I got Beast Confusion once when I was a consular. It only happned once, it's quite weird.
But yeah I'd say kill them. If I was a sith lord, I'd do it, joyingly.
The scene I hated is the aftermath of Mace's death. Anakin goes "What have I done?!" then a second later he knelt before sidious. Didn't make any sense.
Male Revan is a very good example of how love can not be dangerous for jedi. Unlike Anakin who had a young and open mind.
The jedi who don't want to love are the ones that are arrogant. If they keep trying to bottle up their emotions then sooner or later their emotions would be to hard to control anymore and that would result in their fall to the dark side.
If theres one thing that hasn't been drawn lately is the male exile. I'd like to see one where the handmaiden and Visas are having a tug-o-war over the exile.
I loved that one from your site, Aimo. Either Mandalore is being a guardian or he just wants some lovin from the exile too?
I also love that Handmaiden pic. (w00t)
Random Sith Lord: Brrraiiinnssss *trys to draw saber, but his arm falls off*
Random Sith Lord: Awww crrraaaaaappp
*Random Jedi dude touches the Sith Lord with 1 finger and the sith lord's body falls apart*
What I like to believe was that Revan let the Star Forge corrupt his mind, cause he felt responsible for all the Jedi that lost their lives on Malachor.