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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That was annoying. Having to play through that tutorial every single time did get annoying. Atleast it was part of the story though. A boring part, but atleast it wasn't completely different from the actual story of the game. I still wish it was skippable. Maybe have the option to skip it and then on Taris when you wake up, Carth tells you what transpired.
  2. Only thing is this will have to be stickied in every single forum, since most of the n00bs (and some of the "vets") don't seem to read stickies and just post whatever they feel like, even if it's a repeat of a thread that is on the same page as the one they're posting on. <_<
  3. No, you mentioned something to do with the Outcasts. I fleshed it out by suggesting a Force sensitive Outcast is actually the PC.
  4. I wasn't really a fan of how Jedi Masters and Sith Lords classes were handled. Their weaknesses seemed to vastly outweigh their overall strengths. I was hoping that the Jedi Master or Sith Lord would be absolute monsters with Force ability, but instead they seemed only fractionally better than Watchmen/Mauraders, and considering how weak they were in other areas, it didn't seem like a good trade off. In other words, I felt disappointed that of the prestige classes, the ones called "master" and "lord" were arguably the weakest.
  5. I was able to play the entire game as Revan, so I thought it was relatively easy on Malachor V.
  6. I still think Screech and Kelly should have ended up together. It would have given nerds and geeks everywhere a false hope.
  7. I suppose atleast if it were stickied we'd have less n00b threads pop up asking about KOTOR III.
  8. Hey now, I came up with the idea for the Outcast being the starting point for the new protagonist.
  9. I don't know if it's been asked (and I don't feel like browsing 52 pages), but approximately how much extra space is the final product going to take up?
  10. Your original thread was deleted. My original response is what Ender said. Someone lied to you because it's impossible.
  11. And people thought he talked in strange riddles because of his species. Wrong. It's the mary jane.
  12. Someone posted a link to her pic way back. She's....average looking. But let's just say that if it weren't for her voice work, no one would really be swooning over her. Atleast that's my opinion of her looks.
  13. Shouldn't that earn me brownie points (pardon the pun) with him and help me get on the Council? "
  14. I wonder if Jennifer Hale feels weird that a bunch of Star Wars geeks fantasize about her because of her voice. That's gotta be the first for a woman. "You only want me for my voice!"
  15. I do. You're always going to have people who overrate games they like. Just take a browse at the Jade Empire forums. JE was a pretty good game, IMO, but only worth one play through. Yet on those forums you'll find a lot of them who swear by the notion that JE was the greatest masterpiece in computer gaming history.
  16. I know, but typically if I am LS I like to roleplay like I'm LS. But Force Storm is my one weakness. I think that's what keeps me off the Jedi Council.
  17. If I wasn't such a huge SW fanboy, I'd maybe have felt the same. But I think the fact that you could atleast get two different endings was enough for me to play 2 times. After that, any of my subsequent play throughs were all due to my fanboyism.
  18. If I have time I might give it a try despite my dislike for D&D. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice! I'll sign up for sure.
  19. I can't help myself. Even when I play as LS as can be (and I always achieve LS Mastery), I always choose Force Storm as my one DS Force power. The rest are all LS.
  20. That's how I felt both times. Combat was so easy that my entire interest in playing over and over was to explore the dialogue and story. In a sense, combat wasn't even my focus, especially for 90% of the battles that I could win without really even paying attention. They seemed more like tiny speedbumps in my way to learning more about the story.
  21. I kind of thought the opposite. She'd use that Drain Life power on me and start stripping away my energy when I was fighting her, but with the lightsabers I just had to Force Storm my way through it and it'd hit all 3 at the same time.
  22. If it plays somewhat like Civilization in the Star Wars universe, I'll more than likely be interested. If it plays like Rebellion, but with some upgraded features, forget it.
  23. Once NWN2 gets released, we need to get a bunch of Obsidian regulars to play a weekly session online or something. Heck, we could do it now. I just wouldn't want to be the one to organize it.
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