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Everything posted by Gairnulf

  1. Currently the loot interface only shows how much one coin of a given type is worth in Copper Pands. The player has to do the calculation by mind (if he knows the exchange rate which is not mentioned anywhere in the game) in order to know how many copper pands he is picking. Please have the loot interface calculate how much 20 Golden ducs or whatever other sum in whatever other currency is in copper pands.
  2. The biggest joke - might affects your bullets' damage
  3. It has been decided by the Politburo of the Supreme Soviet at Obsidian, that walking isn't fun, and you certainly want to be moving as fast as possible through the map. Also, you are the only person in the world who doesn't walk. Don't you feel special? Seriously, I was asking for walking by default during the beta. I was being un-fun.
  4. Oh, and there is the system of coinage too. I mentioned during the beta that if there were money changers or exchange rates that had commision, this would have made sense. If you're going to create a complex system of coinage for the sake of complexity (and immersion), at least make it really complex, and also don't shower the player with money (by giving him an infinite inventory and a vacuum cleaner button). Right now, the only effect is that you don't know exactly how much money you are getting. Actually there should be a table in the almanac. I'll take a look ... Dyrwoodan coins 1 golden duc = 12 pands Vailian coins 1 silve lusce = 3 pands 1 suole = 9 pands 1 oble = 18 pands Glanfathan coins 1 awld = 2 pands 1 enì‚ach (an adra coin) = 60 pands Aedyrian coins 1 skeyt = 1 pand 1 fenning = 6 pands 1 gold scelling (pronounced 'shelling') = 12 pands
  5. Bester, is it possible to replace the Backer NPC strings with generic floating text, or better yet, generic text displayed in a dialogue interface? I'm imagining something just like in the IE games, where NPCs would say one of a bunch of random strings - comment on the weather, the political situation, lore bits, etc? Once I've completed the game and read through the lore books - almanach/collector's book, etc., I'm volunteering to write generic lines. I just feel like having so many mute NPCs is a loss and takes away from the immersion.
  6. I refuse to get annoyed at the devs though. This whole system looks really unfinished and I'm counting on them to finish it in a future patch or in the expansion. You are so optimistic you make my heart melt. I wish I was. Hah Btw you know you can drop items in the IE Mod, right?
  7. Some of this stuff I've mentioned before, and is my confirmed worries from before the release. Other is something that's made an impression on me while playing the full game. Economy - getting too rich too soon is a thing. I'm intentionally not using the Stash and this has allowed me to avoid picking up merely somewhere around 1000cp worth of loot. I'm being mostly thorough with looting, as much as my characters' inventories allow, and I refrain from stealing from those containers which are not marked by a red mouse pointer, yet it wouldn't make sense in a roleplay sense to steal from them. And still I've got a bit over 5000cp for 15hrs of playing (not taken the stronghold yet) Stash/Item weight/Encumbrance - needs added complexity to feel less like a vacuum-cleaner sim. The Stash is a mess functionality- and design-wise, among many exmaples - it's completely possible to accidentally send stuff you want to use into your stash while in the wilderness, and then be unable to get it out of the stash until you return to town. This is dumb as heck. Before someone comes and tries to be smart - no I can't turn stash accessible everywhere because 1) I play on Expert and 2) it defeats the purpose of restricting stash in the first place if you have to enable it because of technical reasons born out of a bad design decision. UImarkers on map, it's important guise Make tab key highlight the destination markers when you've sent your characters to a location, in addition to displaying markers for selected party memebers Stealth on party member level Separated stealth and trap-detecting stance Crafting/enchanting - shouldn't be possible everywhere, at specific smiths and for a price would be nice Might cannot designate both mental and physical strength. It's too hurtful to the very roleplay aspect to have a good wizard whose side-talent is breaking iron bars with his bare hands. Stronghold - can't comment on this one yet, but from what I read about it, it will come up soon.
  8. No romance in the BGII/later BW games is expected, and I thank God for that!
  9. Justin, I have 2 questions - 1) are there (game) areas' themes that are not included in the downloadable soundtrack, and 2) did you update the mp3s in the zip file with metadata and complete versions of the two incomplete themes? Cheers!
  10. I played BGII before BGI and found BGI underwhelming. It's still a matter of preference though, and since BGII was my first RPG, I already had set it in my mind as a unit of measure for other RPGs. The extended editions are not worth your time considering, much less paying for.
  11. I was surprised to see this bug present in 508 although I'm pretty sure it was gone in 435.
  12. I knew that already but thanks I was meaning to downscale them by hand from the beginning exactly because of the degradation of image quality that would have resulted if I just resized the biggest resolution. I thought there was a set number of supported resolutions by the game, but I suppose it adapts to whatever the videocard/display can support. It's repetitive work but not very difficult. I use Photoshop for work too, so I'm not a complete noob. It was also of help that I had your files to use as a template. I just released my first Hud UI today: http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/8/? Thanks a lot for all your guys work!
  13. What's the biggest possible resolution for the game? I want to start designing a HUD texture and I want to begin with the largest resolution so I can scale down fast.
  14. Watch this and the other "beginner's guide" videos on the same channel. I wish someone would make a thread with them and have it stickied.
  15. Anyone having problems, look at the "Beginner's guide" videos on Sensuki's channel. Better than the manual, better than the strategy guide. That's the most in-depth info on the game's systems available right now:
  16. One year from now, the Expansion, is my guess for the what the Gold PoE will be I've only reported 4 bugs, none of them cruical, for 8 hours of playing, so it's better than I thought.
  17. The NPCs are decided in such a way as to suit the setting, location and story, not to fill up a racial/gender quota. Also, the Bioware boards are to the left of here. From my thread, named "My Ultra-Conservative/Reactionary Wishlist for the Expansion":
  18. Thank you for that. I've been repeating the same since the beta. Also nice to see another Balkan person with a taste for stealth games.
  19. The art style is definitely in need of more rideable bulls.
  20. I refuse to get annoyed at the devs though. This whole system looks really unfinished and I'm counting on them to finish it in a future patch or in the expansion.
  21. That's the only bit I can fully agree with, but I have to say that with only 8 something hours into the game, it already feels boring to open every battle with a sneak attack and then let my tank soak the engagement arrows. This is a prime example of a no-brainer "decision" in a system which was supposed to do everything to avoid no-brainers. One of the arguments for having party memebres run all the time instead of walk, was that they have to move faster around the map, so the players wouldn't get bored. Well, surprise-surprise, if a player wants to play efficiently, he has to sneak all the time which is even slower than walking.
  22. You want to know how stupid the idea of the stash is? This is how stupid the idea of the stash is: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72748-508-loot-interface-appears-with-take-all-button-under-the-mouse-pointer/ :
  23. I think the stash/loot systems is the worst design decision I've seen in the game.
  24. [Description of the issue] When you click a container the loot interface is shown with such offset from the mouse pointer that the mouse pointer is directly above the "Take all button" [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Example: 1) Click on a container 2) The loot interface appears with the take all button under your mouse pointer [Expected behaviour] The Loot Interface should appear at such coordinates offset from the mouse pointer so that no interface element can be clicked accidentally. On more than one occasion I double clicked and took objects I didn't need. Coupled with the lack of a drop item feature, this can potentially fill up the party inventory with items which have nowhere to go to clear up inventory space, except of course to the stash. [Other remarks / Comments] I really think the whole stash/loot system based on the presumption that every player wants to take every item from the world goes contrary to the whole spirit of the game. The only way for the loot container to not appear with the "take all" button underneath the mouse pointer, is to move the view so that the container is on the far right part of the screen before clicking. If you do that, the Loot Interface will try to stay at the edge of the screen so that no part of it is beyond the screen, and in this way you can force the loot interface to appear safely.
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