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Everything posted by LostStraw

  1. (image cut) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was back when the character Gara was still good. It all seemed to go down hill once the cartoon started up though.
  2. For those that have seen the movie Cars, is it as good as the previous Pixar works? I was going to go see it, but with some of the not so good reviews I've decided to hang onto my money thus far. I have really enjoyed Pixar's previous movies.. so is it worth it (for someone with few funds) to go see it for 10$? On a side note, here's a link to the trailer for Pixars next movie (quicktime) www.apple.com
  3. With the imbalance of the female to male ratio -- I imagine there would be a fair bit of polygamy involved.
  4. Now are those PCs $3,500 on todays market -- or were they $3,500 two+ years ago... I'd expect the game Andy Sites is producing (Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom) to have much better graphics following that statement, but they really don't seem to be any better then what can be done on current gen PCs costing less than $3,500.
  5. Ai, my computer just needed a good kick in the reset switch.
  6. So I go to play the game, starts up fine. I click on new game *loading* *loading* *crash*. So I try it again -- and again it crashes. I unload all my mods.. still crashes. 6-6-6 has struck . At least I'll end up doing my homework now.
  7. I've got one of those too WD74D. And a SCSI raid 0 array . I think it's because it's using my virtual memory for uncompressing the big files instead of my ram. Edit: ended up taking 6 minutes
  8. It's a 1.6MB patch.. says to allow 20 minutes to update . My HD is chugging like mad right now, guess I'll go have a cup of tea.
  9. I don't think I'd call it a clear cut winner either. Even if it does contain the ability to out perform the 360, I wonder how many companies will really try pushing the platform (with it's bad reputation of making programming difficult). I wouldn't buy a PS3 unless it comes down in price, same for a 360. The Wii is the only console on my list right now, but that's because I'm poor .
  10. As much as I love to bash the PS3, this article is nothing but FUD. www.slashdot.org Go ahead and read through the comments, many people say the same thing as the comment I just quoted.
  11. Your console sucks so bad, your house imploded when you brought it home! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did that happen before or after his console broke?
  12. What spin did I put on it? The SPEs are slaves to the PPE, and they do nothing but number crunching (FPU work), they have poor branch prediction and a short history tree... Where's the spin? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In your post (I was talking about your entire post, not the little snippet I quoted) you only seemed to focus on the negatives of the cell and on the nice aspects of the 360s processor. Just seemed a little one sidded. Something more along the lines of:
  13. Ah, got it. With that out of the way, I guess I'll cast my vote for the PS3 to win the war. While I think that it wont sell well out of the gate, I do believe it has a good chance of winning in the long run.
  14. It's nitpicking time . Really? Again it's your own words without anything backing them up. Or do you have a lot of experience coding on the Xenon/CELL processors..? For a clue, read this: http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=2453&p=4 From the article you linked to: Although he definitely put some spin on it, those points he made (that I quoted) seem to be accurate -- from the article you linked to.
  15. I bet I could replace your computer with a PS3 and you'd never notice . obey sony.. ooobbeeeyyy sooooonnyyyy *cackle, cough, splat*
  16. Really? .. follow the link IGN Also from Wikipedia
  17. No and it won't have this either.... LINK <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Painting with the Wii controller.. could be interesting. Chances are it'll just turn out to be nothing worth getting though .
  18. Between 30$-40$ Walmart (preorders)
  19. Well.. that just sucks. I didn't think it would be tied to a steam acount like that <_<.
  20. At a price of around 4$ per hour, I'll be passing this one up. Amazon is selling the boxed copy for only $16.99 Amazon. Although with shipping costs, it'll come out to be around the same (but you get a pretty box.. and the ability to resell it -- once you've played all 5 hours).
  21. Ouch, many stores make quite a bit of revenue off of selling pre-owned games. I also doubt Sony would be looked nicely upon if they started going after their customers like the RIAA. Edit: I'd believe it was a joke -- just more FUD against Sony "
  22. I don't like the idea of doing everything with the mouse (don't think my hand could stand up to all the clicking). I hope they give us some decent keyboard controls, maybe even in the style of Crusader: No Remorse -- but that's probably asking for too much.
  23. I wonder if UbiSoft would have been so likely to drop it without the lawsuit against them. I also wonder if UbiSoft is victorious over the lawsuit if they'll go back to using it. Here is a link to the UbiSoft (HoMM) forums with a developer painting Starforce in a more favorable light, with some statistics as well. Whether you believe it or not is probably fit for a different thread entirely. http://forums.ubi.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc...92/m/8121095173
  24. How do some of these games get in these spots? Was there some cool gameplay footage shown on Assassin's Creed (all I've been able to find is the pre-rendered trailer), or is most of this stuff based on bubblegum, hype, and promises of what the game "might" be like on release?
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