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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I actually couldn't care less if you flame me. Hell, it'd help you in your quest for high post count if you responded to every single one of my posts. I wasn't looking for a flame war. Just making the observation that most (perhaps not all) of your posts are the exact same thing. Take it as constructive critisism, or ignore it. Your choice.
  2. I think this time might be different if one of the NPC party members happens to be a returning NPC (or perhaps Revan himself/herself). If that scenario happens, I think they'll keep that party member under wraps until release.
  3. Yeah, 'cause this is such a serious topic and all, right?
  4. I didn't follow that closely when the original KOTOR came out, but did they reveal all the NPC party members before the game was released? Or were some kept secret until after release? The reason I ask is, because I'd really like to get some information on all your NPC party members and was curious whether that'd be out before or after release.
  5. Ah..that must be why you keep posting. ^_^ Bokishi just likes seeing his post count go up. He's what could be described as a "legal spammer", in that, technically, he's spamming, but because he throws one or two words or ideas in there that are based on KOTOR to make it "legit".
  6. off-topic, but is Peragus a new planet/system/place that Obsidian made up? Or did it exist in the Star Wars Universe already? I always thought it sounded like Pegassus (the horse with wings).
  7. nah, i doubt it. you'd just beat to death any new news by making hundreds of threads about it, also.
  8. fresh? by posting the EXACT same type of thing over and over, just changing the name of the character? that's called repetitive, not fresh. I could make a 1000 posts, all asking if such and such could return, just making sure to use a different character each thread. that doesn't make things fresh.
  9. Hence the reason I don't post 50 different polls, all the same thing, just changing the character's name . It gets repetitive and pointless. Gee, here's some more poll ideas for you. Will ...... return? 1-Gandar 2-Rukiil 3-Lena 4-Griff 5-Selkath 6-Hendar That should keep your post count rising for the next couple of days.
  10. Is it me, or is every single one of Bokishi's posts either a)a poll about an insignificant party member or B)a thread about insignificant things?
  11. It would be fun to have one party member who was a complete dolt and could be blamed for everything that goes wrong. PC: "Gluupor, did you give my lightsaber to that guy in the mask?" Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky." PC: "Gluupor, did you press that button that is marked "self destruct"?" Gluupor: "Gluupor wonky."
  12. I think Bioware could have made this issue a lot easier for Obsidian if they included an epilogue in the first game. That way most people (myself included) wouldn't want closure on what happened to the party members we had throughout the previous game.
  13. That quote right there proves you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. The Force is NOT a tool. That has been said COUNTLESS times in the movies, books, games, etc. The Force is, pretty much, equivalent to any kind of knowledge or skills you learn. It's not just a mere "screwdriver" or "hammer".
  14. I think the bigger problem with Revan, moreso than the appearance, is the choice of voice. I mean, as you stated, to hide his appearance and avoid "hey! that's not what he looked like when I played him", they can throw on a mask or a hood. But if he's in the game, most main characters have "speaking" parts. So the tough choice would be what kind of voice to give him, if at all. Unless, of course, he's become mute and has Bastila or HK-47 speak for him.
  15. That wasn't my point. I know that "techincally" anyone with experience should be more than a level 1 with 0 XP. My point was, why is that such a sticking point to the degree that it'll ruin the game for you? My point is everything doesn't have to be completely REALISTIC for it to still be fun. So your PC starts out as a level 1, who cares? IMO, it's like saying "oh well he wears brown boots, when it's common knowledge that only black boots are worn with those uniforms" and then discarding the game because of one small, insignificant aspect.
  16. Hades, do videogames have to be 100% "real" or "logical" for you to just enjoy them? I mean, you're so fixated on how "unrealistic" it is for a veteran of the Mandalorian wars to be a level 0, that you say it would ruin the game for you. Is everything realistic though? I mean, if you want to be completely "by the book", then characters shouldn't be able to come back to life once their energy is at zero. Game over. No reloading a saved game, you have to start over. Because, I mean, if you want to get technical, how "realistic" is it for a character to die, but be brought back to life by simply loading a saved game? Is it too hard to imagine that he's a level 0 because he saw very limited action in the Mandalorian wars and isn't anything more than, perhaps, one of the lower ranked soldiers?
  17. I voted for Carth for two reasons: 1-We get to visit Telos, his homeworld, so it'd be rather cool if we met up with him as he's helping a resistance force fight on his tattered homeworld. 2-People seem to hate him so much, I'd love to see him back just to piss them off :D
  18. Friday's bad for me, especially the next couple of weeks. Next weekend I'm going away with buddies to a cottage, then the following one it's a big family thing for a cousin's 18th birthday. After that my friday's should be free though. So I dunno, if you want to NPC my character for 2 weeks, or if you think it's best if I just join the party in two weeks. Let me know.
  19. You can talk to her on Dantooine as long as you finish Korriban before the Leviathan. She's in the courtyard (where Jon, Nemo, etc.) by the far back end standing by herself.
  20. I agree. Also, what's with peoples' fascination with having "bit" characters from KOTOR1 appear as NPC party members in TSL? Gee, why don't wee have Rukiil and Igear as NPC party members as well. Or maybe Gluupor.
  21. Reading interviews is like going to a strip club. It's all just a tease for something you can't get your hands on.
  22. "...you split your party to use several characters from your team for concurrent side quests" That part intrigues me. If done right, it'd give it the feel of the movies where part of your party is doing one mission while the other part is doing another at the exact same time.
  23. I didn't vote because the options were limited to one character per vote. I don't actually care if any of them actually join your party. My one wish would be to atleast be told (through dialogue or cameo) about what happened to each of them.
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