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Everything posted by LostStraw

  1. I was going to get it, until I heard people talking about how short it is. Multiplayer didn't look very fun to me.. so I'll keep waiting.
  2. I enjoyed Diablo 2 greatly, mostly it's mini mmorpg characteristics with it's closed Bnet service (I spent many hours playing that game). I played the Titan quest demo and liked it, when I bought the game I was expecting it to be different then how it turned out. Most notably I was expecting it to be a little more varied and have more of a replay value, which Diablo 2 gave me in spades.
  3. There's not much of a story to the game and it's told in much the same way as it was in Diablo 2, through little snippets of dialog the NPCs give you. It only has two videos though, one for the intro and one for the beginning of the game, none for in between the different lands. The game play is hack & slash to the core, nothing more nothing less. The game doesn't feel as varied as Diablo 2, after only a short time most of the enemies start feeling very similar as well as do the levels. The levels are all done by hand so while they often have a nice amount of polish on them, they're very static. Once I got to the third land, I ended up rushing through because I was getting bored and wanted see the game end. The ending wasn't very good though. It also lacked the biggest feature that Diablo 2 had for me, a service like closed Bnet. Even though it wasn't a very enjoyable experience I still played it for over 30 hours and believe I got my moneys worth. I might pick it off the shelf to play again if there are any good mods made for it.
  4. www.bugmenot.com
  5. Microsoft had their own motion sensing controller as well. I believe it was released around 1998 (maybe earlier). Here's a link to it it on Amazon (www.amazon.com). I remember trying it out in a store and not liking it. edit: Just found out about the Le Stick (www.classicgaming.com) for the Atari 2600, and that the Microsoft controller was released in 1999.
  6. Me too. I also remember Civilization and the Sim City/Farm/Ant games helped in getting me hooked as well, but Commander Keen was the first one that got me into gaming.
  7. When two cards just aren't enough anymore... www.vr-zone.com
  8. Q2 ftw, that game was a blast in multiplayer.
  9. The first thing, the wrench weapon feels rather unresponsive. It's hard to tell whether you've gotten a hit on the opponent or not. I prefer more tactile feedback in my melee weapons. The two guns your given in the demo feel very simmilar in their standard fire modes, the alternate fire modes are nice but the ammo gets used up too quickly. Which means the world is littered with all too many ammo packs to keep you supplied. I was hoping to feel more danger as I played, when I died I just got sent to the spirit world instead of it being game over. This ruined the feeling of having to be careful when fighting and the overall suspense. When I was in the small section with the enemies sniping me, I didn't like how easy it was to tell when and where they were going to fire, it destroyed the sensation of really being sniped. All the enemies I saw in the demo seemed rather uninspired and boring. Some of the larger enemies I've seen in the movies look like they'd make nice targets, but going from the enemies in the demo -- they just weren't interesting (graphically or gameplay wise). And there's more.. but then that's really getting into small nitpicky details. Though, after playing the demo through again, I've decided to buy the game. The level design just makes me want to see more (must have more). The combat mechanics arn't rubish.. I just don't enjoy them as much as in other FPS games. So when I buy this game, it'll be for the levels, not the gameplay or plot.
  10. If you're into FPS, I'd say it is. It's an interesting experience, even if you're not so fond of the combat mechanics (like me ). The demo is somewhat short though, left me wanting to play more. The demo weighs in at around 460MB, if you have broadband it shouldn't take too long to get it. links for the demo www.3drealms.com/prey/download.html
  11. The Prey demo wasn't as good as I was expecting. The main character's voice acting got on my nerves and I didn't like the combat mechanics much. But, I loved the level designs. The portals add a really nice touch and fit in really well too. If I get the game, it'll be just so I can see all the levels and how the designers show off their creativeness. Multiplayer could be interesting with the unique features the game has, but it also seems rather limited. The largest server I saw up today was for 12 people -- unfourtunately all the low ping servers were filled up so I haven't yet had a chance to play it.
  12. I've always disliked the whole I'm a girl and a gamer -- "I'm soo special" stance that many of the girl only clans have taken. Gaming shouldn't be about gender, it should be about the frags.
  13. Not a feature unique to Gamestop unfortunately.
  14. Don't leave us all in the dark. Pour out your Gamestop frustrations/experiences to the board, let us take solace in your missery. I'm really just curious .
  15. When I set up my raid array I had to format both drives, couldn't leave anything behind. Though, it might depend your motherboard and what it will let you do. I have a seperate raid card for my array, I get into the raid controller settings by pressing a key (can't remember off the top of my head) a little while into the boot sequence. I figure with the raid on the motherboard you'll probably do it directly from the bios. The manual (if you have one) is usually helpful .
  16. Mutant vampires just seem so out of place. The mutated creatures in the Fallout games didn't make much sense, but they fit in well enough. Mutant vampires.. just.. eww
  17. Maybe EA is mad about Bioshock They shut down Origin (grumble) I don't think they deserve to make a System Shock 3. But if it's good, I'll be buying it anyway (I have a weak constitution).
  18. A link to the slides used in the presentation. www.sec.gov Slide 19 was probably the one that started the rumor. Though, I wonder if Blizzard could really refuse if Vivendi insisted they make MMORPGs out of their other franchises.
  19. Yes, well they would if they didn't shut them down . But from the other comments it seems to be a very different Origin.
  20. Since it came out awhile ago, it should be available on the cheap. Most of the lights can be shot (for some nice romantic settings ). Unfortunately stealth is only really usable in a few parts of the game, mostly it's Rambo style action. Run away!!! The worst part of the game (thankfully over rather quickly)
  21. Which is the scary part . some review scores www.gamespot.com www.gamerankings.com pc.ign.com www.ic-games.co.uk (Xbox version)
  22. I'm currently on my second play through of the game, definitely a lot more fun then I thought it would be when I picked it up. I have the directors cut version which has an unlockable commentary mode (kind of like the one in HL: Episode One) which can make it entertaining to go through again. It also has "cigarette packs" that can be collected to unlock things like concept art (just fun things). I'm not sure if these features exist in the regular (not sure if there is a "regular" version for the PC) version or not. It also works on a checkpoint system instead of saves. Though there is the quicksave/quickload that lets you keep at least one of your own saved games around. It has a bit of a storyline along with it, as well as some decent voice acting (for the most part). There's also a bit of (albeit limited) interaction during a few parts of the game and the NPCs usually have some interesting things to say, sometimes with many explicitives thrown in (though it fits the setting well). The game does have its fair share of problems, mostly just small bugs. There was only one level of the game I really didn't like, but it was rather short.
  23. lots of screens I am buff (grrrr) getting the drop on him surprise I want out of here an awkward way to go floating boddies plague this game (rigamortis sets in very fast) not your mamma's med stations
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