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Everything posted by Ioini

  1. I agree with Master Dahvernas said. Obsidian is mixing Star Wars with reality is a bad combination. Ever notice with Zez-Kai Ell? When on Nar Shaddaa he said he agreed what I did before my Exile, and on Dantoonie he just all of a sudden turns against me? I don't really get that at all.
  2. Ultimate Doom and Doom II. Those games got me into the gaming world in the first place.
  3. In my games, I always find a bunch of cyan and red crystals. <_<
  4. He was easy, just keep casting Stastic on him, keep pounding on him and he's done.
  5. The Kreia boss battle at the very end was the hardest for me. She always had more health then I did. And controlling Mira in Nar Shaddaa, the Ubsese just drain my health like it was nothing...
  6. Sometimes when I'm a guardian and I made Bao-Dur into a Guardian. When I attack an enemy he sometimes slides over to the enemy. It's quite weird and it happens frequently. Please elaborate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. However, I'm getting a strange attraction to Master Vash. Her voice sounds seductive. I like it. (w00t)
  8. Or you can just get Destroy Droid. I did find Malak hard, until I found out that you can use Destroy Droid on the imprisoned Jedi. I just casted Master Valor and Master Speed and I saw his health go down very quickly. Kriea was uber hard with a LS Consular/Master, if you level your Consular/Master properly, just cast Force Immunity, Master Valor and Master Speed and your good to go against Kriea.
  9. After I "jedified" him, the only option I had was "Never mind". Quite stupid if you ask me.
  10. So how do you feel about Onderon, Matadore?
  11. Her padawan was a male twilek and he fell to the dark side when he died, because he greatly feared Sion and his assassins.
  12. Sergio is moving some files around and putting up with several idiots that are spamming his email.
  13. I got a Vash mod that lets you talk to Vash, and she explains when Kaah (her padawan) fell to the dark side through fear, he could no longer feel their bond anymore. So when a master or padawan fell to the dark side, the master or padawan could sense that the bond is broken.
  14. The Restoration Project will restore some of those buggy quests and cutscenes and it will make it as good as the first one.
  15. I just wish their were prestige classes for Neurtal Jedi characters. That would've been great. Or it might be a great idea for a mod.
  16. Heh, I realized what I did. I didn't extract the "Kor" module files in the module folder and instead I extracted to the override folder. Now it works fine.
  17. I need some help trying to get the Lonna Vash mod to work right and apperently it isn't. First I select my party members and then, theres nothing theres just a black screen I can move my cursor around on the blank screen and thats pretty much it. I don't know how much mods I got in my override folder but as far as I know the mod didn't overwrite any of the files once I extracted the files.
  18. Artis or Kreia facing all of the lost jedi party members and all of the surviving masters. The Jedi Masters would be weakened from Kreia's uber-drain life attack. But they have not lost their lightsaber abilites. I would've loved to see that in-game.
  19. I forgot about that line. Heh. Thanks Calax.
  20. Exile: Nal Hutta? Whats that? Atton: Lot's of swamp and bloated gas, it's where the hutts reach out and grab parts of the galaxy. We can't go there, if you can stand washing out your clothes for the next few years. Exile: Well if we had a god damn bathtub and a shower in this ship, I would! Bao-Dur: General, do you know how hard it is to fit it in this ship?! Handmaiden: And plus, i'm starting to smell like a decaying corpse. Exile: I think all of us do, Handmaiden. As a matter of fact, I'm convincing a certain female rodian to sell hygenic products on Onderon.
  21. He shows her his um, privates to her. MOVING ON! Exile: Let's spar handmaiden. Handmaiden: Ok. *They spar for fifthteen minutes* Exile: Nice underwear! *Handmaiden punches him in the face* Exile: OW! What was that for? Handmaiden: Distractions can get you killed, which was the prime example right there.
  22. Handmaiden: Hey Exile! I want to spar with you! Visas: Hey Exile! I want to look upon you once more. Mira: Exile! I want to talk with you! Male Exile: *Puts his head under the pillow* This is not what I had in mind for an alarm clock.
  23. Which is the best program ever! When I get special crystals from the mods I got, I don't have to figure out the code to get them I can find in the items menu and press that magic button.
  24. K1 Male: Ioini Everson (My masked Revan character plus I made Ioini up on the fly.) K1 Female: Winter Sanis (I scrolled through the random names till I saw this one and I liked it) K2 Male: Janus Nightrider (I looked at the shaved head character for a while and he looked kind of polish so I gave him his first name Janus and I took Skywalker and thought of the complete opposite and Nightrider is what I got. Pretty neat.) K2 Female: Sonya Aereas (I thought of a random girl name and Sonya popped up, and plus I made up her last name too.) These are all Lightsided characters because the DS Story for both games is quite stupid.
  25. To me both are LS/Male, it makes alot of sense. LS Male Revan has a better story then LS Female Revan, mostly because of the better romance. Same with LS Male Exile, he has a better choice then Female Exile's choice. It's not really a romance it's just subtle romance.
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