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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I ran in to my first broken quest. I'm supposed to deliver chems to Motor Runner for Diane, but when I click on Motor Runner, no actual dialogue options come up. He just responds with a generic line, like all NPCs you can't interact with do. I'm not sure if this was caused by me already dealing with Motor Runner before I got Diane's quest, or what the deal is. But that quest can't be completed now, since I can't talk to him or give him the shipment. Kind of annoying, too, since I didn't get this quest my first couple of times through. So I was quite happy to see a new quest I hadn't done yet, only to now be stuck in limbo with regards to it.
  2. Would Dragon Age Legends game on Facebook be considered a type of MMO? While on one hand it's played solo, you can add friends' characters to your party (though you control them).
  3. I've seen similar comments about games like KOTOR I and II, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, etc. People swearing they finished the game in 10 to 12 hours. Every single time, it's taken me twice, sometimes three times the length that person insisted they finished it in. We'll see in a week's time, but I'd be absolutely shocked if it only took 10 hours to finish, if you did *every possible quest*. Maybe following the main quest and rushing through the dialogue, but I can't see it being the case if you actually did the majority of the quests available.
  4. *sigh* Demos give you a representation of what gameplay will be like. It'll also give you a broad idea about one or two of the kind of quests you will see. But a demo will also be limited to what those areas open to the demo show you. Depending on which quest or which map the developers have decided to show the public, you may or may not actually be seeing how open the world is, how in-depth the quests are, or how many choices and consequences are actually available to you in the main game. Like in my KOTOR II example, is Peragus' cloistered atmosphere and lack of NPCs to interact with an exact representation of the rest of the game? Snarky responses aside, it is not. After Peragus, the player has more freedom to move about, runs into way, way more NPCs to interact with, etc. But in terms of giving people an idea what the a]gameplay is like and b]an idea of what kind of quests you might see, Peragus would be the kind of level that would be available for the demo. But again, to reiterate, if someone were to base their entire opinion on Peragus as how the rest of the game plays out, they'd be wrong, no?
  5. The point of the demo is to give people a general idea what the gameplay will be like, as well as one or two examples of how the quests might be laid out. But I don't think I've played a single demo that basically was *exactly* like the final end product. Not to mention, you can't base stuff like story, character depth, choice & consequences throughout the game, level design for *all* levels, etc. on a demo. Think of KOTOR II (another Obsidian game). If in the demo they let you play, say, the opening planet, Peragus. You'd come away with the impression that it's pretty lifeless since there isn't really anyone to interact with, and very, very confined since you're basically "trapped" on that station the entire time (until the escape). So if you came away from that demo thinking the entire game would be that lifeless or limiting, you'd end up being completely wrong, since after that the rest of the planets could be visited in any order, and there's a lot more interaction to be had on each of those planets. Which was my point. Some folks are already writing off the entire game, and all its components (ie. how open the quests are and how open the maps are), based on the limited stuff seen in a demo.
  6. On co-op (or is this multiplayer), it's mentioned that a friend can "jump in" in the middle of your game, so the two of you can play together. My question is, can the host prevent this from happening? What if I don't want someone off my friends list joining my game in progress, for whatever reason. Is there a toggle/option where the host has to accept a player's game join before they can jump in?
  7. So I'm replaying FO:NV, this time as a not-so-nice character. I'm tempted to go against NCR right from the get go, but it seems there's going to be way too many potential quests (and story depth) I'll miss if I do this. Is this the case, for anyone who has been a thorn in the NCR's side right from the start?
  8. Are people really basing how the entire game will play on how the demo plays?
  9. Finally got around to downloading the DLC for New Vegas, and just started a new character to play through the game with the DLC.
  10. This is the part I'm most interested in. The other stuff looks fine, but what will make or break the game for me, will be the story/quests.
  11. Can someone give me a rundown of any RPGs (or since the industry seems to be heading this direction, Action-RPGs) that were unveiled at E3 so far? I know of the two BioWare ones (Mass Effect 3 and The Old Republic MMO), but were there any more?
  12. Is the release date for this still considered "sometime in 2011"? Or has an actual date been set?
  13. Was playing a paragon play through of Mass Effect 2, but put it on hold after L.A. Noire came out. I've been playing that for the last few days.
  14. I've been re-playing ME2 in preparation for ME3 (even though it's still another 6 to 9 months away) and came to the conclusion that hopefully ME3 incorporates the good portions from ME1 and ME2, while eliminating the fluff. In ME1, the main quest, while cliche and pretty simplistic, worked for this type of game. But the party interaction wasn't very satisfying, and their characters weren't very fleshed out. In ME2, the main quest was kind of dumb, culminating in that stupid Terminator-esque robot battle at the end. But what ME2 did well, IMO, was the party member quests, from the recruitment of said party members, to their individual loyalty quests. So in general, I'd be more than happy with ME3 if it had something like ME1's main quest combined with ME2's party/side quests.
  15. I've done 7 main story missions so far, and so far the game is fun, but not outstanding. Some of the interviews are a bit annoying, in that I'll watch for visual cues about whether a suspect is lying and it becomes obvious they are, but the clues are so vague I'm not sure whether to click "Doubt" or "Lie" to call them on it. It would be also nice to have a bit more freedom. For instance, in one case I'm waiting on a license plate being run for me, but I can't call into the station to see if it's been done. The option only becomes available after an interview, but I was hoping to have that info in order to use it in the interview. Overall, it's a fun romp. But I think it's a notch below the GTAs and Red Dead Redemption, so far.
  16. While I wait for Dungeon Siege III to be released, I decided to give the Fable series a go. Fable 2 is dirt cheap right now, so I picked it up (not going back to original Fable for the XBox), and I have to say I feel kind of dirty. It's like I'm playing a kid's game. I didn't think the characters would be *this* kid-oriented. While some of the themes are mature (so to speak) like marriage, sex, and what not, the characters and the overall story seem like something out of a young adults novel. It's not bad for what it is, and I'll likely finish it since there's nothing else for me to play right now, but why the heck did it get such rave reviews?
  17. I don't know why Aveline gets so much hate. Apart from her Jay Leno-like chin, she's one of the better written and voiced characters, IMO. Overall though, I preferred the female party members from Origins more.
  18. Two Worlds II ain't bad for a little open world romp. The voice acting is pretty bad, however, as are some of the animations. But I'm not seeing a vast difference between this and Oblivion to see Oblivion score near perfect scores, whereas Two Worlds seems to fall into the average to slightly above average range.
  19. So I bought Two World 2 ... and some of the stuff at the bottom and left of the interface doesn't show up on my TV. For instance, I can't read the descriptions of the weapons I have since they don't fit on screen. I hope this is something that's going to be addressed in any fixes.
  20. What is with stores like Best Buy and Electronics Boutique not carrying copies of games like Risen or Two Worlds? They have used copies, but I prefer new copies.
  21. What would have been awesome for us XBox360 folks is if they gave ME2 DLC free instead. I don't want the PC version of ME2, and I already have the 360 version of it. What I don't have, and what would be more incentive/reward for me buying DA2 would be those DLC I never got around to buying.
  22. Is Two Worlds worth playing? I heard it's similar to Oblivion, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.
  23. Which quests are bugged/need fixing?
  24. Granted, I wasn't expecting anything earth shattering, but I honestly can't remember any differences between playing a "default" game and importing my decisions from one of my Origins games. Other than the , is anything really affected in a noticeable way if you import?
  25. I still can't believe this game didn't get more love. I guess that's what happens when you don't pay off reviewers.
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