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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Huh? You're not over Peragus? Then how did you defeat all 3 Sith Lords?
  2. You don't remember events that happened in movies or books after you've seen/read them? For instance, you can't remember the scene with Luke and Darth Vader on Cloud City unless the movie was playing right this minute?
  3. We're nerds. That's what we do.
  4. Well in fairness, Kreia did state that the party members-turned-Jedi were the "real" Lost Jedi. In other words, I think Kreia was acknowledging this fact and clarifying who were the true lost Jedi.
  5. Don't let SilverShadow find out. She'll maul you to play "pazzaak" with her. "
  6. I think he meant "lost" as in the Exile can't find them. Probably should have said hidden Jedi or something.
  7. Are you sure your name isn't Atton Rand?
  8. I think this is a known bug where you can never actually win the race. I don't know for certain though because I never did the swoop racing. Just wasn't my thing.
  9. You'd be the solo guy we stole from and killed. :D Kidding. :darque:
  10. I still say a bunch of us should have started our own guild in NWN and go around stealing loot from other people, killing random solo players.
  11. My other cousin used to be into this game hardcore. We used to make fun of him for his choice of character names like Terminator, Dominator, etc. I don't think he found it as amusing as we did.
  12. Because his power was supposedly from drawing the life (and the Force) off those around him. Since the Exile was a wound in the Force, he couldn't draw power off him. Similarly, since Telos was a dead world, there was nothing but decay and death for Nihilus to draw off Telos, thus making him weaker than if he were in a place surrounded by life and the Force (ie. if he attacked at Korriban with the DS energy, or someplace like Coruscant, he would have been stronger).
  13. Master Kavar hints at him being the Exile's former master (or one of) when you talk to him on Onderon.
  14. We'll see who's more important to Obsidian, me or you. :D *sends mass PMs to the Obsidian devs to make sure they read this thread* "
  15. Sorry, try this one instead. :">
  16. This thread had a discussion about this very topic.
  17. I wasn't sure if it was an Asian template they used. She looked like she could be, but I wasn't sure if it was just a white template with smallish eyes.
  18. Post your ideas here.
  19. Was she supposed to be chinese? I was never 100% positive what her facial feature was supposed to be.
  20. How many levels is the demo?
  21. But that's just it. There's no real Obsidian annoucenments on this board. In fact, most of the interviews, announcements, etc. are on other sites and then posted on here with a link. A monthly newsletter could contain said interviews or announcements so Obsidian fans get this news first, not after every other site on the net, which seems to be the case right now.
  22. The original *looked* nicer, but the rebuilt one gets my vote because it gave you more things to do (ie. sublevels and such).
  23. Soon he'll go after Jade Empire for causing hate crimes to be committed. It'll come out that after some guy played Jade Empire, he killed an Asian guy and Jade Empire was the cause because it enabled him to go around killing Asian looking dudes.
  24. But could you make a game like KOTOR or JE, or even like the IE games?
  25. I just figure one of the recent complaints on this site is that Obsidian seems to be absent from posting like they did during the early stages of KOTOR II development. This way they didn't even have to post on here, since we'd be getting a monthly update anyways. It'd also cut down on the "what other projects does Obsidian have lined up" questions popping up, as well as the "how far along in production are they on [insert game title]" threads.
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