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Everything posted by LostStraw

  1. KOTOR2 is supposed to be released for the pc and X-Box at the same time. Edit: But I'll be waiting 6 months anyway, for the patches to come out.
  2. That Tetris game is sure gonna have some pretty big textures.
  3. I'm anti-American-foreign-politics myself. I have lots of american friends who I can discuss this subject with maturely and calmly. But whenever I try to discuss american politics on this board, it immediately drops to the level of name-calling and right wing extremist views. It's like every little piece of criticism against the US is a personal assault on every right wing American who reads it. In EnderWiggin's case I can understand it, since he's the biggest Bush fanboy I've ever met, but why does everyone else get so worked up? Being over-nationalistic and under-informed is a very dangerous combination. You seem to participate in the same level of maturity you criticize others on the board for. I think you're more mature then quite a few people here, but realize your own faults too.
  4. If it keeps going it might become the biggest thread.
  5. They need to move on from triangular polygons.. I'm talking NURBS baby. On a serious note, I think if they include romances they should include more then one choice per male/female pc.
  6. I feel like I'm recieving a lobotomy just reading it.
  7. It had all the makings for a large pointless and Way Off Topic thread.. yet, it was tragicly cut down in its infancy.
  8. then why is this still going?
  9. Did anyone else see the thread about trolls in the way off topic section.. I was about to modify my post and bam.. an error message. No more to be found :ph34r:
  10. They don't get locked around here much. They just vanish.
  11. I find it odd that Fionavar seems to police the Way Off Topic section more then the General Discussion. Hmm, conspiracy theories abound.
  12. http://img61.photobucket.com/albums/v187/f...l80/alexia1.jpg "Not Found The requested URL /albums/v187/furball80/alexia1.jpg was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.29 Server at img.photobucket.com Port 80" Probably why we only see the alt text instead of the actual image.
  13. I see some Italian that Babelfish can't translate very well, but no picture.
  14. Uhh.. Bastilla will come back wearing a Pepsi shirt and hot pants.
  15. I just drunk the last can.. no more for me
  16. No.. Give me fastfood or give me death.
  17. Well, I like firefox because it uses less resources and is quicker then its big brother. I'm also an advocate of the seperate software packages rather then one big one (I use Thunderbird for my mail client). If I had uses for everything that mozilla included I'd probably use it instead. I choose Firefox over Konqueror because it's easier to use and configure.
  18. That's because most men are weak & pathetic beings who have little control over their base passions. You are my hero unless you are female then it would be heroin Of course he/she could just be sarcastic. WE NEED SARCASM TAGS DAMN IT
  19. It's pretty rare. http://www.albinism.org/publications/what_is_albinism.html
  20. Damn straight.. where are the albino people?
  21. America is not a true democracy. I'm inclined to think America would be worse off if it was.
  22. LostStraw

    Shrek 2

    Ah, I think it really comes down to I found the first one to be incredibly funny, while the second one hardly got a peep out of me.
  23. LostStraw

    Shrek 2

    I actually thought it was a POS compared to the original. The story was cut and dry and the funny jokes were few and far between. In the first movie the story was fresh and rather original, especially since it didn't have the typical Disney "bad guy". He was more of an egotistical little prat then evil. In the second movie the character development also takes a back seat. None of the new characters are really interesting and all the old characters have already been developed. I think the character development is what really helped the first one to be good. I would say more about how I didn't like the story in the second one, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to go see it.
  24. Sorry, I was trying to offer you some advice. I'll let you go on your way without pestering you anymore.
  25. You're making a fool of yourself Vault. It's a good thing to stay out of political debates if you don't know much. Which is exactly why you don't see me trying to argue here.
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