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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Everyone vote VtMB now or else this guy will get you:
  2. Zahua was written by Eric Fenstermaker, yes.
  3. From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.
  4. Annoyingly the dispositions that I briefly had from the mod are also now lacking after the patch Now Aloth hates EVERYTHING!
  5. It's not a matter of being patched incorrectly; it's just that 90% of bugfixing and content tweaking has been done by the community, and thus are not part of any official streamlined patch. There's also the fact that the Unofficial patch has some optional component that aren't strictly fixes, and the VtMB mod community is very vocal about any arbitrary changes to the game. TL;DR: grab the Unofficial patch and pick whatever seems to suit you best during installation. EDIT: I stand corrected. As majestic pointed out below, the GOG version apparently already has the community fixes applied.
  6. I can already tell this topic will go places.
  7. Why is a Bumblebee spinoff a thing? ... Why is a Bumblebee spinoff a thing?
  8. I approve of traveling dogs. Or, well, dogs in general. Dogs are awesome.
  9. Now you're a hero!
  10. Sure. You're right, of course. Good for him for finding his true calling. It's just, you know... If someone had told Past Me ten years ago that Uwe Boll would go on to achieve international stardom as a restaurant owner, I would have laughed it off without a thought. EDIT: Grammar fix because I'm bad.
  11. Huh. Words fail me - honestly and unironically.
  12. No, he quit in 2016. But he opened a restaurant, so if you wanna grab some food and are somewhere near Vancouver... Thankfully, that's nowhere near my half of the globe, so I guess I'm safe.
  13. Does Uwe Boll even make stuff anymore?
  14. I liked TSW because it was the closest we ever got to having a proper World of Darkness MMO.
  15. Persona 3 is a wonderful, wonderful game. Easily one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Mass Destruction may or may not have something to do with it.
  16. True enough, also the one person he doesn't want following him to his ship. BIG HANDS!!!! YOU WILL RECRUIT KONSTANTEN AND YOU WILL LIKE IT DAMN IT I SAID: YOU - WILL - LIKE - IT
  17. I'm fine with that too. I've spent countless hours in online MKX.
  18. They were among the weakest classes in several polls even before the patch, 1.1 weakened some of their few decent abilities. They are not only (perceived as) weaker than many other classes, many of their spells seen to be hardly worth casting (if an ability that stuns someone for 6 sec blocks you from doing anything else for 6 sec as well, you've not gained much). Furthermore, ciphers only somewhat shine as crowd controllers, but don't have viable tools for other roles (DPS, tanking, buffing, healing, ...) I am curious because before that patch I found ciphers to be hilariously broken (at least the ascendant). Very solid CC, good buffs/debuffs. I won’t be checking 1.1 before it s finished, but I was curious because from my experience ciphers were in a need of a major nerf. Dr. Hieronymous Alloy gave a good list of reasons why Ciphers are underperforming here.
  19. So, given that the 2H sword thing at the moment seems to be playing with various AoE effects, has anyone found some nice way to take advantage of Distraho's AoE Shaken component?
  20. Man, the kid me loved Flashback. The New Washington (was it New Washington?) part felt so huge back then.
  21. Thank you! Guess I'll be diving into one hell of a rabbit hole after work today. You can find out about Qistina and Eldar if you're so inclined. Just keep in mind that Qistina was always deadly serious while oby at least... well... we're not entirely sure oby was for real. He might have been an early prototype Russian posting AI. For some inexplicable reason, I thought "Eldar" was HoonDing, but I guess not. Thank you for the links. More diving ahead! About the net forgetting things, to be fair, the net was a completely different beast twenty years ago.
  22. I'd love a Rocksteady Superman game. I feel like Superman gets too much flak for reasons that basically amount to "he's not Batman".
  23. ... they're from quebec? Well, they *do* keep saying that they're the real power in Deadfire.
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