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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. yeah, that's pretty much what Republic Commando is about. But that's a FPS game, sort of in the Tom Clancy Rainbow Six type mold. I'm referring to a game exactly like KOTOR.
  2. To be honest, I think it'd be an interesting storyline if you weren't on a quest to save the galaxy, or if the outcome of your game didn't hold the balance of the entire universe at stake. But from a game producer standpoint, besides from making a great game, they have to think about sales. How could you advertise something as epic and in a grand scale, then follow with a description of "...as the hero tries to be just one of the masses and doesn't actually play an important role" or "...as the hero tries to defeat the bully in his neighborhood, in a fight that has absolutely no rammifications to any other neighborhood". Chances are, it just wouldn't sell as well. IMHO, Bioware (and possibly now Obsidian) could have done this kind of thing with an add-on or expansion pack, in which instead of playing as a big hero, and trying to save the galaxy, you were more a minor hero, fullfilling a role in a mission that, although important, didn't have the entire galaxy on the brink depending on whether you completed it or not (ie. Jedi strike force sent to quell a rioting rebellion on one specific planet, or a republic commando team sent to inflitrate a criminal organization on some outlier system). Unfortunately, Bioware pretty much wiped their hands of KOTOR after they released it, and I doubt LA will be asking Obsidian to produce a small expansion pack after TSL is released, although I for one would buy it in a second.
  3. Does the platform matter? For some reason, I envision KOTOR: TSL being better on the PC, but Halo 2 being more "popular" on the X-Box.
  4. heres the thing if they just left 4 5 6 as they were and just digitialize it and the 5.1 sound it weren't make sense coming from 1 2 3 espiecally some of the lines another thing to consider lucas could of decided to NOT release 456 on dvd as i recall a year ago people were complaining about lucas not puting 456 on dvd now your complaining not being your way. even if i wanted the orignal theater release its better than nothing at all did anyone else not understand a word of that?
  5. If that were true, I don't understand how (or why) someone would write 6 episodes in chronological order, but with the first 3 needing more "technological advancements" to make them. Dont ask me why. GL has never made sense has he. it's because he's a man, right? Amongst many other reasons. If 1,2 and 3 had been written by a woman then it would all make sense. If SW was written by a woman, it'd be one long romance novel. And all the characters would be stubborn and pigheaded.
  6. If that were true, I don't understand how (or why) someone would write 6 episodes in chronological order, but with the first 3 needing more "technological advancements" to make them. Dont ask me why. GL has never made sense has he. it's because he's a man, right?
  7. If that were true, I don't understand how (or why) someone would write 6 episodes in chronological order, but with the first 3 needing more "technological advancements" to make them.
  8. Maybe Yoda's species are the guardians of the Force, and in a way are the Force, and thus cannot be corrupted. Maybe Yaddle was Yoda's mentally challenged little sister, and his parents made him drag her along to all those council meetings.
  9. Bastila looks like Julianna Margolis (sp?) in that pic.
  10. I voted for "other" because, although it's wishful thinking, I'd like it to come with a bonus disk, or expansion disk. But that won't happen, and none of the other options appealed to me.
  11. you can't be serious with that reply. a lot of Force powers are learned by the students on their own. a child with Force sensitivity realizes for some strange reason, he can make his toy come to him without having to physically stand up, walk over and pick it up. those with Force abilities aren't "taught" how to use the Force, per se. They're taught how to refine the existing powers. Of course they might not be as powerful as if they were taught, but anyone with Force abilities, once realizing they were "special" and could do things others couldn't, would test the limits and in essense, teach themselves. In essense, the learning to use the Force is like learning to walk. Those with the ability will eventually do so. If you "ban" Jedi, then that would be like not allowing parents to teach their kids to walk. The process may take more time and there might be more stumbles along the way, but eventually that kid is going to be able to walk on his/her own.
  12. This is just as bad (well, maybe not quite as bad) as the Greedo shooting first thing.
  13. Except for the fact you can't "ban" an ability or strength someone is born with. How exactly would you "ban" individuals from going to the dark side? Republic Officer: "Sorry, Exar, but if you use your Force powers for evil, I'm gonna have to arrest you." Exar Kun: "Ah damnit, what am I to do now? You're holding a tiny blaster at me that I can easily pull from your hands and then shock you with force lightnight. but damn it to hell, they banned Jediism." In other words, "banning" Jediism would eliminate the Jedi, but not those who want to use the Force for evil.
  14. Poor Kreia. I guess no one is in to the old chicks.
  15. Revan, since he's the one that saved/ruled the galaxy
  16. We really don't need to know about your private life........... she's gonna cyber-castrate you.
  17. Not bad. Although I wonder if that was a misprint about the time between KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2, or whether Obsidian has decided to make the games closer in timeframe (which, IMO, increases the likelihood of certain characters returning).
  18. He looks like something from Resident Evil.
  19. Tyrell, is that you in your sig?
  20. Same here. I didn't see it advertised. I was just looking for a new Star Wars game to play, and saw that KOTOR seemed to be getting good reviews from game sites and also friends, and decided to check it out.
  21. I'm not sure how long my entire play throughs took, but judging by my save games just before the confrontation with Malek (which probably added another 3 to 5 minutes play time on), it ranged from 22 minutes to 34 minutes (my first play thru). As has been stated, replay value is important, IMO, than length. I'd rather have a game that is fun to replay over and over, but may be a tad short, rather than a game that seems to go on forever, but is painfully boring.
  22. that's a dangerous bet for you, because the mods themselves might rather win that bet and take your pay check than move the thread
  23. If you're that bored, here's something you guys and gals can do to pass the time and get a good laugh. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?...40&pagenumber=2 It's those KOTOR Ancient Empire guys at it again (the ones who make those rediculous claims about making basically a BIGGER game than KOTOR was). Apparently, they're starting work on a completely NEW game as well, despite them not having anyone who can actually CODE things. Posted by "lead designer" Mgnails
  24. you left out the option: "yes, because i didn't have anything else to use anyways as my wallpaper"
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