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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Hmm...then explain why people could actually die in KOTOR I during your escape from Taris? If the ship was inpregnable like you (and Davik) say, then theoretically you should be able to leave the room, grab a snack, and return to find your ship still in one piece after those Sith Fighters attacked you. But lo and behold, game over if you sustain some damage.
  2. Not sure why you think the Ebon Hawk is this big indestructable flying machine. It's about the equivalent of the Millennium Falcon, and that was quite destructable. It was just Han's piloting that kept it in one piece.
  3. Not sure if you want corrections to your "plot floors", but just scanning your list I already saw atleast 4 or 5 items that were explained in the game if you got all the dialogue. If you want, I can point them out. But if you want this thread to stick to being purposefully oblivious for the sake of picking fault with the game, I won't bother.
  4. It would make more sense to devote the time and energy to make KOTOR3, rather than remake KOTOR2. As someone stated already, a lot of people who aren't so anal about how KOTOR2 turned out wouldn't buy it again just to see it on the 360. In contrast, those same people would more than likely buy it if it were the NEW installment (KOTOR3).
  5. Again, that's just your opinion, Nur. And that last blanket statement is kind of a weak thing to add, since you don't have "proof" that it's not only your opinion. It holds just as much weight as me saying the opposite. Fact is, you're more than likely talking about two different audiences: the comic book lovers who will undoubtedly like the DH stuff better, and the book lovers who will like the novels better. Either way, both mediums have come up with some suck ass ideas. But to say 90% of the EU novels is crap, but only 10% of the DH comics....well just let me say "Reborn Emperor" "flying lobster" and "overpowered superman Sith Lord" to close.
  6. I thought I already posted in this topic to say how dumb it is (both as a general idea AND from a business standpoint). But I guess now I have.
  7. They're probably the same parents who will then turn around and blame violent video games if their kids go on a shooting rampage. <_<
  8. That's more a sad commentary on the parenting involved than the game maker's and what content they may or may not have included (which isn't to say you were stating otherwise).
  9. This has been posted twice already. "
  10. Pathetic. Like a few paragraphs is so difficult to read. This is the reason society is dumbing down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's called a joke? I didn't see SP take offense to it. Considering you're supposed to be "official" you'd think you'd avoid flaming someone. I bet you'd have banned someone over at Bioware if they made the comment you made, or at the very least edited their post. Hypocrite.
  11. Poor Ramza. His hero makes an appearance and he's not here for it.
  12. I'm not sure which is more sad; Supershadow or the guy(s) who are so affected by him that they put all that effort into shutting him down. <_<
  13. He'll make his appearance as someone mentions.....the name of a former US president.
  14. Trademark that stuff so you can earn royalties.
  15. Cliff Notes version for the attention impaired?
  16. Good Luck! Now let's churn out that NWN2 already. :D
  17. Or he'll stop posting altogether like the rest of the Obsidian devs.
  18. It's good you chose the two worst EU books to prove your point. " I notice you didn't mention the Thrawn Trilogy or Shatterpoint or something like that.
  19. Maybe if they didn't have it the same color as that robot that it meshes with... But I'm more interested in the novel than the comics, mainly because the novels tend to be more realistic and interesting (note the phrase "tend to be", as in not always).
  20. It doesn't say who is publishing it either. I didn't see any Darkhorse logos (unless I'm blind, which might be a plausible excuse).
  21. Does this tie directly in to the KOTOR games? Or is it just set within that same time period, but no actual mention of the characters in the video games? I recall also seeing that Drew Karpsishyn (I butchered his name) is writing a novel set around that period as well.
  22. When do you get your green link and "O" beside your name?
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