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Everything posted by LostStraw

  1. #1 America is not a true democracy. #2 America being a fairly free country means racists get a vote too. #3 You shouldn't argue so emotionaly, it doesn't do anything for the argument and only deters the point you are trying to make.
  2. I'm torn between number 1 and 3. I know, make em both.
  3. That's so sad, most Californians are so dumb. Myself I can name off all the States along with capitals, and major historical events for most of them. Though I'm considered rather an idiot savaant 'round here. <_< I used to be able to do that, when they forced me to learn it in elementary school. Now because I haven't practiced since then.. well, just don't ask. P.S. To get better results when shrinking the comics for your sig, convert them to greyscale before you resize them. Then just mess with the color curves a little to get the sharpness back.
  4. *tin foil hat* It's true that much of the news in America is biased, but that's more the mainstream media then anything to do with Bush. Moore most likely couldn't get a publisher because not many publishers want to be associated with him, considering his rather extreme views in some cases.
  5. He is not a dictator. A dictator is one who has controll over everything. Bush himself does not weild that kind of power (no one person should have that kind of power). That's because there is a thing called checks and balances, the president can not do everything he so wishes. The president also can not ammend the constitution by himself and the change he wants to make probably wont have a chance in hell of ever being passed anyway. If you really want to blame people you should blame congress for not doing a very good job. The president is just easiest to pick at because he's the public figurehead.
  6. As far as the public knows, he didn't lie. I think Clinton also percieved the middle east to be a threat and to have WMDs. Bush was most likely misinformed (could have been a lie though). Clinton lied under oath, which is illeagal and why he was impeached. It had nothing to do with what he lied about.
  7. By that logic, then so were many other presidents.
  8. LMAO, sooooo true. At least it isn't "My force sense in tingling".
  9. Even if the tabloid were true, it would not make Bush a dictator.
  10. I too, often think in fragments. In Spanish, the subject can often be implied. In English, if you leave the subject out, you have a fragment. Fragment good. Sentences bad. We must stop Yoda before he ruins the English lang.. err, Galactic Basic. Join with me to ban StarWars from the public education system. His viral language must be stopped before it grows out of proportion and into the orifice of every child's mind. Now who's with me? anyone?
  11. It's possible to get it down much smaller with it still being readable. This is the smallest I could get it (446x144) while still being able to read it myself. Thanks for the tip on an image host Alexia.
  12. -Sounds good. If it involved any traditional rpg elements, it would be ideal for high level campaign. The.Donut -This almost sounds like Arcanum when playing it through with badass gunslinger. As long as it didn't have magic, magic like abilities, or a fantasy setting/story it wouldn't be anything like Arcanum. I tried playing as a badass gunslinger but the fantasy portion of the game really made it hard to get into it. So many CRPGs have magic like elements in them (force powers in KOTOR for example) that it's getting old. I think the setting of the old west would make for a rather unique experience for a CRPG (as long as they kept out all the magic crap <_<).
  13. I was very hard to play light side through the stowaway quest. I had to turn my speakers off before I started going crazy. The second time through the game, when I was playing darkside, I felt an almost sick joy when I kicked her off the ship on Tattoine.
  14. High school, now there's one place I would not like to revisit. I can just see the character creation system now. Game: Would you like to be a Nerd, Dweeb, Jock, Prep, or Goth?.. or perhaps you would like to multi class. I can't say I'm not intrigued by the idea though.
  15. I'm sure steelfiredragon will be jubilant. And this is good news to me as well.
  16. Are we talking big searchlights mounted right by their lasers, or more like the lights on airplanes wings?
  17. That's what I was thinking when I heard of the "trees". In the interiew posted earlier in this thread, MCA goes on to say. "The current game mechanic we
  18. Would those Darths be brother and sister then?
  19. The big bubbly suit bit in the first one. But I believe one of the devs (Akari) in the forum, said moving around in it would be faster if they put any areas like that in KOTOR2. So even though it's in, I don't think it will be nearly as annoying.
  20. Oh right.. they should have one on the bottom too But, really, I think your original topic was fairly well discussed. Unless you have something more to add?
  21. I wonder what the Selkath think of caviar. Edit: and how do they breed?
  22. It is fantasy.. sorry Opus The reason why ships are over illuminated is because that's how it started out and how it has been for a long time. If you want to go with reality all the ships should be painted matte black reflecting little to no light, if there was any around. The reason why this wont happen is because people don't like "seeing" black objects flying through space.. and it makes gunning them down much harder (especially since all turrets seem to be manual <_<), bad for gameplay and some such.
  23. Farcry has indoor areas that have a definite dark brooding theme to them. Add realtime shadows and you get a downright creepy experience. The shadows also add a degree of tactility to the game. And they still look better then HL2s bright (dark and brooding) outdoor scenes. No, it doesn't. At least from all the videos I've seen and I believe I've seen all the ones they've released to the public, including the E3 2004 one. pretty much everything else, I agree with
  24. I'd say we've seen enought of Half Life 2 to acknowledge it's existance. Frankly, i'd choose the Half Life 2 engine just because of the AI, the interactivity, the emergent scrypting and character/facial animation plus automated lip synching (a blessing for an RPG). Not to count it's flexibility and modding capability. I mean, the game already plays like a movie, it's perfect for a first person RPG. Unreal 3 has a nice rendering power, but Source is completely upgradable and will propably not look all that different by the time Unreal Engine 3 becomes viable with future hardware. Don't forget that Valve will develop Half Life 3 on the same engine, Source is a working in progress even as we speak... To me the Source engine looks like crap compared to the Crytek one, in the movies and screenshots. The Source engine is designed to be very scalable (back to the Riva TNT days) which probably means it wont ever really take advantage of the latest graphical features. Of course the guys that made the graphics for Farcry could just be a lot better. The Crytek also supports great AI. I'm not sure about it's facial animation, modding, or scripting capabilities though, probably the only things the HL2 engine would really be able to beat it in. Which I agree would be more important to an RPG then pretty graphics.
  25. What argument based on religion? Just because it's from the book of common prayer does not mean it was a statement based on or from religion. I thought it was a valid definition, except maybe the duty part. and I conceded if you didn't notice <_<
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