sight, Miasma of Dull-Mindedness Lv3: Arcane Dampener, Arduous Delay of Motion, Expose Vulnerabilities Lv4: Confusion, Dimensional Shift Lv5: Call to Slumber, R.'s Enervating Terror Lv6: A.'s Capricious Hex, Gaze of The Adragan
  9. That awful sneak system makes Dual Wield rogue even worse, you need 10+ stealth for a stable sneak, otherwise some enemies can just detect you within 1~2 sec.
  10. Need high level in Mechanics, first don't start combat through dialogue, go set a petrify trap close to the dragon, then cast Silent Scream to stun the dragon, after the combat started, quaff a potion of eldritch aim, then allure the wurm to the trap, and both of them will be petrified, petrified state will increase damage taken and directly to health, cast 2 shots of Mind Lancer to deal tones of damage(grazes for 148 pierce damage), then finish the sky dragon with a blunderbuss, of course the left wurm will share the same fate.
  11. In game there are lots of enemies can detect high level stealth character within 1~3 sec, force you to fight them. myself, is soloing hard mode with a cipher, in act 2 there is a side quest that needs to search a lighthouse, and those shades and spectres in that building can detect my character for merely 1 sec, my character has 9 level in stealth. On the other hand, if you just need to sneak into some one's house to steal or merely want to avoid combat with low level enemy, you don't even need to put too many points into stealth, this situation makes high level stealth almost useless.
  12. Blunderbuss, it shoots 6-8 projectiles in a single attack, every projectile will trigger draining whip, and they can crit, give you even more focus, my cipher can get 15-40 focus in a single attack right now in the game.
  13. Just for you guys to know, damage spells like Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon and Concelhaut's Draining Touch are not affected by Might, you can use these spells to deal damage if you like.
  14. MIG 3 CON 10 DEX 19 PER 8 INT 20 RES 18 Race: Moon Godlike or Fire Godlike 20Int grant you 50% longer duration, 60% larger AOE and the Bonus AOE of a spell won't affect allies. A wizard can be a top controller at merely level 1 by using Chill fog and Slicken(long duration & large AOE Blind & Prone). wizards also have a powerful spell Eldritch Aim, +15 Accuracy for 15 sec, makes crowd control spells almost 100% hit. At higher level you can learn spells that can confuse, paralyze, hypnosis or even petrify enemies, and most of these spells are AOE(affect by Int). With these advantages, a wizard can be a top controller in no doubt
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  15. Good! I was trying weapons by using console command, if they won't fix it then blunderbuss would be my chosen weapon, my character gets 10-40 focus at level 1, who knows how much will he gets in higher level xD
  16. MIG 3 CON 10 DEX 19 PER 8 INT 20 RES 18 Race: Moon Godlike or Fire Godlike 20Int grant you 50% longer duration, 60% larger AOE and the Bonus AOE of a spell won't affect allies. A wizard can be a top controller at merely level 1 by using Chill fog and Slicken(long duration & large AOE Blind & Prone under 20Int). wizards also have a powerful spell Eldritch Aim, +15 Accuracy for 15 sec(20Int), makes crowd control spells almost 100% hit. At higher level you can learn spells that can confuse, paralyze, hypnosis or even petrify enemies, and most of these spells are AOE(affect by Int). With these advantages, a wizard can be a top controller in no doubt
  17. Blunderbuss shoots 6-8 projectiles in a single attack, after combine with Cipher talent Draining Whip, every projectile will generate 2 focus, if it gets critical hit then it will generate even more Focus, my Cipher can get 10-40 focus in a single shoot, is it intended or a bug?
  18. Is "disable achievements" permanently to a profile or just while console commands are unlocked?
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