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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. About dismemberment: I don't mind it being added *IF* it doesn't come at the expense of a much more important feature. Don't forget that if we make too many obscure suggestions, if the devs actually implemented some of them they might do so at the expense of something more important than a graphical feature, such as storyline or NPC interaction or enemy AI improvements.
  2. Someone needs to go on a murdering rampage and leave a note that blames it on *not enough* sex and violence in video games.
  3. How complex can these games actually be that can be made with this program?
  4. That seemed to be the consensus on Mistress' Lair when I posted about this.
  5. Seriously? I was on there and I didn't see it.
  6. So in other words he's a nut and his opinion ranks up there with Miss Cleo and Jo Jo the psychic.
  7. I've never understood that term. What exactly is a "tough cookie"? I've seen hard cookies, I've seen stale cookies, I've seen burnt cookies. But a tough one?
  8. So much for me inviting you to play online with me.
  9. That site uses a lot of speculation though, so just because they worded it like that doesn't mean Kreia and Kae are different people.
  10. Aside from missing out on Lightside Mastery bonuses, I don't see how it would.
  11. I didn't find it impossible. It was difficult, but not impossible. Just make sure you use a lot of med pacs. Also, just try to level up as much as possible before triggering the Vrook fight (preferrably after you got your lightsaber built).
  12. Just like BioWare has their "BioWare Wednesdays", or other various sites have their monthly newsletters, what about Obsidian either posting a once-a-month update on current/future projects or anything they deem interesting, or mailing them out in a newsletter for anyone who signed up to receive newsletters by email? At the very least it would keep the fans updated once a month or so on what's going on with Obsidian and make it seem like Obsidian's still in touch with it's fanbase. Good or bad idea?
  13. Ahaha maybe living in the underbrush on Kasshyyk has made Jolee's voice sound like an old lady.
  14. You described me perfectly. All these people are making mods and additions for KOTOR, and I have enough trouble just attaching files to my emails. I wish I could do even a quarter of what these modders do. I'd have made an attempt at creating my own mod by now.
  15. I was hoping for the same thing in TSL when Atton was asking about your original lightsaber. Too bad Atris wouldn't give it back to you. <_<
  16. It's just our luck that Lucasarts decided to listen to the n00bs who wanted phat l00t, uber levels and a rushed game, rather than those of us who wanted a complete game. <_<
  17. Wouldn't Jolee make the perfect "Kreia"? I'm not sure how you'd deal with the female voice, but the characters are similar in that both were veteran Force users who tried to get the PC to *think* about the Force more deeply.
  18. The Darkside or exposure to it causes rapid aging. That could account for why her face looked so old and haggard.
  19. I'd be like Vrook. Old, grouchy and pick on the n00b Jedi.
  20. *starts petition to bring back Darth Launch's art* :D
  21. Me? I didn't keep it. I just messed around the editor and played up til about Taris with the wookiee.
  22. If you'll note the little avatar at the bottom right of the screen, it's not Carth. They just used the editor to make the in game character look like Carth. I did that with K1 where Revan was a Wookkiee.
  23. Can you just imagine just how much more legitimate it would have seemed if it were a tribe of Wookkiees who defeated "an entire legion of the Emperor's best men" rather than a cartoonish band of teddy bears? It would have instantly made RotJ so much better.
  24. Considering that's how they acted in the first place that resulted in Revan, Malak, and other Jedi to go off to war against their wishes, it wouldn't surprise me. The fact they chose NOW to take action and the action they took speaks volumes about just how desperate and panicky they were. They saw Exile as a death to the Force. Was their thought process wrong? Probably. But that doesn't change the fact that their *intent* was the same as was the Jedi Council's intent in K1. That is, to bring peace to the greater good but at the expense of one individual. The thing you seem to miss is the fact that I am NOT saying the K2 Jedi Masters did better than the K1 Council did. I'm saying they both had reasons for what they did. I'm just pointing out the fact that you make it seem either ridiculous or moronic for them to attempt what they did in K2, but was 100% the right thing to do in K1. That's where my contention with how you like to look through rose colored glasses towards a game you like as compared to one you dislike.
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