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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Not to nitpick (since I don't care either way about this arguement), but Cassus Fett's blaster actually gets bumped up to a 6-19 damage once fully upgraded.
  2. x-box....that's your first problem right there :D
  3. She needs bigger breasts. Bastila had a nice pair of pixelated mammories /end random creepy internet guy request
  4. I voted for Cinnegar only because I remember one of the armor and a gun came from there.
  5. Gluupor...Gluupor....Gluupor wonky
  6. How about the Ebon Hawk has a healing chamber (bacta tank) like has been suggested, but it costs a certain fee (like the docking fees) each time it's used? Something like 500 credits per use or something. At the very least, it'll make you have to "earn" the useage of the heal function on the Ebon Hawk.
  7. no prob I'm actually playing through as a level 16 scout right now. Jamoh Hogra's armor and everything (not the strongest armor, but it's got a different design than most of the others).
  8. Hades: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=123671 You might like it.
  9. wow talk about taking a character too personally/seriously
  10. Hades_One, have you tried using the save game editor? It allows you to play through the entire game as a scoundrel and thus avoid having to become a Jedi.
  11. Star Wars enthusiast. I've watched the movies countless times, and have almost all the books/novels.
  12. Joined not too long after it was made "official" that Obsidian was developing KOTOR: TSL.
  13. I changed my mind and want to play as a Yuuzhan Vong
  14. Simple, I voted Sullustan; GhostOfAnakin voted Sullustan, and someone else chose Sullustan. The people have spoken! Long live the Sullustans! I can see it now! KOTOR3: TSE (The Sullustan Empire)
  15. I dunno. I kinda liked how Juhani was just staring aimlessly at the wall in that little room. Or how Jolee was hanging out in that room with the big dentist chair all by himself
  16. pardon my computer retardedness, but what benefits does a DVD drive have over a CD drive? I have a DVD drive on my old comp that ive just been too lazy to install in this one, mainly because i've never noticed a difference.
  17. LOL the poll asked what I want the game in.
  18. CD. Not everyone owns a DVD drive. Everyone owns a CD drive.
  19. Even holstered, a lightsaber isn't inconspicuous. It just dangles from your belt. A blaster is a different story.
  20. Maybe Juhani will return to flirt with Mira
  21. It didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. I hope they start posting the bios of all the known characters soon. I don't think posting a bio of Atton Rand or Kreia is going to ruin the plot or storyline.
  22. Yoda's not a Whill. That's a misconception.
  23. I voted sullustan, mainly because they're a big part of the OT but have no role thus far in KOTOR. Besides, it'd be pretty funny seeing a party member half your size doing battle with you
  24. I hope they start putting up more character bios. Atleast of the ones we already know about.
  25. I think going to the Jedi Academy was a necessity of the storyline. But I do think that if you chose to be DS, then while on Korriban the other students should have reacted different to you. The problem I had with Korriban is that regardless of whether you remained a Jedi or went Dark side, all the remaining students wanted to fight you. It would have been cool if the dark jedi in the game acted differently towards you if you decided to reclaim your mantle of dark lord. maybe not necessarily join your party, but something like a dialogue tree where they pledge their allegiance and let you pass by without fighting them.
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