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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. Some comments after seeing the gog page and reading the dev diary: - I wish there was friendly fire. At least in the higher difficulty settings or you have the option to turn it on/off. Combat in a RPG can hardly be called tactical without it. - If I understand this correctly, your health recovers automatically after combat and all abilities use a cooldown. So you don´t have to rest unless you get injuries. I don´t really like this, maybe I am too old school. looks like they took several things from other games: - The injury system looks similar to Drakensang. There a char gets a wound when he takes more damage than his constitution damage and fails a saving throw for self control (2 wounds if you take damage more then twice your constitution and so on). Every wound lowers most of your stats and saves. When you get more then 4 wounds, your char dies no matter how many HP he has . When a char loses all hp or gets too much wounds, he is crippled and totally useless in combat. You need need herbs or spells and sufficient skill to remove crippling or wounds. - Tyranny reminds me of "Age of Decadence". The world looks similar and you can also choose if you want to be a light dodge fighter or a heavy block fighter. Would be nice if different weapon types have different special abilities (you can impale enemies with a spear or make a powerful but slow swing with a hammer.) - Are those combo attacs similar to dragon age:Origins or is it something different? I am not sure about the "learning by doing" leveling system. In many games you could exploit it by repeating useless things (elder scrolls, betrayal at krondor, . . .) You should not get the desire to jump, run or sneak all the time or repair everything after every use. Since they will stick to this system, I think you should only get a certain amount of skill per encounter. example: There is an encounter that gives 1 exp. If you talk to avoid the encounter, you get 1 exp in persuation. If you fight only with your sword, you get 1exp in swords. If you attack with a dagger, block an attack with a shield and cast a fireball, you get 0.33 exp for daggers, block and fire magic. So you cannot maximize your skill by letting the enemy hit you forever to raise your block skill, use a bad weapon to have more attacks to kill the enemy or you heal the enemy to get more attacks and a better heal skill. Why does tyranny have higher system requirements than POE? Looks like I have to buy a new computer soon. I will buy tyranny, but not on the first day. I had to quit my first POE playthrough because of many bugs. Now (finished POE with version 3.2 and both expansions) the game works fine and is more balanced and more fun. Obsidian makes really good games, but unfortuanatly they are also known as bugsidian.
  2. I agree with you about almost everything (well, I did not play it on PotD) - The problem is not that some enemies fight each other. But there was a bug I encountered several times: There is a group of enemies. You send one char there and then run back in order to lure enemies to you. Several times the enemies that did not come to me started to walk around the map and attack another group of enemies who were somewhere else on this map. - I totally agree with the second part to make combat more interesting.
  3. The thread necromancer does his work again. I played the game again as version 3.02 with both expansions on hard difficulty. A lot of things have changed, so I do an update of my review setting: Still like it. See above for details. main story: see above side quests: What I wrote before is still true. There is just one minor problem. In the main story you have to find Thaos because you get insane from the whole watcher thing. But you can take your time to help everyone with their problems along the way. This game (like almost every other RPG) has the problem of false urgency. The game story tells you that you must do something, but it does not matter if you do a million other things before. companions: see above. While Durance has a lot of things to say it is annoying that you have to go through all answers again and again to find the one option you have not selected yet. While I like his story, the way to progress his quest goes on my nerves. Still waiting for a new Kreia or Dakkon. Dialogues and reputation system: I still like this system more than most others. But with the 2 expansions you have so many choices than you can max out all dispositions if you like. This reduces its value from my point of view. stronghold: It is still not very impressive, but there were many improvements. The battle of yenwood quest, the visitors and the text descriptions for adventures make it much better then before. I like the strongholds from NWN2 and Divinity2 still more. Combat: Congratulations for creating this system. There were many improvements in the meantime. The class balance is better then in most games and there are several viable builds for most classes. The system is easy to understand (compared to DnD or DSA) but hard to master. Adding immuneties was a good idea. There is still room for improvement, but the current system is a very good start. difficulty: The game has also improved in this field. The AI is better then before. Using one tank ond 5 glass cannons will not work most of the time. Different enemies will attack different characters, enemies will change to the target that damages them most and they ignore a tank that is untoucheble but cant hit the broad side of a barn. However, the game (on hard) is still much easier than the IE games on easy. Over 90% of the encounters could be done with a similar tactic. Use 2 or 3 tanky chars to block enemies and cast AoE CC to weaken them. Then just bash everything in your way. There were only 2 exceptions: - enemies come in really big numbers (e.g. some ondrite groups in the abby and some of the later bounties) - Encounters that involve dragons (not just drakes) There are some other things: - Most enemy groups stand around and wait for you. You can approach from any side and even surround them. There are very few encounters where enemies attack you from several sides or ambush you unexpected. - There is a bug that enemy groups sometimes attack each other for no reason. The good news is that the expansions show some improvement: The battle at the white forge, the spore in the mines, the second arch mage (Lengraph or something like this, the one in the swamp) and the first attack of the eyeless. Those are examples for encounters that are better designed than most others. The eyeless look great, but they would be more impressive if you could not stunn them and then one hit them with the hammer or the redeemer. All later battles against them were pathetically easy. The expansions: The 2 expansions are good. There are 2 problems: - They are not connected to the rest of the game. You search for Thaos because you get insane from this watcher thing. But you have time to travel to another region, find the battery and fight the eyeless. - They are an additional sidequest you can enter early in the game. Act 3 and 4 were already easy in the original game and if you do the expansions before, you can just rush through them as if you are a god. If you do Act3 first, then the expansions are very easy. I think BG1 did it better. The areas of the expansion are very hard and you should do them before you go to the final battle. one more thing: You get too much exp. I did the expansions and I had max level before starting Act3. Will I play it again? Someday I will, but not that soon. I am somebody who considers the story as most important element of a game. I love PST, I liked BG but I stopped playing at my latest playthrough because I got bored (I have finished it several times). I have never finished IWD though I have started it some times. Not because it was too hard, but because I became bored of endless fighting. PoE is like BG. I like the PoE story even more than BG, but playing the game with a different char does not change the story much. I admit that I was happy when I finished it, because I got bored from fighting countless groups of enemies with similar tactics.
  4. The main story is about a sect who steals the souls of unborn children in order to revieve a god. In the game you see often what happens to the soul after death (The main char can see and manipulate souls that remain in the world). But when and how does a sould enter a child? - at birth? - at fertillisation? - at some point somewhere in between? - Its a process that happens over some period of time? In the game I have seen many souls leaving a body. I see several examples how an existing soul is transferred into a new body (all "golems", some statues and the results of some necromancers). But I never see how a soul enters a body without actions of people (means without science or magic in a broader sense).
  5. Zahua is the best. This was one of the few things that really surprized me in this game. Durance was the worst. I hated to go through everything again and again just to find the one option I did not take yet.
  6. I did not change the difficulty at all and played on hard all the time. I saw it only at this villager, not on anybody else. But I did not check every person I met.
  7. I have defeated Thaos and used the machine. The ending slide of my Stronghold was not voiced and it disappeared so fast that I could not read everything. This was after Zahua and before the dead adra dragon. All other slides were voiced and they were shown long enough to read them. I play in german.
  8. I agree. I have defeated him with a full party on hard. Everybody used his best attacks on the kraken (ignoring all tentacles) and it died in a few seconds. (no need for CC or buffing). Then 3 eyeless arrived, but my casters stunned them, I had abydons hammer and Pallegina had the redeemer so they died a few seconds later. The battle against the spore (another tentacle thing in the mines) was much harder. suggestion: - The eyeless are there at the start of the battle and each one is in a different position. - There are also some smaller adds who are not vessels ( I read a book about some kraken people from the deadfire archipelago, or something like that) - The kraken gets more DR - the real mad suggestion: A tentacle grabs one of your party members and you must attack it to release him. ( maybe I played too much wow in the past) off topic: writing this increased my desire to play Day of the Tentacle remastered.
  9. When I started the game, the options "continue" and "load game" were gray and I could not select them. Closing the game and starting it again solved the problem. This happened 2 times so far.
  10. On burial isle, every time when I enter the map those white things respawn and my main char absorbs them when I get close to them.
  11. I have finished WM2. After beating the kraken, I selected Zahua to hit the crystal with the hammer. My group survived because someone with high survival skill lead them over the ice and Zahua survived thanks to the diving helmet. Later I finished the quest in noonfrost and afterwards the gods rymgard, Skaen and Ondra talk to me. Ondra says something like "I did not expect to see you again so soon." and I have the option to answer something like "You cost me the life of somebody who is important to me [passionate]". This is a bug because everybody survived. I played in german so I do not know the text in english. Look in the german translation thread at posts #996 to #999 (its written in german) Ask Xaratas if you have a problem, he looked at the files behind this. If I understand him correctly, the game looks if somebody has been left behind, but it does not check if this person has been saved with the diving helmet. PS: How can you quote something from another thread?
  12. Does this spell have infinite range and infinite uses? I was fighting the enemies far away from their initial position and the master of this animal companion was the only char of this group who stayed behind at the initial position. He did not participate in the fight until I have killed all other enemies, then I walked back and attacked him while killing the animal companion again and again. The problem was that my attempt to pull only parts of this group seperated the companion from its master.
  13. Wegen screenshots: Ich drücke die "Druck" Taste (rechts von F12), gehe zum Desktop mit alt+tab, öffne Paint, wähle einen Bereich aus und dann rechtsclick und einfügen. Falls du kein Windows hast oder ein besseres Bildprogramm als paint müsste das mit "Druck" und "einfügen" auch gehen. Falls du den Mauszeiger im screenshot sehen willst brauchst du ein spezielles Programm (Z.B. irfanview).
  14. - Was meinst du mit "die Steine ziehen lässt"? - Ich habe Zahua ausgewählt um den Hammer gegen den Kristall zu schlagen. Ich konnte über das Eis fliehen, weil jemand genug überleben skill hatte. Zahua hat dank Taucherhelm überlebt. Ist das jetzt ein bug oder nicht? Von den Dateien habe ich keine Ahnung. ich melde hier einfach nur was ich im Spiel finde.
  15. If the char gets hit by damage, is he immune to that kind of damage that hit him or is he always immune to slash damage? I am not sure when I read this.
  16. Ich habe das quest in Mittagsfrost gelost und hole mir nun bei den Göttern Rymgard, Ondra und Skaen die Belohnung ab. Ich habe WM2 abgeschlossen. Diese Anworten (vor allem Nummer 3) beziehen sich wahrscheinlich darauf, dass ich jemanden opfern musste um die Augenlosen zu zerstören. Es haben aber alle überlebt (dank Taucherhelm). Sehe ich das richtig oder ist das anders gemeint? Ist das ein deutscher Problem oder ein allgemeines?
  17. I found Persoq and Sagani talked with the animal. I managed that the people walk away peacefully. When they walked away, 3 wolf animal companions of them stayed where they are. The wolfes suddenly disappeared after some time (about 30 seconds maybe, I am not sure) expected behaviour: The animal companions walk away together with their masters.
  18. I play a similar barbarien at the moment. My stats are: mig:3, con:9, dex:18, per:21, int:18, res:9 I play on hard (not PotD). I took weapom focus soldier for war hammers. Though I have 2 weapon fighting, I used tall grass most of the time because other chars (Zahua, Pallegina, Itumaak) are so good in blocking the path that he has often problems to get to the enemy
  19. I fought the bounty "Sly Cyrdel" in magrams fork. I send Itumaak first and let him retreat as battle started. Enemies caught up with him half way to my group, so I went there to fight them. I defeated all enemies around me. There was one animal companion of an enemy, it was a lion. Every time I killed it, it went down, but it became alive a second later with low endurance. This repeated several times. I went to the initial position of the enemy, killing the lion again and again. There was one hunter left. I killed him and the lion stayed dead too. It was the only time ever an enemy animal companion was revieved.
  20. GM wants to cast her lv1 spell mind wave. The spell damages the initial target and knock downs targets in a cone behind the initial target. The spell and its animation worked as intended. But the AoE indicator starts at the caster and not the initial targer. I believe there was a time where it was shown correctly (I am not 100% sure) PS: It is strange how you see the cloak of a char who is behind the stone wall.
  21. I play a barbarien at the moment and I agree with Boeroer: - give him tall grass and let him attack from the back row to be on the save side. - Dual wielding one weapon that stunns and one weapon that knockdowns is nice, in case enemies are immun to one of this - A fire godlike with vent pick and unlabored blade looks also nice, both damage and RP wise - If you fight a group of vessels with st. waidwens redeemer, you start a genocide. - I dislike to build around vengeful defeat: you want to have your char killed just to get a full attack? I prefer to CC enemies and avoid taking damage. Basically a barbarien is all about spreading debuffs and interrupts with carnage. Some int and per is a must, the rest is up to you if you want brute force, survivability or speed. bonus question: Does retaliate (from fire godlike, barb skill or equipment) still cause carnage?
  22. I have finished act1, act2, wm1, wm2 and craghold (in that order) and now I am in act3. The quest "siege of craghold" ended when I killed Concelhaut. I read that there is a quest that follows after killing him. How do I start this? PS: I have finished Zahuas quest and it has nothing to do with those archmages.
  23. I started his quest by talking to him in WM2. I did not kill Concelhaut before his quest. PS: This quest was great. I do not know what this dev is smoking, but keep on going. You did a fantastic job, just be careful when you leave the office. PPS: to the native english speakers: "to be stoned" can mean both: - to be under the influence of psychodelic drugs - to be killed by people throwing stones at you Is this correct?
  24. Ich habe ein kleines Problem mit verwirrenden Waffen. Auf englisch heißt der Status Verwirrung "confusion" Diese Waffe verursacht auf englisch "disoriented". Das heißt -5 auf alle Verteidigungen (Falls das wiki stimmt, im Spiel gibt es keine Erklärung) Auf deutsch gibt es den Status effekt "verwirrt", aber das macht diese Waffe nicht, auch wenn man das beim Lesen denken könnte. Der Zustand abgelenkt (engl. distracted) ist auch etwas anderes. Dann müsste dieser Zustand auf deutsch wohl "desorientiert" heißen. (klingt seltsam, dürfte auf englisch aber nicht anders sein) Ist es sinnvoll, verwirrende Waffen in desorientierende Waffen umzubenennen? (außer sie verursachen wirklich verwirrt) Das ist alles sehr verwirrend
  25. My party fights enemies in lower Lle a Rhemen. An Menpwgra casts spreading plague on my group. The plague missed all targets but it still spreads. expected behaviour: When you try to infect somebody with a plague and it fails, this somebody is not ill and so he cannot spread the plague.
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