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Everything posted by Ioini

  1. I am the peacekeeper, the nice guy, and plus gets all the ladies. LS is where it's at. DS is for gothic people, sociopaths, and just plain psychopaths. Or just bullie's in school. Usually, they don't get laid, as much as LS people do.
  2. PCs always rule. Always has been.
  3. I got some cool Bao-Dur armor that lets him use force powers. It's SuperSquall's Prestige Padawans, I think. But if you got the X-Box version, I'm sorry man.
  4. Can't wait for it to come out. How many months have they worked on it now? Geez. I use the USM Mod too, reason: got tired of seeing that boring, dull white hilt all the time.
  5. The DS Guardian boost is pretty cool, but some sith classes are broken not unbeliveably powerful but broken. It's just my opinion but LS classes are pretty good in their own right.
  6. I like being LS all the time, because it's fun and challenging as a Consular/Master. Sometimes I like to mix it up with Guardian/Master or Consular/Weapon Master. Those builds are bad ass.
  7. I'm betting your some sort of sociopath? Carth: I don't like to be left out of the loop, I want to know what the council told you in that meeting. Revan: Aww, poor baby, need feeling in some details?
  8. Revan: Is there something wrong? Bastila: Really? How can you tell? Revan: Well your face is scrunched up like a kinwrath pup. I forget what Bastila saids afterwards, haven't played KOTOR in a while. To busy with a certain free MMORPG.
  9. I got one of those circular Sony MP3 players, I have 107 songs on it, and theres still room left to put more songs on it lol. It's cause the program I use that came with the MP3 player, SonicStage. It converts the mp3 format to a special encoderl, so the song takes up less space. I'm a song freak, without music, I'd probably end up in a mental institution.
  10. Handmaiden: Obviously he's mine, he is seeing me everyday. Visas: Hey, he came to my quarters last night! Mira: I dunno what you two are talking about, I caught him, he's mine. He's been seeing me more then the both of you. *Exile comes in and hugs Mira from behind and lays his head on Mira's shoulder.* Exile: It's true ladies and plus we have a long term relationship. Ta-Ta! *Exile and Mira walk to the dorm room* *Atton comes in* Atton: Sooo... Handmaiden and Visas: Don't get any ideas Atton. Atton: Woah, woah ok!
  11. Everytime I see a brunettee with two little pig tails, I call them Bastila by accident. Then the girl says: "Who the hell is Bastila?" "I don't know. :">"
  12. Everytime I hear him whining, I could just see the milk bottle appear at the side of his mouth.
  13. I wish it did. I think i'll try adding the line in the swkotor2.ini see if that does anything.
  14. Well if you have a bunch of SP character mods it adds a lot of replay value to it. MP is what I play the most though. But on-topic though, Gungans have the worst grammar alive.
  15. He does in a way...but he does not have any sort of bondage stuff strapped to him.
  16. If you want theres a code in the swkotor.ini or swkotor2.ini file theres a line that saids "EnableGUI=1" this means that the HUD that appears in a regular kotor game will be gone completely from the screenshot. Like for example this screenshot: http://www.crimsonkeep.com/kotor2/albums/u...OR0000a%7E0.jpg The shot looks way better without the HUD in the way. I'm way to passionate about this stuff....
  17. Isn't there anything that doesn't lead to the Dark Side? That's what I hate about the Dark Side. Plus LS your nothing but an emotionless robot, repeating the reptivite Jedi code over and over again. Grey Jedi is the way to go if I was a force sensitive. I'll take neurtal over LS anyday.
  18. Favorite Story Wise: Bastila no question. Party Wise: Jolee
  19. Hmmm... I think I can counteract that. One night stand: Handmaiden Long Term Relationship: Mira Sexiest Voice: Visas (Kelly hu *drool*) Looks best in the black Jedi robe: Handmaiden Looks best in her underwear: Handmaiden no question. I wonder if Mira in the dancer outfit counts...
  20. Force Enlightenment + Master Flurry = Death
  21. He was like a secondary T3/w a lab station and with Jedi powers to me. He was pretty useful, but way to gullible and annoying while fighting. "You've left me an opening!" - Self Explanitory "Everyone on my guard!" - Was he trying to be a leader? lol "Open!" - The way he says it... The Handmaiden is alright, it's just that she needs to get rid of that non-feminie haircut.
  22. I bet some of you female kotor players would hope to spar with Disciple and teach you battle precongtion.
  23. You are really thick headed. <_<
  24. To me it's a tie, Handmaiden is the best unarmed fighter but Disciple is like a portable lab station and is the best at close combat. The only issue with Disciple is that when you jedify him, he becomes a Jedi Consular when he is a Soilder. So I'll say Handmaiden.
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