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Everything posted by LostStraw

  1. From the Wikipedia article: Until I see some peer reviewed studies.. or just any scientific evidence from a reputable source, I won't take the claims more seriously. Edit: changed "I'll take the claims more seriously." to "I won't take the claims more seriously." -- Looks like I need to have a little more peer reviewing of my own .
  2. I didn't see him trying to use it on his skin . That is a flame, combusting Hydrogen and Oxygen -- it'll make you a nice BBQ mouse. From that first bogus claim I have a hard time believing the rest.. but even if it was true, what he made was a hybrid. He may have been getting better gasoline milliage, but he wasn't running on pure hydrogen. His website (http://hytechapps.com/) claims 20-30% increased fuel efficiency, with all the psuedo science (marketing) on that site though, I'm not regarding the claims very highly. The guys patent: http://patft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser...ND+electrolysis Sounds like electrolysis (not a new or novel idea) to me, which is a rather inefficient method for splitting the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Another thing I'd like to add is that there is already a large industry for producing Hydrogen gas. I have no doubt they'd be over any technology that would make it more efficient for them to produce it.
  3. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43802 :D I'm so confused where to post now.
  4. Missing the rush -- expect to see some PS3s going for vast sums of money on EBay (I'm placing my bet at the 1500 USD mark).
  5. Motors running on water is BS. They run on Hydrogen, which is generated by splitting the water into its Hydrogen and Oxygen components. They just do the splitting internally instead of having to get the Hydrogen gas at a station. I have been looking, but I have yet to find any technology that can do this efficiently on a small scale. All I've found through google searches are failed companies and "free energy" websites that claim such tech does exist. It would be better to just have a straight up electric car. Edit: To add something -- here's a company that actually sems legitamate. They're developing a conversion kit to make gasoline cars run off Hydrogen. http://www.switch2hydrogen.com/h2.htm They seem to actually tell it like it is.
  6. It made me feel guilty for wanting to chuckle . These are from a wallpaper website, so they're kind of large:
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-star_search_algorithm
  8. Replacing the cooling solution with a non-standard one will also void the warranty. Usually the gains from overclocking the cards are not that noticible, unless you can overclock it by a large margin.
  9. Accelerated AI wouldn't make the AI in Oblivion better -- it might take a bit of the stress off the CPU though. A poor implementation is just that.. programming an AI like RAI was hyped to be would probably be a lot harder then finding the resources to make it run.
  10. Seeing how Physx did and how this would have even less noticible benefits -- I sense failure in this profucts future. But... maybe if it was cheap it could do better.
  11. Could be a lot of things. It might be a good idea if you can take it to a repair shop to get it checked out for free/cheap. But at four years old I wouldn't be wanting to spend much on it. If I had to guess, I'd say it would be a failing powersupply or maybe a faulty connection.
  12. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/lotrwhitec...tml?sid=6154009
  13. It's not based on the movies.
  14. Their new game in developement: "LOTR: The White Council" (Project Gray Company) might actually be a RPG and not just a hackfest.
  15. The only reason NWN recieved such good support is because the premium modules that allowed funding for patches. It's nice that Bioware didn't just take all the profits and not spend any updating the game though. I haven't heard any anouncement for Obsidian creating premium modules for NWN2 .. I doubt there will be nearly as many patches.
  16. So, with all the cash that's rolling in from their sports games -- wouldn't that mean they're adding ads for extra pork instead of suplementing developement costs?
  17. It would be ok.. if it fits. Look at these screens from Planetside to see what I'm afraid of: http://www.secretlair.com/index.php?/click...ins_planetside/
  18. Like Demon King, I wouldn't mind too much if the adds in BF 2142 were some banner adds on the server list or something like that. Keeping a master server up to hand out a list of servers to people looking for a game to join does cost some money. Although it probably doesn't cost that much -- as Epic has been doing it for free. Advertisement in games should be done more in the sense of this 1994 title: "Battle Bugs". Now that's something I'd enjoy :D.
  19. From the article: http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=13680 It's racing, ads are to be expected like in real life -- right? This anouncement didn't bug me too much as it most likely wouldn't break the imersion of the game. Most other racing games I've played also contain ads, so it wasn't much of a surprise to read about. But then I read this...
  20. With ATi cards there are settings in their "Catalyst Control Center" that adjust the screen orientation/rotation. See if there is some external management program for your video card (outside of the windows control panel). Try: Ctrl + Alt + Arrow key (different arrow keys are for different rotations) It doesn't work for my ATi card, but I've heard it works for some low end (integrated) ones. Look for information on your particular graphics solution.. if all else fails though, you can try this: http://www.entechtaiwan.net/util/irotate.shtm (iRotate) It's free, but I've never used it before (found it through a Google search) -- good luck
  21. Isn't PNJ based on an existing IP though?
  22. Here's a link to the discussion on Slashdot about the card: http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/08/193237 I'm more inclined to believe the nerds that inhabit that space over some marketers trying to sell a "killer" product.
  23. Haha.. Marketing BS for the win.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core_2#Conroe So, for not overclocking, DDR2-533 seems to be the best choice. Make sure to get a motherboard that supports 1066MHz QDR though, the 865PE chipset only supports 800MHz QDR for example. Some conroe benchmarks with various kinds of memory: http://www.madshrimps.be/?action=getarticle&articID=472
  25. I've flashed my motherboard bios 5 times, my videocard bios 1 time, and my router bios 2 times. I still have yet for anything to die on me :D. The videocard bios was the only one I had to use a floppy disk for, the others were updated while I was in XP through the companies custom programs.
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