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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I'm going to pick this up soon. Between this, Modern Warfare 3, and Batman, as well as continuing my season in NHL11, I'm pretty much finding no time to get all these games in.
  2. Something similar happened to me with Dragon Age 2, with regards to Sebastian Vail's achievements. They weren't registering, so BioWare fixed it, but it also involved having to re-earn those achievements again. I'm not sure if recovering gamertags worked for this issue or not. I just ended up replaying the game a second time and unlocked them that way.
  3. Worth the purchase? I'm playing a season of NHL11, and I'm not sure I want to pay full price for roster updates.
  4. "Enchantment? ENCHANTMENT!" Oops. Wrong game.
  5. I'm up to game 42 of my NHL season in NHL11. At this point, I think I'm going to hold off on NHL12 until either a price drop or until I'm done a couple of full seasons of NHL11. Whichever comes first.
  6. That may well be, but at least it allows you to stab Morrigan in the gut, while in Origins your character is forced to stand around like a retard in a cutscene while the bitch slowly walks out of the room. Watch how you talk about the mother of my God-baby!
  7. Finally beat it this afternoon. I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't able to at the end of the game. Jensen says something about "we're still going to talk about this", but they never do. At least not in the ending I got. I might give it another go, to see what I missed and to try different options during the instances when the player had a choice.
  8. Since it's not incorporated into the main story, I think I'll pass.
  9. I'll give it another go some other time. I think what frustrated me is the jump in difficulty between boss fights and the normal bad guys. I know all games make boss fights harder, no question. But this game seems to go from absolute breeze to challenge, with a significant gap in between.
  10. I gave it another try today, but got frustrated with the boss fight against . I was dumb enough to so now the fight is just too frustrating.
  11. They also did Arrival for ME2. Yes, they're going to do it. Arrival, while flawed, at least looks like it will make sense as a bridge between ME2 and ME3. It seems to set up the events of the next game quite clearly. Witchhunt was terrible in both regards to actual content, and how it did not bridge the gap between Origins and DA2. If DA2 has a "gap bridging" DLC before DA3, I hope it's more like Arrival than Witchhunt.
  12. I've kind of lost interest in finishing this game. I thought it started off really good, but the story kind of became blah as it went along. I also don't see any of my choices actually having any effect on the story or world. At least not so far, unless at the very end everything I did determines some kind of outcome.
  13. Decided to start up a new season of NHL11 using Pittsburgh. Despite the fact Crosby's got better ratings, I seem to have so much more success with Malkin. He's an absolute beast with that reach. It's early, but through 5 games Crosby has a respectable 6 points, but Malkin's tearing the league a new one with 13 points, including 9 goals. Just seems like every time Malkin shoots the puck, it goes in.
  14. I've only found two traders in China (where I currently am). The dude in the hotel lobby and the LIMB building. Neither sells the computer hacking software.
  15. Where the heck can you buy more of those stop and nuke software things to slow down the hacking? I'm out, and I cannot finish this current quest because the timer just goes down too fast for me to possibly finish without using those things.
  16. I'm not defending it, per se. I'm defending (for lack of a better word) the notion that somehow game length has any bearing on the quality of the game, RPG or not. If your issue is the content, then I've already said that's more than valid. But you seemed to stress how long it took you to finish, as though that short game length in itself explained the lack of content that you felt was missing. So I took that to mean you were suggesting that it being short was the reason it was lacking. In which case I disagree. Short games can have much more, and much better content than longer games, and vice versa.
  17. Pretty good stuff. I think I'm going to start up another game of AP after I'm done with Deus Ex.
  18. I downloaded Shivering Isles, but I gave up on it literally right after beginning it. I don't know what it was. Maybe I was just all Obliviond out. I never got around to finishing it.
  19. The problem I've always had with people who say that how long the game is should determine the price tag, is they ignore the fact that games that are in a genre other than RPG tend to be much shorter than even the shortest RPG. It's one thing if you're disappointed with the overall content or features or what have you. But if you're judging a game's worth by how long it takes to finish, then most action/adventure/shooter games are likely to be on your hate list as well since those tend to be a heck of a lot shorter than DS3.
  20. Deus Ex, baby!
  21. I'm glad it's an actual story-esque DLC, rather than just an item pack DLC. I'll definitely be picking it up now. So does this mean Square Enix is happy enough with the sales of DS3 if they gave the green light for a DLC?
  22. So I caved and bought it ... Anyway, this might be a dumb question, but where do you find a list of open sidequests? I'm right near the beginning and got one about interviewing someone and see it listed in my log page, but I'm worried that once I've found a whole bunch of eBooks and whatnot, that e-mail will be impossible to find. The only quests that seems to have a dedicated page is the primary quest.
  23. I'd rather Obsidian spend their time and effort on creating Dungeon Siege IV, and improving upon the weak points of DS3, rather than go back and remake games from the past.
  24. Maybe the concept artist has a thing for chicks with a lazy eye?
  25. She almost looks as though she's caught Ashley's lazy-eye syndrome.
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