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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Haha no. But that's just how I picture HK-47 making his return. It's a bit overdramatic and somewhat "Terminator-ish", but it fits the character of HK-47. To Chris Avellone and co. If that IS how HK-47 returns, oops, sorry about that. "
  2. I want my character to be able to wear a dark robe and cowl. And I want my apprentice to be wearing a full body armor and black helmet. I hope that's implemented.
  3. I know it's not quite the same thing, but I find this statement a bit ironic and a lot hypocritical. By definition, a modded XBox (or PS2) is stealing, since the reason for modding such a system is usually to be able to play games you wouldn't be able to without dishing out extra money to do so. For instance, most people have modded PS2 systems so they can play "burned" games. What are burned games? That's right, games that are borrowed or rented and then copied for FREE. Now unless the reason for "modding" a XBox differs greatly from PS2, then it's basically the same thing. Btw, I'm not condemning anyone with a modded console system. But I just found it an ironic choice of words that I quoted considering that if it were up to the game companies, NEITHER pirating nor modding of systems would be permitted.
  4. Perhaps HK-50 wrecks havoc in Peragus and it is HK-47 that saves the PC's butt by destroying HK-50. Picture it: HK-50 is about to slaughter the PC. There is smoke everywhere. HK-50 stalks in, blaster raised as the PC is prone on his back, trying to find someway to get out of it. Just as HK-50 is about to pull the trigger...BANG! HK-50 is blown to bits. The music from KOTOR1 plays and the cinematic shows a smoke filled doorway entrance. The smoke slowly starts to disappear and standing there is HK-47! The cinematic ends with a trademark comment by HK-47 about how meatbags always seem to need the help of inorganics in times of distress.
  5. No. The original is always the best. "
  6. I want my apprentice to visibly shake in terror when he suggests something that I disagree with. There better be a puddle of urine forming around him otherwise Obsidian didn't do it's job!
  7. Very doubtful. Halo2 has gotten much, much, MUCH more exposure.
  8. Do I think the option should be there to purchase a DVD copy? Yes. Am I going to purchase the CD copy because I don't have a DVD installed? Yes.
  9. Exactly. I liked how KOTOR ended except for 2 things: We didn't see the impact on the other worlds, and the ending cinematic was much too short. Bioware had the right idea. They just didn't put enough into that idea.
  10. Probably the same as KOTOR. Between 5 and 7 play thrus, depending on just how different each path and dialogue option make the game.
  11. I always got the assumption that Kyp was under the pretense that he was using Sith teachings for "good" and that unlike those weak fools who fell to the dark side, Kyp felt that he could just "stop" himself if he wanted to. That's not what a Sith Lord would do. Sith Lords EMBRACE the dark side. They don't make excuses for using it, but at the same time pretend they can turn back to the LS anytime they want. IMO, a Sith Lord and a true Sith apprentice is one who completely embraces that path. Kyp never did. He used the Sith teachings to avenge his brother and to wreck havoc on Daala, but he always commented to himself that he could stop and didn't have to fall prey to the dark side if he wanted to. He never embraced being part of the dark side.
  12. If you're ever playing at AJs Hangar in Kingston, I might check you out.
  13. No, it wouldn't.
  14. I doubt it. And i hope they don't.
  15. Kyp Durron wasn't a Sith Lord. He was a Jedi who just tapped into the teachings of the ancient Sith. The Sith were basically done once Vader and the Emperor died. He was more Dark Jedi than anything else.
  16. $10? When I looked at amazon they came up as like $32. If they were only $10 each, I'd definetely have picked them up. As for Sue, she seems ok to me. I haven't really "talked" to her other than asking a few generic questions that required a "yes or no" answer from her.
  17. If you check all dead bodies that you come across, I'm not sure how you could miss it. As Hades said, it's in the undercity, past the gates, at the far right on a dead Sith soldier.
  18. I knew it. "
  19. Cool. Now the wookiee won't be completely useless like Zaalbar was in KOTOR. I don't think I used him even once the entire game other than when the script storyline made me.
  20. If the TotJ comics weren't so expensive, I'd probably collect them. But as it is, on amazon they cost more than a regular novel.
  21. I dunno about that. I think Zaalbar was just looking for an excuse to off the little brat after she insisted he needed a haircut and some clothes on Taris. :D
  22. For this to happen, there will probably have to be instances where your character is faced with a situation where someone he cares about is in danger and the only way to save them is to go "psycho" on the enemy, tapping in to the Dark Side, or where someone you care about has been hurt and you unleash the Dark Side in a fury of rage (like Anakin did to the Sand People who killed his mother).
  23. What makes you think HK-47 is "dead" though? I'm sure there's more than one of those droids issued and walking around at one time, and even the dialogue mentions the "previous" droid, which by numerical indications, would be HK-49, not HK-47. You might be correct, but that dialogue box doesn't really provide that proof.
  24. Nice. I like the fact that you risk damaging the item you're trying to get at. Also good. Looks like the skills will be much, much more useful than they were in KOTOR.
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