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Everything posted by Naso

  1. Maybe it's because I'm in Classics, but, OY! Arch, all kinds of metal-working, refinements in every craft imaginable. Go see the complex of Fortune at Palestrina, slanted columns solving a rather sophisticated statics problem. Then there's a slew of Roman seige equipment. Oh, and don't forget the generation of almost every idea that has ever been used in Western Civ. Everything for the last 2000 years has just been a rehash of Greek culture. Completely. Oy.........
  2. Beyond just being like tie-fighters anyone notice the sith fighters are nearly identical to those thingies in rebel assault 2, just missing the dorsal fin?
  3. Well maybe the troopers, but Uthar for instance couldn't have been trained by Revan, and then there's his master. It implies some long continuous train of sith lackies coming from somewhere other than Revan's fleet.
  4. Well it was extremely popular so likely has a rather large base already, and then considering that it's now pretty cheap, people'll likely pick the first one up before they shell out 50 for the second one
  5. So the exiled Sith are in the outer-rim and lend their name to R&M and use them as figureheads, but how does that fit in with the seemingly pre-existing Sith Empire or was that something formed from Revan's conquests, thereby explaining the newness of the sites on Korriban and such? So a small force of men to lead training and whatnot was sent, along with general cannon-fodder, Revan's sith simply relying on conversion and conquest to fuel the army? Sorry for the rambliness
  6. If the Leviathan was the Republic flagship why did they only have those silly red and white things?
  7. Will there be skill checks, such as repairing HK-47, that only the pc can perform? (I hope not, else why bother giving someone else skills?)
  8. Those are some cool pictures. It seems like that sort of art design would be much harder to pull off and some of the designs for ships, like the wedge-shaped guy in 452 only works because of being anciliary and low detail. I guess it would really problematize some things though because SW is almost completely about art design; just look at the dialogue in all the movies. I really do like how a lot of the ships have distinct drive areas without habitation. That really works well. On a related note, what's with the sith ships? They have a sort of VSD look about them which just doesn't fit with the universe at all since those were of Republic design and have precursors of some sort in Ep 2, and then Carth apparently served on the Leviathan which isn't a Republic ship. That was just way too convenient and also left it ambiguous whether that was a Sith or Rakatan design.
  9. I don't know the EU, just thought the people who said that stuff in the other forums did. They said there was a large jedi/sith war that almost wiped out both orders and led to some sort of dark age. In some ways though it's the same tech problem as in the hideous prequels and part of that is how you can make a fighter that still fights but isnt' as fast as the rather slow x-wings in the real movies. How ancient are we talking while still having hyperdrives and all that?
  10. There's always Republic Network News.. *edit* sorry didn't realize it was rude, seemed too comical
  11. Well the bioware forums way back when discussed the modern feel and decided it was because of dark ages that came later in the EU or something and the time it takes for tech to diffuse through the whole galaxy along with the constant war putting major governments in military spending modes.
  12. PC. Console controls forbid complexity in games and are geared towards repetitive movements and zombification.
  13. Demos are a lot of work though. I'd much rather see more work on things like nicer textures for the pc, extra npc faces or stuff if they have time, though that'd probably be really hard to do at this point in the dev...
  14. Eh, I think Bioware's weakest point is story really, (and bugs/support :angry:). KotOR's really NWN OC 2.0. The problem with these imo is that they try to give a sense of freedom by a sort of hub and spoke system but it really doesn't work. You don't feel any more free going to dungeon 2 before 3 before 1 instead of 1 2 3, and it makes things seem more generic and lessens the possibility for a story. I think that sort of thing worked better in BG2 because things like the troll castle were treated more like side-quests and so had some personality. I'd thought seeing the linear, though dull, SoU they'd started to realize it, but then the Underdark was just the same. Morrowind had real freedom, which really hinges on the completely freeform world. For KotOR 2, and especially tile/area based things like NWN a somewhat more linear bit with less arbitary travel choices works much better and makes for a much more immersive story.
  15. Well problem is they probably couldn't accept that money and just having that even go on would likely have some nasty legal ramifications for them
  16. Man, I remember when LA did great in-house games. X-Wing, Jedi Knight, Sam and Max...... What happened to all those guys? Oh yeah, they were let go........
  17. Not being an angry teenager doesn't mean we can't be iritable consumers
  18. Eh, Star Wars has really begun to leave the mainstream and go towards the little kiddie market. I know there was plenty of merchandising for the OT but still, it's going further and that's why there's such a console empahsis: consoles the the generally simplistic games sell to little kids and are much more giftable than a computer for x-mas and birthdays. I mean, after Jar Jar, can we really be suprised?
  19. Yeah, not going to read this stuff once that happens; "spoiler-free" forums don't work. There'll be an x-box review to give as much non-spoiler stuff as we can get anyway, aside from any additional content they might grace us pc-users with, and that pro'lly would be somewhat spoilerish anyway.
  20. I think Feargus' post substantiates that it's publishers who push the devs around, as we've seen in other things, and so I think it's pretty unfair to blame Obsidian for this. Don't flame me but I think in this they've already shown themselves rather more concerned than Buggyware. It even took Relic a year or two to get rid of those bizarre Homeworld 2 conspiracies. What we've already seen in responsiveness is more than most companies have, so I'll be getting this and then nothing else from Lucas Arts ever, and so say all you want about LA but I really don't think these guys deserve the flak.
  21. Odd how the original DF Coruscant felt more like a giant metal world than JA, and the JK Nar Shaddaa seemed more like a city than that in JK2. Will be nice to seem them not as linear shooting galleries.
  22. Yeah, it would be fun to have more options for a force-based jedi. I found NWN a lot more fun as a wizard, less leaving the room while your pc wades through seas of goblins and such, could be really a lot of fun if you have more than wave. DS was better for that, but storm and drain were a bit weak imo. Were insanity and those types very good, never really tried them.
  23. KotOR 2: Beyond Petty Thuggery KotOR 2: and the Search for Malak's Jaw KotOR 2: Starship Repo-man KotOR 1.5: The First One was a Dream, Really....
  24. I remember a response that was vague but hinted that it'll be much more stable so possibly the system requirements will be a little more accurate this time around. My question: Since the use of skills is being increased will there be things like with HK where it'll be completely dependent on the pc skill or can you use the party members too, because not unlocking his memory core was missing the best part of the game imo and with my first character, and some others it was pretty hard to do?
  25. Which is why ranting over the release date should stop because it's not constructive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well it really wasn't all about the release date, now was it. Anyway, since Feargus' post things are a bit clearer and because these guys work so hard I'm thinking about getting this one, not really sure, but if I do, it's still the last LA game ever. Those guys have lost my business, and I've had more LA games than anything else, since when I was a kid I got x-wing for x-mas. It was really good, and it had that little magazine/catalog to work on my impressionable little mind, so I got that series and the jedi knight series and a few others along the way. No longer. Put that in your pipe and smoke it LA
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