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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. I'd like to point out that the second patch, at least for north american versions, corrupts the manual so you can't use it.
  2. I don't know about that, but there was that one locker on the Ravager with "Dopefish Lives" scrawled on the inside of the door. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really? which one? I never payed attention to the lockers. can you get a screenshot?
  3. except your characters saying it's hard to read you and getting the benefits of a grey pc crystal and being able to wear bindo's robe, no.
  4. I've heard of that before. you just have to reload from an earlier save.
  5. then go there and check. and mr republic dies at the hands of dsf revan if you follow through with the romance so it wouldn't matter anyways. :D
  6. Thank you. Well, at least I did receive 2 lightsabers before I got the bug. I guess you just have to be lucky. It was only after I performed the Hssiss's glitch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you could always duplicate lightsabers
  7. he wasn't green.
  8. the fact is that obi-wan, luke, and darth vader didn't know anybody on alderaan. you have to know the person to form bonds with them.
  9. you only need to equip her with clothes, you don't have to do a melee weapon, I use a lightsaber.
  10. meh, I kill lootra and then let the guards kill aaida. 2500xp wewt!
  11. it's all random whether they will show up or not. there is a fix that is supposed to make them show up all the time but what I do is right when I see the criminals in czerka's office, I go tell grenn that I killed them.
  12. Correct - but with your "average" fully upgraded saber (before crytstals) doing 9-39 points of damage already (up to 11-57 with regular crystals, and up to 20-60 with your name crystal), the added bonus of exceptionally high STR is kind of over kill. I guess it really comes down to ... would you rather have a PC with: - awesome defense and attack, but average damage (Finesse + DEX focus) - awesome attack and damage, but average defense (STR focus) - or - - above average defense, attack, and damage (balance between STR and DEX) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it doesn't matter. they'd all pwn because of the pathetic enemies k2 has to offer. although my last build was the second option. still, he was quite powerful. 51-100 damage on that lightsaber with criticals spiking upwards of 200.
  13. But she would've had to been a bit older than a child. Because the Mandalorian Wars were supposedly 6 years ago? That means if she was like 8, 9, 10, or 11 ("child" ages) she would be like, at the most, 17 or 18. I've always pictured the Exile as like 25-30 because six year back they'd've been like 19-24. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *cough* the end of the mandalorian wars ended ten years ago.
  14. yeah, sometimes they wear it and sometimes they don't. force masks use the same look as the shield masks and the arkanian blinders, so it could be those rather than the force masks. also, the force in force masks doesn't mean non force-sensitives can't wear them, it means that it protects against the force to a degree.
  15. you can't unless you use that fix or fix it yourself.
  16. Not really, they commited their "offences" at different times. Jolee during the TotJ era, where the Jedi were more liberal with things like love and marriage - I mean Andur was married to Nomi. Generally, it's believed that the "Thou shalt not marry/thou shalt not love" stuff came into affect sometime after the Sith War. No doubt these sorts of changes had yet to come into affect when Jolee was tried. As the younger masters (Vrook - ha, imagine young Vrook!) superceded these old masters, they brought their own more "right-wing" opinions, having been knights seeing comrades fall during the Sith War, often due to emotions like love- thus the Jedi Order became more rigid and unforgiving of such crimes. That's the stance I take on it anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nomi only undertook jedi training when her husband died.
  17. thats annoying writing in Z replacing S <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's the point.
  18. hahahaha. I had something similar to that where vrook was attacking an invisible force and I could hear vrook grunt as he was getting shot. come to think of it. he was doing that in the area where suulru is except that suulru wasn't there.
  19. You need to have Bao-Dur when finding these sensors though. And what "black dude" are you talking about, the one that wants these sensors? PS. Moved to spoilers section... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, that guy. I never remember his name.
  20. I always do dantooine first and I usually immediately fight visas for a lightsaber part.
  21. yeah, I think it's a glitch. you don't even need to go and increase your skills you just talk to her again after having that conversation.
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