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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Which ones are actually good reads? I've seen a truckload of them at the bookstore, but which one (or ones, if it's a trilogy) are the best to start with?
  2. Tell that to Ahlan Matale!!!
  3. Did this really need a poll? And no I did not vote. I rarely do.
  4. What was the story like? Without getting in to details, and disregarding the bugs or combat or anything else.
  5. I'll probably end up getting it. I know there were disappointed gamers for the Euro release, but meh I'm lacking new RPG titles to play so whatever comes along (hence why I'm actually looking forward to Oblivion).
  6. For a reason I can't quite put my finger on, I think you and Jodo would make a good couple.
  7. I think this is the perfect place to insert a three letter question: W. T. F.
  8. I saw that 2-hour special on tonight. Was that the season finale or something?
  9. You're asking him why he's asking that? Have you not noticed that nothing he posts makes sense anyways? :D I'd be more shocked if he asked a question that actually had relevance to his original topic. "
  10. Should run relatively the same. The specs haven't increased (atleast nothing drastic). I had no trouble running either, and my comp is the furthest thing from state of the art.
  11. that's the stupidest thing I've ever read. Maybe some people just don't like them because....they suck? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that's the stupidest thing you've ever read, you must not have browsed this forum for very long.
  12. It's better than his first attempt at "pretending" he's 18. He originally had himself born in 1992.
  13. JE was a good first step in creating that new world, and establishing a "history" to build upon. I enjoyed it. Now hopefully JE2 will improve upon that. For starters, more places to visit. In reality, there were two main places you could freely take the Dragon flyer, Tien's Landing and Imperial City. The rest of the places were inaccessible or were at a point in the story where it became completely linear.
  14. Maybe if you made polls that made...oh I dunno...sense. Usually, when you have to clarify what you're even asking that's a good indication that the poll makes little to no sense.
  15. Yes they did. "Most of the divisions will move to the complex from Marin County
  16. Maybe they forgot all their Q&A department and equipment during the move. "
  17. I have to disagree with that. If anything, the NPCs in KOTOR II were much more indepth than the ones in KOTOR I. IMO, that's the one area that TSL improved upon vastly. I'm curious if you were able to get Mira, Bao-dur or Handmaiden's full story? Because the only way you'd think Yuthura Ban had more depth was if you failed to get full influence with them.
  18. Considering Obsidian would be the one to actually physically do the patch, how exactly does Lucasarts moving HQ's affect that?
  19. Shouldn't you just go back to using Hades_One?
  20. So basically you want Fable, but in a Star Wars setting.
  21. With that aspect, I agree. I always found it funny when no matter how many people I killed, some little punk would still mouth my sickly pale Dark Lord of the Sith character off. Reputation should have SOME effect. Look at someone like Bobba Fett. Most common thugs know his rep and wouldn't dare confront him.
  22. I haven't played as a female PC. For whatever reason (maybe because I'm a guy), a female on female romance doesn't seem as....taboo or naughty....as a male on male romance in video games.
  23. If this will get his poll-making abilities taken away from him, I vote yes.
  24. I didn't realize that you could have a gay romance (or atleast hint at one) in Jade Empire. I'm playing as a male PC and I'm in Imperial City at the point where Sky (a male NPC) has his conversation with me. He comments that I seem to show no interest in Silk Fox and Dawn Star and asks me whether it's because....and one of my dialogue options was it was because of him. Then he responds, and then one of my responses was that if he felt uncomfortable about it we can not mention it for now. So now I left him contemplating our budding romance. I'm obviously still in the middle of it so I don't know if you can actually continue the romance, but when I saw that dialogue I started laughing because I didn't know that option was in there. No wonder Volourn loves this game so much. :D
  25. If the game keeps crashing on you anyways, why do you want the no CD crack? I don't think that's one of the things it "fixes".
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