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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I think you'll be able to use one of the prestige classes about the time you make your "decision" about which side you're going to take (LS or DS), probably just after the midpoint of the game.
  2. One of the new feats might be specializing in a specific form of lightsaber combat. Perhaps you have to choose early on which of the seven forms you want to master. But to answer the question, I don't think they've stated for sure. Your topic just got me thinking about the 7 forms of lightsaber combat.
  3. I guess we know what type of gamer he/she is. "
  4. I liked Juhani in my party. I guess I'm one of the few who actually liked a variety of species in my Jedi party rather than all humans.
  5. Light Side, because good guys always win.
  6. That was just one example that came to mind. But the point being that the manual leaves too much to be "assumed" by the player, rather than giving detailed information about it.
  7. As I recall, it didn't. For example, show me a direct page reference that explains exactly what the "6-19" for Cassus Fett's pistol means. It doesn't tell you what the two numbers are. Now granted, I'm sure YOU know what it means, and after a few play throughs I figured it out. But there's no actual instruction in there for someone who has never played a D20 system game before about what the "6" portion means and what the "19" portion means.
  8. Revan must have also had a sex change operation during the 5 years between games, since the Revan I used was distinctly male. "
  9. I'm among those people who had never seen an ad or commercial for KOTOR before it was released. In fact, I didn't even play the game until early this year, despite the fact it was released last year. The only reason I knew about it was because I was specifically looking for a new(ish) Star Wars game and looked "Star Wars" up. KOTOR was one of the games listed, so I gave it a try when I saw it in the stores the next time I was out shopping.
  10. A friend of mine had trouble with that one.
  11. Wait until we're closer to both a)release and b)christmas shopping period. I'm sure you'll see a lot more advertising for it. There's really not much point right now with games like Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas just newly released.
  12. Exactly my point. I had never heard of, let alone played anything with this D20 system before KOTOR 1. Yet, judging from the manual, I was supposed to completely understand what all these "+2" and "off-hand penalties" and whatnot were supposed to mean. Because the manual was so bare bones, I (someone who had never played a D20 system game before) had to learn by trial and error. IMO, that should not be the case. A manual should give you instructions about all the aspects of gameplay, rather than have the player guess his/her way through until they get a grasp of it. Compare the size of the instructions manual in NWN compared to KOTOR. It's almost laughable.
  13. Really I must have a rare copy of the game because all I had to do was make a different choice at the temple mount. Hence I only played through the Star Forge twice. Cheers! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That just means you chose not to play through with both options. If that's the case and that's how you play through games (which is your choice and I'm not saying it's good or bad), then how exactly would more downloadable content help that? You'd still only play through one time, only you'd have extra "goodies" such as powerful weapons or armor. You're not making your case very strong for why no downloadable content means the game itself will be hurt by it in any major way.
  14. Exactly what kind of downloadable content were you expecting? Even if there was downloadable content, I doubt it would be the kind of thing that would make the game absolutely new and fresh each time. Besides, there are two pathes you can take (LS and DS), so at the bare minimum you'd play through 2 ways. Already that's much more replayability than most games that focus on one path to take. It was a general statement aimed at a general audience because the majority of XBox owners (majority, as in 51% or more) seemed to be all excited about the early release and thought the PC gamers were "Whiners" for displaying our displeasure about the PC version no longer being "simultaneously released". If it was meant SPECIFICALLY for you, I wouldn't have said "XBox users", I would have said "Dead Skin Mask".
  15. The scary thing is I never actually knew that until a few play thrus. This is another example of just how piss-poor the instructions manual was that was shipped with KOTOR I. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, sometimes it really helps to read the item descriptions. " Anyway, the +0/+2 bonus awarded by the short saber didn't make that big a difference. In the lower levels, it was better to stick with single saber, and in the higher levels, the penalty wasn't so bad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The thing is, the manual is supposed to be "dumbed down" to explain everything in detail. All the item description says is what kind of bonuses and penalties it gives. It doesn't really explain, in simple terms, WHAT those bonuses and penalties actually do.
  16. What's the big deal? It's not like the downloadable content was going to be earth-shattering or anything. What was the Live content from KOTOR? Yavin station? Wow, you miss out on some powerful lightsabers and a Trandoshan fight. It hardly affected the game much. It's actually quite amusing that a lot of XBox users are now upset that they feel the game is being "rushed" since they no longer get their Live download content. Whereas before, they were telling us PC gamers to stop whining since we had to wait til February to get our version. Oh well, you can't have it both ways.
  17. The scary thing is I never actually knew that until a few play thrus. This is another example of just how piss-poor the instructions manual was that was shipped with KOTOR I. <_<
  18. That image gave me goose bumps. :">
  19. Off-topic slightly, but I wonder if there's ever going to be a game made (or maybe an expansion or mod?) where you aren't out to save the entire galaxy, but rather a localized world or something.
  20. But it would warrant exhile, whether personal or forced by the Council. Look at Jolee and his tale of why he left the Jedi Order. Same situation, except in his case it was his wife that turned to the DS and he was supposed to stop her but didn't, and she went on to murder dozens of Jedi because he failed to stop her. Same sort of thing this time, except this time the PC is playing the role of Jolee's wife, and his Jedi Master actually did try to stop him and failed.
  21. I don't think it'll be so blatant as the PC having killed multitudes of people. I think it'll be a bit more personal or subtle. Perhaps he fought and killed his Jedi Master because his Master told him he wasn't to join Revan and Malak. I think it'll be a bit more personal such as that, rather than just some mass murdering spree.
  22. For XBox? It's posted in all the recent interviews.
  23. Carth did that. I tried to stop him, really I did. But he insisted on it. "
  24. I'm thinking the same thing. Although with the new prestige classes, that'll mean we'll have to level up at an incredible rate in order to get the XP needed to get a prestige class. Afterall, TSL is supposed to be approximately the same length as KOTOR1.
  25. I think you're still bitter because everyone thought your designs of Juhani looked like something a toddler would draw. note to weiser: Juhani shouldn't have a bigger codpiece than Canderous. "
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