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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. you have to keep beating him until he lets to try for armor-upgrades.
  2. wha? that's screwing with the entire history of the yuuzhan-vong. they are from a different galaxy for pete's sake.
  3. they don't show up because of their possibilities of dieing by your hand. (yes, I realize bastila shows up even though you can kill her <_< )
  4. yeah, the best part of splinter cell was the stealth thing and a lot of that seems to be gone. I do like the whole light/dark side feel they have going on though. It bugged me that they killed of Sarah though.
  5. ha, I remember that from somewhere, but where?edit: nevermind, remembered.
  6. black holes are stars that collapsed in on themselves and became so dense they turned into black holes or somesuch.
  7. die!..... oh, oh yeah! yeah, baby, yeah!
  8. heh, that makes me think the most naughty things. :">
  9. make sure that you get a new motherboard that supports that cpu socket as well.
  10. sad that even the box is wrong.
  11. still makes me laugh though. anybody found a good kotor 2 parody? I found one but it was painful to read. Sounded like a little kid wrote it(probably did)
  12. cheating doesn't screw it up. inability to use it correctly does.
  13. interesting, never heard one where he/she doesn't finish the planet the first time. I always do Dantooine for the personal crystal, Nar Shadaa for HK-47, Dxun + Onderon, and Korriban last for obvious reasons.
  14. they were all very easy to me. I really liked Manaan and Onderon.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Airlines_Flight_924 more info on this at wikipedia.
  16. wtf!!! I get mostly women. lets see. Meg Ryan 56% River Phoenix 52% Sean Astin 44% Hillary Duff 43% Aung San Suu Kyi 42% Gwyneth Paltrow 41% Sharon Stone 41% Elvis Presley 40% Lucy Liu 39% Marion Jones 39% ....this makes me sad
  17. I find it to be the exact opposite. that's not a bad thing as I like the game very much.
  18. you can't shut them down. It's supposed to be that way.
  19. hahaha the hungry guard story is a prime example. a guard gets hungry so he steals some food, another guard comes along and attacks him. Some of their attacks hit innocent bystanders and more guards come along trying to arrest them. Soon everybody's trying to arrest everybody and attacking everybody and some people are going around stealing. Another one is there is a man with a rake and a man with a hoe. The devs switch the items around and one guy kills the other guy for his tool back!
  20. actually, it is better IMO in quality but yeah it's still 640x480 unless your monitor supports 1600x1200
  21. heh, still no love for the blaster attacks.
  22. visas is hawt and has a nice personality but... I like eyes, I'm sorry.
  23. the person goto is merely a hologram. goto the droid is it.
  24. female twi'leks!
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