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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I just don't like the idea of having to "build" my character throughout some tutorial that doesn't really even have an impact on the story itself. I understand where the concept is coming from, but I just can't see myself enjoying going through a lengthy character creation process every time I want to play a new character.
  2. Bastila baby! She can look at me with those kinrath puppy eyes any day.
  3. Personally, I hate long tutorials. I prefer them to be optional as well. As for character creation, I'd prefer not to have such a drawn out process. I like distributing skills and whatnot, but I'm fond of the current character screen before the game actually begins.
  4. It would be kind of interesting if you could choose a different type of spacecraft depending upon the class you chose (ie. Scouts get something more fast, Soldiers get more battle oriented type ships, Scoundrel gets something in betwee). But I'm not sure if that'd take too much away from more important features to worry about how that would be implemented.
  5. I think that's one of the main reasons golf never appealed to me. I hate waking up early.
  6. How do you propose getting from one planet to the next without the Ebon Hawk, then?
  7. Or is EnderWiggin one of my aliases?
  8. I'm actually the same way. Although I don't mind playing golf in person, I'm far from a fanatic, yet I love golf video games. Same with soccer. I don't mind playing them, but only if there isn't something else available, yet I love playing soccer.
  9. I never could get in to that. I did, however, play the baseball equivalent, Out Of The Park Baseball almost religiously until this current year.
  10. Fair enough. Hasn't she already done voice overs for other parts? Or did I misunderstand that
  11. Because now your joke will go over his poor little empty head.
  12. You could have saved a lot of typing if you just said "what about Jodo Kast5?"
  13. I've never been a big fan of handheld games, so my personal preference would be for Obsidian to stick to PC or console games since those are the ones I'm more likely to end up playing.
  14. This is also better suited for the Spoilers section. It's not exactly technical support type stuff. You'd get more replies.
  15. And which games would those be? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He already told you which games, "Many". That's enough for Volourn to throw a r00fles at and say he won the argument. "
  16. I'm not sure I get your last couple of sentences. Are you saying that the "proof" Revan is female is because they gave you a choice? If so, that's gotta be the most flawed logic ever. If not, then disregard my post.
  17. Let Nur Ab Sal send a voice submission for that part for the padawan. I think he can do it. I really do. :D
  18. Maybe eventually, after they've built a resume of games on their own merit (ie. no more BIS credit games). It'd be interesting to hear Feargus or one of the Chris's comment on whether this is Obsidian's near future goals.
  19. You should work on your sarcasm. You should work on your ability to be a human being.. so whatever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would you two just kiss and make up already? It's an obvious schoolboy/schoolgirl crush going on.
  20. I should probably browse this thread sometime tomorrow. I'm in need of a new game to play.
  21. I tried everything that was recommended on the unofficial/official Bloodlines forum tech help. I just happened to be one of the people who got hosed by Troika going out of business and never being able to make a fix to the stability issues (not just game bugs, but performance type stuff). The ironic thing is I didn't even really encounter any major bugs, not even that game stopper that everyone complained about. Mine was performance and stability issues only.
  22. A crappy one (I suck at listing my comp specs in detail). HOWEVER, I did meet the recommended specs (not required, but recommended). Which should have been enough to run the game properly. But the game ran as poorly as if I didn't even meet the required specs. Please don't say "just buy more RAM" or I'll be forced to castrate you.
  23. You didn't answer my questions. Have you finished all the quests in the Refugee Sector or the Docking Sector? If yes and you still seem to be lacking reputation, then I don't know what to tell you. If no, then why not do those instead of using a cheat code to initialize something?
  24. It got to the point at the end where I had to *gasp* use the cheat code for God mode if I wanted to ever have a chance of beating the bosses since the game would be so choppy that I'd click my mouse button, then literally have to wait 4 or 5 seconds before my character moved, and by that time I'd see my character's health go from full to near zero. This happened whenever there was a lot of NPCs on screen (or a lot of enemies attacking me at once). So in other words, 3/4ths of the game.
  25. I liked Nar Shaddaa. Maybe it was because it was actually a brand new world (as opposed to re-using Dantooine and Korriban), and also because they included a Criminal Organization as a focal bad guy on the planet as opposed to the usual Sith enemies. Some of the quests were tedious, but overall I'd rank Nar Shaddaa up there with possibly Dxun/Onderon as my favorite/second favorite planet.
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