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Everything posted by Naso

  1. eh, not really. It's a space station where you can buy some rather powerful guns and two lightsaber crystals, play pazaak for more money, and get into one fight that gives you something like 10k xp. That's it. One npc, if you don't count the gizka. Not missing much
  2. Things like that and psycho 12 year olds kick-banning you because they put down the saber in the middle of a fight and you hit them, or just because you were the only one on the server not sitting in a meditation position
  3. What bothered me more was the escape from the leviathan where there's only one turret shooting at you in a crazy spiral pattern.
  4. I would be in favor of a dual-release like with UT2004. I got the dvd of that one and it is very convenient imo.
  5. See my disgruntled comment about needing a Darth Egyptian Middle Kingdom..... Makes just as much sense. I would be in favor of Darth Etruria or maybe Darth Zululand.......
  6. Thank you! Just as exciting as having the game is having a properly supported product for a change
  7. Has the engine been improved to work with ATI cards correctly? It's been a bit disappointing that bioware just wants us to use old drivers and ignores the problems they added in the 1.03 patch. If there are similar issues I, despite being very eager to play the game, may not get it.
  8. Well I got something about a Darth Sion in my mailbox but nothing up on the page so whatever. Why do they have to make the bosses have some badass sounding name that's actually incredibly dumb? How about Darth Lincoln or maybe Darth Hammurabi's Code.. Oh, here's a good one, Darth Egyptian Middle Kingdom! Darth Sion? gah..........
  9. Why doesit have to be force persuade? Just as interesting would what I think I remember in some sort of interview, that you could influence people by your actions like in real life, if your mentor or best buddy started doing something it would complicate the moral issue and if he also got success and glory maybe it just might be enough to disillusion or maybe even *eventually* turn someone.
  10. I thought the main point was that a blaster would have a significant advantage over a sword or something like that. Non-jedi therefore, lacking blaster deflection, would be better served to remain at long range. It was also supposed to make it so that non-jedi npc's are more useful and I believe someone stated that was the point of the rocket to begin with. Really how many of you played with all the characters in the original? I mostly used Bastilla, Jolee, and Carth. I made Carth a dex-based character and he didn't do so well without two jedi in the party to keep him from being ganged up on, even against people with swords.
  11. Well I guess he gets his jollies trying to annoy people on an internet forum about a computer game and since he can't even bring himself to enjoy the stuff he bothers about why shouldn't we allow him this one little bit of joy?
  12. By better graphics I mean the worlds looked more detailed and with better textures but was hard to tell. The UI did take up a bit more screen space than the original though...
  13. The animations look *much* better than the E3 video and it's hard to tell with the low-res video but I think the graphics look nicer too.
  14. Maybe not a proscription per-se but I think people of such natures as Brutus and the rest would not have survived were Caesar to have. As for clemency, Augustus is the typical example, but my vague recollection of Suetonius tells me, (if it's even credible), that it was a pretty quick about-face once he had completed the war and no longer hung to vengeance as his modus operandi. I'm not entirely clear on the breakdown of the factions under Julius but that Octavian had somewhat credible opposition in both Antony and Sextus Pompeius makes me think that for Julius to have held power he would have had to take out some people.
  15. Maybe it's not so much the outcome but the feel of the thing, because in KotOR it never felt hopeless and in most of the places you went there were lots of shiny happy people and the random sith ambush. Taris was occupied but you didn't see much until they blew it up aside from some sith standing in the street. They could make the whole occupied planet thing much darker without necessarily including major plot events.
  16. Well if Caesar hadn't died there probably would have been another proscription alla Sulla or some sort of bloodletting to get rid of his opponents, but the big thing would be that Rome would have been helenized as opposed to following the reactionay classicising course of Augustus. Perhpas, because of the lack of another major civil war there would have been less toadying, since as many historians assert, all those of bold nature were killed off leaving only the obsequious. As for long term ramifications, who knows?
  17. For me it's not so much the mods, but just the games themselves. Like how much better would Morrowind have been if it had a good interface and was a bit more pc-specific? Console games are just always so much more simple and repetitive. I'll admit I haven't had any real x-box time but have tried to the others, and the PS2 especially, the games were just so terrible. I realize that most games are marketed towards the 13yearold demographic anyway, but it's just getting worse every day.
  18. Well here's hoping it runs a little faster than the previous, as they say it will. Why oh why can't we have some non-consolified games? Dragon Age is a very long ways away...........
  19. Irenicus can't really happen because that whole deal was much more personal, a thing galactic conquest is not. The problemis you either get the guy who conquers just for the hell or someone with that whole stupid survival of the fitest thing, and hearing that kind of moralistic spouting about why you should slaughter things gets really old considering just about every other game decides to use that as a stupid straw-man.
  20. Anyone else remember the preview on Korriban that talked about the evil Czerka exec looking out his window and stuff? I think there was a big thing that got dropped
  21. Thanks for the reply! Just for my two cents though, the whole x-boxiciation of pc games still is kinda sad though. I've played console games a bit on my friends' machines and haven't really liked them because everything has to be streamlined and simplified, and so if I miss the random really good game it's ok because I get more and better stuff on the pc. KotOR was really great in so many other ways, and at least they redid the interface, so it rose above these problems, but look at things like DX2 and stuff. You couldn't have a game like Homeworld on a console, and probably (?) NWN would be sort of hard to pull off too. I guess what I'm saying is the consoles have made things lowest common denominator and the whole dual-development thing ought to be rethought. Sorry to rant, it just is somewhat irksome to me.
  22. I realize this is probably pretty obvious, but haven't seen it said yet. Now that the frame-rate problems are fixed please don't do anything graphically before making better textures. We don't really need more nifty effects and whatnot to make it look much. The textures were the limiting factor on the graphics, the geometry and the effects were fine, save the lighting slowdowns. The worst textures in the original are just for metal walls and things. Sometimes they almost look like just a flat color or no texture at all.
  23. Even with what Akari said that makes me a bit nervous. If it were any publisher other than LA I'd believe it, but we've seen far too many cheats and tricks from them on other games and with a sequel I wouldn't doubt for a second they'd compormise it for a holiday cash-in.
  24. Lightsaber whip? There would be a lot of other cool things. A lightsaber net-gun to cut them into tiny little pieces. A lightsaber sweater with cortosis on the inside! No blaster shots could touch you and it'd look all fuzzy from the glow! Maybe even a lightsaber toupee
  25. I would be the one protagonist to not be inextricably bound to the fate of the universe and destined to become a jedi and have to confront either his shady past or a betrayal and chose his path. I would have come from a happy and whole family with no emotional scars. People would like me and I'd have an aquarium on my ship I kept spotless and this would give my life meaning. Everything else has been done
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