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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. You sure? I thought the random item generator meant that everything was random and that it may or may not be in there.
  2. I wonder how good Bloodlines would be if I could play it like it's supposed to be played, and not in slow motion like I had to play it.
  3. Sadly that's true. In my younger days I could mash buttons with the best of them. Now my digits cramp up after pressing more than a 3-button combo.
  4. Just a few of those containers and whatnot. Nothing story or plot-specific. Just more random loot. IMO, apart from the XP you gain (I think you do?), it's not really worth the bother.
  5. You'd probably get better information at the site where the mod is located at.
  6. As far as I know, when you repair the droid you still can move on to the next gambler. The point of that isn't necessarily to beat all the other gamblers, but just to eliminate them as opponents. Once you fix the droid, it will no longer be an opponent, so it's just that guy the thugs are waiting for, and the chick twi'lek. After those two the Champ will appear. And drugging Motta's kathhounds isn't a necessity to get the Exchange's notice. That's just if you want to get into that locked door in his private room. Have you done the Refugee sector quests? Have you done all the docking bay quests?
  7. Did you look under his pants? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Under his pants? You mean inside his pants? Or under his skirt? If you look under someone's pants then you see their shoes.
  8. It'd be more interesting if it were a novel. "
  9. Bloodlines' patch made KOTOR2's patch seem like the greatest patch ever made.
  10. bahahahahahaha. Oh you were serious. They released a patch, but it did pretty much nothing, and in some cases made things worse.
  11. You still haven't played it? Since it kinda/sorta fits into a horror game, I'm surprised you haven't given it a go. Especially with its reduced price.
  12. And I'm sure your cousin's kid will thank them......with a knife in the chest while they slept. "
  13. That reminds me of that Seinfeld joke where he talks about naming a kid Jieves (sp?). You pretty much set their lot in life with names like that.
  14. kinda dull? Button mashing become boring after my teen years spent in an arcade playing Mortal Combat.
  15. And Katt has a bigger codpiece.
  16. And the fact Katt doesn't have pixelated skin and his lips move in sync with the sounds when he speaks?
  17. Tekken is just one of those fighter games, right? One of the main reasons I never picked it up.
  18. I wish Obsidian kept with their early-on "running joke" and made Atton a homosexual. That would certainly have changed how a lot of these girls viewed him.....or would it?
  19. And people wonder why Obsidian doesn't come out and flat out blame Lucasarts. Perhaps because they don't want to get a reputation for placing the blame on publishers?
  20. True. However, about half of his list is explained through dialogue. I just always find it amusing when people just haven't bothered to explore the dialogue options, instead deciding to rush through as fast as possible, then complain that it's a plot hole.
  21. Again, links? So far you're the only person I've seen that has stated that very thing. I've seen people make fun of SPECIFIC EU novels, but those same people also praise other EU novels. You're the only one I've seen that has gone on record as saying they like the comics better. Furthermore, "EU" stands for Expanded Universe, which also includes the comics. So anyone who bashes the EU is bashing the ENTIRE thing, meaning books, and comics as well.
  22. I was satisfied with KOTOR2 the way it was. Sure the ending was a disappointment, as was the "rushed" feel to it, but overall it did the job. That'd be like wanting KOTOR1 re-done as well because the foreshadowing was too much and because the Malak fight was dumb.
  23. Yes you did say otherwise when you added the "and I'm not the only one" or whatever at the end of your post. Had you not included that inference that other's believed like you do, then there would have been nothing wrong with your post. But you added that part which made it sound like it's the opinion of more than just you, and unless you have actual links to prove it, then you are in fact stating more than just your opinion.
  24. What are you talking about? If you "die" in that part of the game, it's because those Sith Fighters shot you down, not the big Capital ships. If the shields were as unbeatable as you say they are, then 6 Sith Fighters wouldn't be able to do anything. The fact is the ONLY reason the Ebon Hawk appeared to have such strong shielding is because of how easy that mini-game was. Heck, they could have made you take on the Capital Ship with a jetpack and you'd survive as long as you were good enough at avoiding shots ("you" as in the gamer). So I think you're confusing the gameplay mechanics with how good or bad the actual shielding of the Ebon Hawk is.
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