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Everything posted by Naso

  1. What exactly is that cat supposed to emote anyway?
  2. What is this pink thing anyway? Is it just being sorta a pansy-ass evil guy?
  3. Exposition is cool. That's why the first part of War and Peace is the best. Later on you just realize Tolstoy's a mystic nut-job.... Digressions in all works are the best though, although ecphases kinda suck.
  4. If you xboxers get your knickers in any more of a knot you'll have to spend all your game money on creams and lotions, and then where'll you be?
  5. Well now that's a lovely image.....
  6. Yeah, the best thing they can do with that game, and the demo was pretty cool. Afraid I'll forget before they finish though
  7. I guess that maybe some shocking horrific death of a party member can be spoiled, but really, the experience is rarely in figuring anything out. With KotOR I just thought there was obviously something fishy going on with Revan, just playd the game, and when they told me, it was just sort of "oh, ok". Of course, this could be far better than that, but, eh...
  8. I'm not sure but I think one of the devs said something about the textures not being as plain on the pc and scaling somehow to the resolutions. That would make me quite happy. If not though, it doesn't matter, as long as the thing works, which I'm now worried about. I'd be happy with NWN visuals. Maybe even 2d stuff like Baldur's Gate II even. (Not a big fan of tiles). Just MAKE IT WORK WELL!
  9. They look perfectly fine, WHEN THEY WORK
  10. pilot. star wars is all about the art design, especially the ships.
  11. You can't really upgrade macs because they want you to buy a whole new system every two years.... Also, they're not that stable. I had a roommate who's mac lit a bunch of stuff in his room on fire. Also, the number of times I've seen mac users have to use the system-restore disk is far greater than I've ever had to reformat, (and when I do reformat, it's mostly because I'm lazy).
  12. You know, the thought of playing KotOR on a lamp, dumpling, toiletseat, or breadboard is just disgusting. Besides, since you can upgrade items, it might start to give apple users ideas, and they just can't let that happen...
  13. NO! Spoilered! ACK!
  14. You are very lucky if updating drivers did it for you. The only way I could play for a very long time was with Catalyst 4.2 and the 1.02 patch, so blech.....
  15. Their parents forgot to pick up the ritalin refill? That enough to get it shut down?
  16. Yep, everything heard so far about the story looks great.
  17. If you want nutty reviews, look at half of the ones on Firing Squad. I mean, sometimes it's dead on, like Halo 2, but sometimes, it's just bizarre, like Jakub saying about nintendo, "but no one over 12 cares". Basically you just have one guy write whatever he thinks, and professionalism is hard to put into something so opinion-based. I thought I heard someone saying NWN was worse on nvidia, though maybe I'm just making that up. I've been very happy with my ati card. Have come to the conclusion that bioware is very good for game concept, mechanics, and all that, just they have really terrible testing. I can't count how many times they said "we can't reproduce this on our systems" when there were just streams of people reporting the exact same things. Looking at the system specs, it really seems like some sort of unoptimized build or something.
  18. I've run other things that use open gl though that have been fine, I mean I kind of doubt it's all just because ATI doesn't have good open gl support, since I've not really had problems of this magnitude with anything ever, and I've played a good number of games. It'll run ogl a little slower, but not much, and there are some random things that are a bit funky, like the glow effect in Jedi Academy or something, but they are usually quickly fixed.
  19. Well as I think this'll be the last LA game I ever buy, it doesn't matter so much to me, but better hope that it was cancelled to put it with a real dev, because LA has shed most of it's good talent over the years and remains but a shell of evil and cheap cash-ins.
  20. Yeah, I had all those problems. My compy's a p4 1.6, 512 ram, with a 9600 Pro, ever-so-slightly overclocked. (I turned it back down to standard to check stability, no improvement). Far Cry at 1024 everything medium feels much smoother than KotOR, same with UT2k4, and pretty much everything I've run but Doom 3, and it looks nice and all, (and really I don't care about the graphics that much), but not nearly good enough to justify the performance hit.
  21. Sorry to jump back a bit in the thread, but I'm not as much talking about scripting bugs and stuff, though the doors on Manaan underwater caused many a restart for me, but general engine issues. They finally seemed to have fixed the disappearing character visible clothes problem, and the random inversion of polygon coordinates, which were very bad, but there was a memory leak that was never fully addressed, as far as I know, and tons of crashing. I know some of that was due to the ATI thing, but the responses from bioware really made me doubt that it was all ATI's fault. Then there's the performance, which, in no way is comparable to the results.
  22. I don't think the problem was that it uses the same engine, but that the problems of that engine really ought to have been fixed by now.
  23. Well JA was bad not because of the graphics but because the gameplay additions made multiplayer really random and were really dumb. The katas and stupid combos really took multiplayer down a notch, and then the damage model was kind of random. Headshots doing more and everything would have been really great if it always happened, if sabers hadn't sometimes just gone right through people doing nothing, and if they hadn't actually REDUCED the amount of control in some ways. The staff and the duals were essentially worthless in mp too because they were just a string mo-cap moves that left you wide open and couldn't really be adjusted like a normal saber swing. Oh, and there wasn't a working server browser for a month. That really helped too.
  24. (Edit: I'm a PC user, so maybe this is not quite analogous):I and many others had problems upon problems upon problems with KotOR. Look at all the fixes for NWN released just a bit ago. Granted, it's a much more complicated ruleset, but the timing and the quantity, (not all rule-related even), show it. If you want to see good support, look at something like UT2k4. That was polished and well supported. Aside from actual bugs, the performance of the engine is attrocious and in no way matches the visuals given. Far Cry runs better than KotOR. It's rather a tossup to compare it with Morrowind's performance, though KotOR is somewhat more stable. Then consider the attitude of the devs. It's a company I've bought from for a long time that I've been slowly losing respect for.
  25. It's really hard to make a good expansion. I mean, an rpg is usually about the story, and so you need something equally gripping. Maybe it is just Buggyware's horrible generic campaign design for everything they do, but it was really hard to care about SoU and HotU was much better, but still was sorta missing something somehow.
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