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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Does Force Immunity even work? Everytime I use it, I still get zapped by the bad guys with their Force Lightning or Drain Life. I thought the whole point of that Force power was to be able to withstand Force attacks.
  2. What are the best Force powers to have to face Malak? I must keep picking the wrong ones because he's never easy. As I said, he's beatable, just very tedious, yet everyone seems to fly right through him.
  3. I'm just curious (and for the first time, not just flaming you), but what game actually fits the description of what you posted? I'm not too familiar with a lot of RPGs, so I have no clue what games actually include EVERYTHING you just posted.
  4. LS Ending: Since Dantooine, and with it, a lot of the current and future Jedi is destroyed, that'll mean the Jedi's numbers are declined. On the other hand, the Sith didn't face the same destruction. Sure, you defeated the Sith students on Korriban, but Korriban itself wasn't destroyed, thus their "academy" is still operational. With the weakening of the Jedi Order, the Sith start to make another push, since the Jedi and Republic used up their energy battling the Star Forge (there was no indication that a LOT of Sith were on the Star Forge), the Sith remain relatively strong. Then, Revan heads off to the Unknown regions (this part, I don't know how I'd explain), and with one of the saviours of the Republic off in the UR, the Sith have an easier time defeating the remaining Jedi. Enter the new PC. DS Ending: As is the way of the Sith, a new challenger changes Revan. They fight it out, and perhaps Revan barely escapes with his life (thus why he's out in the Unknowns), but takes the Star Forge with him by blowing it up or some kind of explanation like that, leaving the new Sith Lord and his entourage without the use of the Star Forge. Since Revan whiped out the Republic fleet (or a large part of it) and killed many of the Jedi, this leaves the Republic and Jedi weakened and thus easier to finish off. Enter the new PC.
  5. He's more fun to pick on than you because you only say the same thing over and over
  6. Do you play that online or just with a group of friends? (I've never RP'd before)
  7. Then don't complain about not having time to work on the site. If you're content having three writers, then those three writers need to step up. Lol where did I ever complain? I just said that we are lacking when it comes to TFN: Games content. I was making a statement, not a complaint. There is a difference. Anyways, I do other work for TFN besides games, I type articles/editorials about the Star Wars movies PT and OT some serious and some humerous. I'm also a Public Relations Associate for TFN. that post didnt really help you with public relations, no offence. you try to make TFN seem perfect and sort of full of themselves. I'm gonna have to agree with Raven on this one. Tyrell, I don't know if you realize it, but you come across as condescending. Just in this thread alone, Enderwiggin has only asked questions/made comments/offered help, but your responses have been on the condescending/sarcastic side. If you really are in public relations, I think you should crack open that old textbook and read up.
  8. I guess I'm not the only one who never completed the swoop racing sidequest with niko. It was too choppy on my computer to be able to ever get a time needed to win the races. Thank God the racers on Taris were terrible, or I'd have never gotten off that world
  9. I'm waiting for the game where it's literally impossible to beat the end boss. You get that far, and when you "beat" him (ie. his energy is down to zero) it breaks to a cutscene showing him defeating you and taunting you with "So close, but yet now you understand the full power of the Dark Side" :D
  10. Is that what people mean when they say Malak is too easy? Because if that's the case, then it's not really that MALAK is too easy, but rather the fact that it's too easy to use a medpac/stim during combat by going in to inventory. I'm wondering how many people would still feel Malak was too easy if the option to go into inventory and use a medpac during combat wasn't available.
  11. Everytime I read this board, i feel more and more embarrassed. Am I the only one that didn't think the game was THAT easy? Yes, I have defeated the game numerous times. Yes, I've played harder games. But I honestly thought Malak was tough at the end. I never was in danger of being beaten by him (maybe that's where this "easy" comes in), but at the same time, it wasn't like you could kill him with two swipes of the lightsaber. When I fought him, he'd connect three or four times and have my energy down to nothing, while I'd have his energy barely even touched. If anything, I'd call Malak tedious, rather than easy. He was very beatable, but it took a while to do so. Of course, maybe I just suck at RPGs since this was my first one I've ever played and don't have a concept of what is tough and what isn't.
  12. I actually never said it'd be a GREAT idea. I was just saying that came to me as the only logical scenario in which you'd be able to play as Revan the entire series without having to deal with the issue of your character being too strong right after the first game.
  13. You actually tried to rationalize with Hades One? You'd accomplish more if you just threw your computer out of the window. Or atleast you'd get a more varied response. Sometimes I think Hades One is actually a forum bot that just uses one set of dialogue: "I hate this game. I don't want to play as Jedi".
  14. I think when they say that ranged weapons will be more powerful, they mean in terms of them actually being favorable to use at longer range. For a Jedi to be effective, they have to be in close ranged combat (unless you use Force powers from afar). So making ranged weapons more powerful when the enemy is still a good distance away makes sense. I don't think they actually meant that the most powerful gun will do as much damage as the most powerful lightsaber. Just that they're improving the actual function of ranged weapons.
  15. That got me to thinking. If the plan all along was to make 2 (or 3, or 4) KOTOR games, perhaps they should have done so in a less progressive way. Take the movies for example. Luke Skywalker started to learn about the Force in the first movie. He saved the day, but was still very low in terms of Force ability by the end of ANH. In ESB, he gradually got stronger. Then in RotJ, he was pretty much a "maxed out" character. If LA had made this transition mandatory, you (the PC) could have been Revan through the whole game. Except maybe the "twist" didn't occur until the 2nd or 3rd game. First game, you play through mainly as a soldier/scout/scoundrel, then near the end you go to Dantooine and learn the basics of Jedi training. Then at the end you save the day (for whatever was THAT given day's peril). Then in KOTOR2, you play through as a Jedi Padawan, learning to use the Force. At the end, you're told about who you are, and perhaps THAT is how the game ends. The final game, you play through as a Jedi battling inner demons at learning who you are, and your path can either lead you to becoming a Sith Lord or a Jedi Master by the end.
  16. Pfftt. Until you back up your words with actions (like refusing to buy KOTOR II), why should Obsidian care? You may think it's reheated leftovers being served, but you're still going to eat it. I'd actually like to see him back up his words with action by no longer posting here. It's a forum dedicated to a game he's stated he hates, and has stated he won't buy. Why is he here? I didn't realize the rest of us made such interesting chat buddies.
  17. From what I saw, there weren't really any spoilers. It showed that new bounty hunter, Mira, in action, as well as I think the white haired Jedi. None of the plot or storyline was shown, and none of the end bosses or returning NPCs were shown.
  18. Perhaps even playing as a LS character, the ending is a "loss" rather than a victory. Taking ESB for example, At the end of the movie, Luke and the heroes were alive and well, standing on the medical frigate looking out the viewport as the Millennium Falcon flies away. Thus, they didn't die, but they didn't win. Maybe that's what happens in TSL. Maybe you face the "end boss", and if you "win", all that happens is you're rescued and make your way to the Ebon Hawk and escape to fight another day, but the Sith Lords actually win the war.
  19. Silver. It goes with the supposed darker theme.
  20. Actually it was only "begging" to be in the sequel if you play as Revan again. Technically, as this new PC, you have no clue who Yuthura is. I hope there's reference to certain NPCs, but I don't really think they're "begging" to be in there.
  21. How can you champion being "free" in your games and then bash a game that gives you a chance to take a break from the plot for a second? Most sidequests don't advance the plot in any way.....why would you want such a linear game. After all, you'd only be doing what the developer wants...not what you want. (On a side note Pazaak was a poor game). He isn't "championing" anything. He just likes to bitch and moan about everything about this game. The truth is, even if Obsidian did things EXACTLY how he's been ranting about, he'd then complain about something else. If you haven't noticed by now how all his posts are a repeat of the same drivel, basically he's just a troll who likes to complain about a game that no one is forcing him to buy. He's worse than a forum spammer. Atleast spammers get bored with spamming after a while and leave. He sticks around to post the exact same stuff in every post, regardless of whether the topic is even remotely close.
  22. I think, like the swoop racing, there should have been a mini-quest associated with it. Like with swoop racing, you could only do the sidequest with Nikos if you were a good swoop pilot (ie. good race times), there should have been one thing about Pazzaak that you needed to beat someone in order to gain something.
  23. Calm down, chief. I never called YOU a 15 year old with no life. I was merely saying that typically it's these 15 year old dorks who care nothing about storyline or dialogue, but would rather be put in a room and beat things up or smash things to death. The type of guys who, when playing games like GTA, don't even bother to complete the missions. They find it "awesome" to run around shooting the old lady on the street multiple times. So for the guy who mentioned GTA, yes it has those aspects, but it also has a STORY to it. I was referring to those people who never bothered with the story and just got an e-rection from killing padestrians on the street with their shotgun.
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