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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Thanks for delivering us some laughter during your busy life. (Rereading all 104 pages really is no easy task...)
  2. Depends.. is hitting pressure points allowed? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With gloves, not much damage can be done. But with fists, Bruce can kill Tyson if he land his hit on the right spot, or have I watched too many martial arts flicks?
  3. I will bet on Tyson. The weight difference is too much. But Bruce is a damn good martial artist, not really an actor (a very bad actor at most).
  4. Great work! The Disciple looks so dreamy. Wait! I am a guy!
  5. Shryke - When are you going to sober up, man? Jodo - Where have you and your shiny helmet been? And I do look like Carth, except that I am 20 and Chinese.
  6. I doubt they can sell more than two copies of the Collectors Edition.
  7. Launch - Wish I could lend you some of my time wasted by staring into the open space. Shryke - I am waiting for your Mira, too.
  8. My trusted companion for three years now: Though its display screen has been acting weird ever since I fell into the lake while fishing. (My camera and MP3 player both got wasted, but the phone survived.)
  9. I guess I didn't notice those coverages since those are what I already know. Still, it wouldn't hurt if the media tries a little harder on balancing its coverage.
  10. Well. The media blasts us with people in the Middle East dancing with AKs all day. You think that does not influence any one's view on the Muslims? Has the media ever introduced Muslims' true beliefs to us?
  11. Hate crime against Muslims is just another victory for the terroists. [EDIT] A few Muslims are murdered after 9/11 in U.S. The ignorance of that little girl and every one who cheered her is not that harmless.
  12. Ahhh. Disciple really gets no love. :D Launch - Don't let your talent and creativity go to waste!
  13. My condolences to every one who suffered from this atrocity. I am sorry my words are hollow since I have no idea the immensity of their suffering, but nonetheless I hope the citizens of London can recover soon knowing that the whole world is with them and against terrorism. Just want to point out that Bin Laden and his followers are not Muslims. In fact, they represent the exact opposite of the Islam. It truly pains my heart that those hypocrites would proclaim to be followers of Mohammed, who in his entire lifetime harbored Jews and Christians in his territory and had only defended them against pagans in his military career.
  14. Disciple is talking to Atton? Guys, keep the discussion PG rated at least.
  15. Wow! Bastila wins with no contest. And Disciple beats Atton? Where are all the Atton fangirls that run loose on these forums?
  16. I see you put Anakin's hooded look on the exile. :cool: And yes, I think I see my favorite silver sabre! Here is one suggestion to get the poses right: lightly sketch out the major parts of the body first to get the size and scale right before add in the details. It always helped me with my doodles. Any Disciple lovers out there? :
  17. I thought they just sit and play poker all day. Guys of course. DL - Thanks for the cookie. But I noticed that you haven't posted any fanart for a while.
  18. A shy Brianna: (apologies for the bad job at shading, should have done without it.)
  19. *Sign* I guess some one just can't handle the truth. (At least I was able to openly embrace my crush on an anime chick named Bulma .)
  20. A week without Draken? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Drinks to the safe return of our pride of Canada* Great Paint Drawing, every one.
  21. So who currently owns Malak's jaw?
  22. What's with the beer belly? They need to work out more. Only the guy in red looks like a decent fighter.
  23. julianw

    D&D fanart

    Zagor - What's that on Ugluk's spike? And isn't Ugluk the orc-warrior killed by Eomer in Lotr? And yes, your work is among the best I have seen on these forums. 11XHooah - Your Beholder is too cute! :D
  24. Killing Goto is not enough. Let us beat the crap out of it like what the guys in Office Space did to that copy machine: no force powers just fists, nails and teeth.
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