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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Then don't play the game. Or is Obsidian "forcing" you to buy it just like they're "forcing" you to play as a Jedi
  2. Would you give it a rest already? If you haven't realized by now that Star Wars has always been about Jedi and the Force? You seriously need to find a different game if all you're going to do is bitch and moan because players are "forced" to use Jedi characters.
  3. This could be really interesting if they implement it to its fullest. Imagine all the different ways you could play thru the game depending on how your answers vary. I wonder if the storyline changes drastically if one of the "minor" characters is dead? For instance, if during your conversation with Atton, you tell him that Juhani died. I wonder if that will alter the story in any way, or if only whether a)Revan was DS/LS or b)Bastila died alters the story in a significant way.
  4. Actually, I never had that problem as long as I did what you did, and queued actions for each party member. The only time stuff like NPCs walking thru mines, or going in to areas I don't want them going and stumbling into a room full of enemies was when I let the AI run the characters and I just used my PC. Whenever I'd actually take control and queue the NPC actions, they worked as planned.
  5. To be honest, I never noticed any differences between the three Jedi classes (which isn't to say there isn't any, I just never noticed it while playing thru). I noticed the difficulty difference between the beginning classes (Soldier, Scout, Scoundrel), mainly because the Soldier seemed to have such an easier time killing enemies. But when it came to the Jedi classes, I never really noticed any advantages/disadvantages to playing any of the three.
  6. Don't let Hades_One see that post of yours btw, I THINK I might have figured out the major twist, but I'd rather not post it in case I'm right.
  7. I'd actually welcome any LEGITIMATE explanations. I just don't think there are any, other than "it's never been done" or "it's impossible to do because Revan would be too strong" or something like that. Fact is, in terms of cannon, games aren't much farther down the list in terms of what is considered "legitimate" compared to comics. So therefore, it can be argued that new ideas or unused ideas, such as what happenend to Revan, can be introduced. And for those who say the comics say it is impossible, then that starts an endless debate about stuff that the MOVIES say are wrong or impossible about the comics (ie. the Boba Fett fiasco).
  8. Not really trying to start a big long arguement here, but why do people insist that certain things (such as Mind Wipe, etc.) are "impossible" or "unbelievable"? Keep in mind that we're talking about a universe where there are space ships and people called Jedi who can do strange things with their minds. ANYTHING can be believable, as long as it's explained properly. Personally, I thought the Revan thing was adequately explained. Here's a badly injured (close to dying) individual, who was in a very weakened state when the Council implanted false memories in his mind. To the person who said if this thing can be done, there'd be no Sith, that's an incorrect assumption. Revan was incapacitated and on the brink of death. Thus, he had no strength or power to fight against what the Council was doing to him. I'm sure that if he was 100% healthy, the "mind wipe" wouldn't have worked because he wouldn't have let it work. Same with why this couldn't be used to end the Sith because as long as each Sith or Dark Jedi is healthy, they're too strong to use it against. Thus, you can't compare what can be done to someone who is incapacitated to that of someone who is alert and healthy. IMO, ideas aren't "stupid". The way they are explained determines the validity of that idea, not the idea itself. So as long as Obsidian can come up with a good explanation for the PC being out of touch, or losing, or whatever, the Force, then I think it'll work.
  9. The combat is relatively easy, but that's how I like it. As has been mentioned, what makes the game great (IMO) is the story. If the combat was too difficult, it becomes frustrating and you spend your time worrying about trying to power up and defeat some unbeatable foe instead of getting involved in the story as a whole.
  10. A smuggler would be rather interesting. Having my own freighter, and having to deal with crime lords coming after me if I don't deliver my cargo on time or if I have to dump my cargo because Imperials want to board my ship.... oh wait, that sounds familiar.
  11. Umm...how accurate is that site? Considering they have a guy on there called "Lord Invader" who is supposed to exist 2000 years AFTER Return of the Jedi.
  12. For someone who isn't looking forward to the game, and doesn't have much interest in it, you certainly do post a lot
  13. You mean sort of like The Emperor having Darth Vader fight Luke? Or the Emperor sending stormtroopers to capture Luke, instead of hopping in his own speeder and going after him? Malak wasn't "running away". He was being strategic. He knows Revan is powerful, so he wears him down fighting his drones until he's ready to face him.
  14. How did it contradict everything else said in the game? Even the Jedi Council on Dantooine made the comment that "many" of the ships Revan had at his disposal were Republic ships, but that seems to imply that he also had soldiers from another faction (Sith) at his disposal as well.
  15. I don't understand your problem with it then. You didn't HAVE to use the Jedi skills. You could have just armed your PC with a blaster and armor instead, and disregarded his/her Force ability. The game didn't FORCE (pardon the pun) you to use the Force, or stack up your Jedi abilities. You could have easily played through the entire game as a regular person. In essense, KOTOR DID give you the option. You chose to use the Jedi skills.
  16. If that's how you feel, then you miss the entire point of the Star Wars universe. A game without Jedi just isn't a true Star Wars game (unless you include a "fighter pilot" style game like X-Wing series). Perhaps the difficulty needed tweaking, but that's not a fault of the Jedi class, that's the fault of the game not being super difficult. You make it sound like Jedi are invincible god-like characters, when in fact they DO have equals; Sith/Dark Jedi.
  17. Isn't it rather arrogant of you to say the game isn't "right" just because YOU feel it isn't? The problem with your arguement is that it would take a game that matches YOUR specifications 100%, otherwise the game will be "faulty". That will never be the case.
  18. As opposed to being a "Bounty Hunter" class, with supposedly decked out armor and rocket launcher/blasters coming out your wazoo? It's pretty much the same thing. Regardless of what these "top level classes" are named, whether "Jedi", "Bounty Hunter", etc., eventually the character will max out and be pretty much unstoppable. If you don't want it to be a cake walk, don't level up past a certain point. But to blame playing as a Jedi as why it's too easy is just plain misguided.
  19. No one's saying she can't die in the KOTOR1. This thread is about whether she should be killed off in KOTOR2 REGARDLESS of whether or not you (the PC) let her live or die in the original.
  20. no, but that's not the point. the point is, games like this are about the Jedi vs. Sith, Light vs. Darkside. If they're going to start altering that to suit people who want to be bounty hunters, then they'll also have to include pilot classes, or smuggler classes, or any of the other dozens of "classes" that you can find in the SW universe.
  21. Because the game is called KNIGHTS of the Old Republic perhaps? Being a Jedi is the entire reason for the game. Otherwise, there's a game out there called Bounty Hunter, if that's more your thing
  22. Actually, if you watch (read) the opening text just after the "A Long time ago..." thing appears, it states that Malak is the last remaining apprentice of Darth Revan. So in essense, that indicates that Revan DID have an apprentice (or unless I am misreading it, more than one).
  23. I tend to agree with a few of the ideas you put forth. For instance, your Malak example. When I played through as LS, I was hoping that after I had "defeated" him (ie. his energy bar was down to zero), one of the options in the dialogue tree was to redeem him. I believe you can actually try with various dialogues to the theme of "come back to the light. i did", but alas, he won't be redeemed. It would have made the ending that much more "Light Side" if, at the final cutscene, Malak was standing at your side once more, but this time as a redeemed Jedi Knight. But I suppose the response to the comment that you don't really have an option NOT to fight could be situations like Juhani in the grove, or Bastila on the Star Forge. Both times, you have the option to kill them, or do the "Jedi" thing and spare them. So in that sense, I think KOTOR did a fairly good job (compared to most situations) of giving your character viable options to bloodshed should you choose that path.
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