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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That's fine, but you don't seem to take into account what they've added to the experience. Are you telling me that the fact that NPCs will react to your actions to a greater degree than pretty much ANY game out there isn't a reason to overlook some modifications to the rules? I would have thought the positives they've added would far outweigh any negatives.
  2. That's easy for you to say when you've never stated what would reasonably fall within that 30% range. It seems EVERY divergence they've made from the d20 system, you complain about. I've yet to hear you say "well, that's not in the d20 rules, but that's part of the 30% I'll let go". Sorry to say, but you're expecting a 100% compliance. Atleast based on the fact that you complain about any variations.
  3. It's sad that you're too stubborn to enjoy something that's turning out to be a breath of fresh air, in terms of how NPCs interact and act towards you and within the story, all because of a ruleset that they never said they were going to 100% follow anyways.
  4. I didn't say the d20 system wasn't fun. I gave you a hypothetical situation in which we assume it wasn't as fun as what Obsidian implemented. In other words, if the modifications they've made improve upon the d20 system, are you really that stubborn that you'd still let something like that ruin your experience?
  5. Are you really that much of a stickler that even if the rules Obsidian implemented make the game MUCH better, you'd rather they stuck with a d20 system that wasn't as fun?
  6. I'm the opposite. I'm low on HD space all the time, so I always have to delete games that I'm either beaten or given up on, in favor of current games that I'm playing. Right now only Vampire:the Masquerade Bloodlines is on my HD.
  7. *Enter Hades_One and co. with their comments* " I'm guessing this is referring to more than just T3 and/or HK-47. (ie. Canderous?)
  8. You haven't played KOTOR yet, but you're on a KOTOR II forum? Just curious, but why are you interested in a sequel to a game you haven't played before? Or did you mean you haven't played KOTOR II yet? Or is it late at night and I'm reading something that isn't there?
  9. So can we call this a suggestion about the suggestion forum? "
  10. I'm not a twitch gamer, so I liked KOTOR's pace better than FPS combat games.
  11. Wait for the game. It's only another week or so (unless it's delayed) for the XBox release. Although I won't be hearing about it until sometime early/mid February. Grumble. But that's another story.
  12. Ditto. Which was why I'm more enthusiastic about the game after reading about these new additions like influence and NPC interactions, than when stuff about Force powers were revealed.
  13. I'm liking this. Any feature that adds to replayability is okay by me.
  14. Ahlan Matale looked like he had a beer gut. He wasn't a party NPC, but he was a game NPC who you interacted with.
  15. The avatar says it all. "
  16. [random comment] I always think of a player that used to play for the Ottawa 67's and used to be a Toronto Maple Leafs prospect named Jonathan Zion whenever I see the name "Sion". [/random comment]
  17. That's a rather premature comment considering that we have yet to actually see what Obsidian's version is like yet. Early indications seem positive, but you're jumping the gun by making that statement before the game is even released. I think I'm going to really enjoy playing TSL, but I know I enjoyed playing KOTOR 1.
  18. What the hell are you even babbling about now? The assumptions you make based on the facts you provide are about as valid as me saying that it's going to rain tomorrow because I'm out of toothpaste.
  19. That's what you get for spending 10 minutes of your time trying to become pure evil.
  20. Hades' concerns are usually legitimate. He just tends to carry on a lot. This guy hasn't posted a legitimate topic in his entire 36 (or whatever) post history.
  21. Nah, he just enjoys bitching about the exact same thing. Read his post history. It's basically "blah blah blah Obsidian sucks, KOTOR now sucks because they are lazy".
  22. Why do you even post here? Every single post of yours has been the exact same thing. We heard you the first time. Goodbye.
  23. hahaahaha oh man, did you actually run through the entire game or something? Aren't you the same person who never found the rakghoul cure? Did you miss the part about the PC being Revan as well? " :D Just teasing.
  24. None of the characters annoyed me. I guess some people just take things too seriously and find every little thing in a character to annoy them. That's not to say I didn't enjoy some NPCs more than others, but as a whole I don't dislike or get annoyed by any of them either.
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